-- Enable the pgvector extension to work with embedding vectors create extension vector;
-- Create a table to store your documents create table rules ( id uuid primary key, content text, -- corresponds to Document.pageContent metadata jsonb, -- corresponds to Document.metadata embedding vector(1536) -- 1536 works for OpenAI embeddings, change if needed );
-- Create a function to similarity search for documents create function match_rules ( query_embedding vector(1536), match_count int, filter jsonb DEFAULT '{}' ) returns table ( id uuid, content text, metadata jsonb, similarity float ) language plpgsql as $$ #variable_conflict use_column begin return query select id, content, metadata, 1 - (rules.embedding <=> query_embedding) as similarity from rules where metadata @> filter order by rules.embedding <=> query_embedding limit match_count; end; $$;
-- Create a function to keyword search for documents create function kw_match_rules(query_text text, match_count int) returns table (id uuid, content text, metadata jsonb, similarity real) as $$
return query execute
format('select id, content, metadata, ts_rank(to_tsvector(content), plainto_tsquery($1)) as similarity
from rules
where to_tsvector(content) @@ plainto_tsquery($1)
order by similarity desc
-- Create a table to store your documents create table cards ( id uuid primary key, content text, -- corresponds to Document.pageContent metadata jsonb, -- corresponds to Document.metadata embedding vector(1536) -- 1536 works for OpenAI embeddings, change if needed );
-- Create a function to similarity search for documents create function match_cards ( query_embedding vector(1536), match_count int, filter jsonb DEFAULT '{}' ) returns table ( id uuid, content text, metadata jsonb, similarity float ) language plpgsql as $$ #variable_conflict use_column begin return query select id, content, metadata, 1 - (cards.embedding <=> query_embedding) as similarity from cards where metadata @> filter order by cards.embedding <=> query_embedding limit match_count; end; $$;
-- Create a function to keyword search for documents create function kw_match_cards(query_text text, match_count int) returns table (id uuid, content text, metadata jsonb, similarity real) as $$
return query execute
format('select id, content, metadata, ts_rank(to_tsvector(content), plainto_tsquery($1)) as similarity
from cards
where to_tsvector(content) @@ plainto_tsquery($1)
order by similarity desc