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File metadata and controls

230 lines (173 loc) · 9.67 KB

Example Use Case

The example use case starts two connectors with the edc4aas extension and the client extension. The first connector is a provider of an AAS model and the second connector is an example consumer which wants to retrieve data from the provider.

The example has the following structure:

  • configurations: contains configuration files for the provider and consumer connector
  • resources: contains two example AAS files ('aas_v3_example_full_aas4j.json' and 'aas_model_v3.aasx') and an example config file ('exampleConfig.json') for the used AAS service (FA³ST). Additionally, there is a postman collection which can be used for requesting the consumer connector. Lastly, there is a JSON with accepted contract offers for the client connector and a keystore for HTTPS use-cases
  • build.gradle.kts: build file for an EDC with the edc-extension4aas. Can be used as a launcher for a ready to use EDC. Connectors can be started using the concept of "launchers", which are essentially compositions of Java modules defined as gradle build files. - EDC readme.
  • Debugging and quick testing of changes via ./gradlew run --debug-jvm command
  • docker-compose.yml, Dockerfile: Docker files
  • This file

Getting Started

First, the extension and the connector is built via the following command:

cd /EDC-Extension-for-AAS
./gradlew clean build

The following command starts an EDC connector with the EDC AAS Extension with a configuration file:

java -Dedc.fs.config=./example/configurations/ -jar ./example/build/libs/dataspace-connector.jar

In case using PowerShell the -D parameter needs to be encapsulated with ":

java "-Dedc.fs.config=./example/configurations/" -jar ./example/build/libs/dataspace-connector.jar

Alternative: docker & docker-compose

You can directly start a provider and consumer EDC with the AAS extension built-in with docker-compose:

  1. Go to example folder: cd example
  2. docker compose up (Alternatively: docker-compose up)

If you prefer to build a docker image, it can be built after building the extension as seen above:

  1. Go to example folder: cd example
  2. Create docker image: docker build -t edc-extension4aas:latest .
  3. Run with docker run -i -v $PWD/configurations:/configurations/ -v $PWD/resources:/resources/ -e EDC_FS_CONFIG=/configurations/ edc-extension4aas:latest

This docker image can be run individually or from the docker-compose file.

When using Docker, the pre-defined variables in the Postman Collection for the provider should be changed from " localhost" to "provider", i.e. http://provider:8282/dsp instead of http://localhost:8282/dsp

Additionally, new AASX or JSON model files should be placed in the resources folder beforehand, since the docker container does not have access to your local files.


The EDC and its extensions can be configured with a .properties file. In example/resources/configurations there are a few examples of configurations.

For a list of config values provided by the extension, check the Extension's README.

A few basic EDC config values:

  • web.http.port: Port and path for e.g., this extension's SelfDescription or Client API.
  • web.http.path: The default path prefix under which endpoints are available.
  • web.http.protocol.port: The port on which DSP endpoints are available.
  • web.http.protocol.path: The path prefix under which DSP endpoints are available.
  • edc.dsp.callback.address: Set this to the address at which another connector can reach your connector, as it is used as a callback address during the contract negotiation, where messages are exchanged asynchronously. If you change the protocol port/path, make sure to adjust the webhook address accordingly.
  • edc.api.auth.key: Value of the header used for authentication when calling endpoints of the data management API.

An example configuration for a ready to use EDC with the edc-extension4AAS and dsp:

edc.aas.exposeSelfDescription = true

web.http.protocol.port = 9292
web.http.protocol.path = /dsp

# x-api-key

Usage of the client's automated contract negotiation and data transfer interfaces

Build the EDC with the extensions.

cd /EDC-Extension-for-AAS
./gradlew clean build

Start the provider connector:

java -Dedc.fs.config=./example/configurations/ -jar ./example/build/libs/dataspace-connector.jar

Start the consumer connector:

java -Dedc.fs.config=./example/configurations/ -jar ./example/build/libs/dataspace-connector.jar

Starting the data transfer from provider to consumer

There is a postman collection located in /examples/resources that contains the necessary http requests. Complete the following steps:

  1. Call the provider's self-description (postman: EDC4AAS/Self Description or http://localhost:8281/api/selfDescription in your browser) and choose an element you want to transfer. Put its id as a variable in the postman collection's variables section ("current value"). Below is an example of a submodel element within a self-description (details omitted).
  "id": "1987065423",
  "properties": {"some":"properties"},
    "idShort": "ExampleProperty",
    "description": [{"some":"descriptions"}],
    "": "1987065423",
    "": "application/json"

Option a: Fully automated


  • If the (consumer's) config value edc.client.acceptAllProviderOffers is set to true: This command will fetch a provider policy for the selected asset and accept it as is. If no policies exist for this asset, no negotiation will take place.

  • If the (consumer's) config value edc.client.acceptAllProviderOffers is set to false (default): This command will request the provider's offered policy for the asset and check it against its own accepted policyDefinitions by comparing the permissions, prohibitions and obligations of both the provider's policyDefinition and the ones in the policyDefinitionStore. The assetID or other IDs must not be equal for the policyDefinitions to match. Initially, this store is empty and can be filled up by the request Client/Add accepted policyDefinition (tip: with the request EDC API/GET catalog, policyDefinitions for all assets of the provider can be viewed and added to the consumer connector).

  1. Execute the request Client/Automated Negotiation. The consumer connector will now try to negotiate a contract with the provider to get the data of the selected asset. Optionally, you can provide a target address via the request body. This must be a JSON representation of an EDC DataAddress like for example an AasDataAddress:

       "type": "AasData",
       "properties": {
           "aasProvider": {
              "aasAccessUrl": "https://my-aas:1234/api/v3.0"
           "path": "submodels/xyz/submodel-elements/a.b.c",
           "method": "PATCH",
           "header:x-api-key": "password"
  2. If everything went right, the response should already be the data behind the asset id you selected (in case of DataAddress, the data should be at the target address).

Option b: Separate requests

  1. Execute the request Client/1. Get dataset for asset This will return the provider offer for this asset. Copy the full response for the next step.

  2. Paste the response inside of request Client/2. Initiate negotiation with contractOffer's body ("contractOffer" field, as can be seen in the screenshot) and execute said request.

  3. If everything succeeded, request 2 returns an agreementID. Update the postman collection's "agreement-id" variable using the response value.

  4. Execute request 3. Get data for agreement id and asset id. If again everything went right, the response should be the data behind the previously selected asset. Here, you can also provide a DataAddress like in step 1 of the fully automated tutorial.

HTTPS connector configuration files

Even though '' and '' are valid connectors on their own, they cannot communicate with each other since they both use self-signed TLS certificates. Those certificates are not allowed when communicating with another connector, so data transfer will not be possible.

Debugging the extension

With the gradle goal run and the additional flag --debug-jvm, the extension can be debugged while running within the example launcher (or any other launcher). A configuration file can be provided by creating a file named in the same folder as the build.gradle.kts file of the launcher (e.g., ./example/ After executing the gradle run goal, attach to the debugger with your IDE. The following snippet is an example launch.json file to attach to a debugger in vscode running on port 5005:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "type": "java",
      "name": "Attach to debugger at port 5005",
      "request": "attach",
      "hostName": "localhost",
      "port": "5005"

Debugging TL;DR

  1. ./gradlew :example:run --debug-jvm

  2. Attach to debugger at exposed port (see console logs)