- Prometheus integration
- Renamed function/macro forever(rb)/@forever to wait(rb)/@wait
- macro
is superseded byRembus.request_timeout!(newval)
Componenent multiplexing.
Internals refatoring and bug fixes.
Improve server api.
Improve message persistence logic.
Configurable authenticated and anonymous connection modes.
#32 Update for julia 1.11.
HTTP api (GET for RPC, POST for Pub/Sub).
Fault-tolerant api: component(name) and api methods that talk to supervised task.
Broker to broker routing (WebSocket only, experimental).
rpc_future() and fetch_response(): APIs for asynchronous RPC.
- Add publish_interceptor method for extract and transform published messages.
#4 Improve connection error logs .
#5 Guarantee ordered by time delivery of published messages.
Optimization: partial CBOR encode/decoding of messages at broker side.
Full test coverage.
- First Release.