Guidelines for how to make a code contribution to the Web Components package
Thank you for your contribution to Carbon for! Below are guidelines on what some of the things we would be looking for as part of your contribution.
- Fork this repository and clone it
yarn install
yarn build
cd packages/web-components
yarn storybook
We try to have any contributions to the library to live in their corresponding package(s). The main packages to look out for when contributing a Web Component:
- Styles: (@carbon/ibmdotcom-styles)
All styles should live in the styles package in the monorepo. This way, the
styles can be shared with any other framework package (e.g. web components).
In addition, the way that web components utilize styles requires that there
isn't a heavy amount of nesting happening in the
code. - Services: (@carbon/ibmdotcom-services)
If your component makes any API requests to a service that does not currently
exist yet in our Services package, you can add in a new ES6 service class in
this package. If you need to test across multiple packages, you can make use of
yarn link.
Be sure to properly export the class from the main
. - Utilities: (@carbon/ibmdotcom-utilities)
Similar to (Services),
any abstract utilities can be added to the Utilities package as an ES6 class or
function. Be sure to properly export the class or function from the main
It is important that the component includes full documentation using JSDoc
standards. Our codebase uses web-component-analyzer
to output the
for rendering the prop tables in our Storybook Docs for
each component. When documenting, be sure to capture:
- Element name and description
- Documenting slots and attributes
- Default values and allowed values
Every component must include stable selectors
as part of the overall markup, identifying any key elements that would be useful
to have the ability to identify in a DOM search. At minimum, there should be at
least a container level stable selector defined, and all should use the cds--
prefix identified from the utilities package.
Our codebase provides a StableSelectorMixin
, which is used for automatically
setting the data-autoid
based on the custom element name for the wrapper
class C4DMyComponent extends StableSelectorMixin(LitElement) {
render() {
return html`
static styles = styles;
} // => <c4d-my-component data-autoid="c4d--my-component"></c4d-my-component>
If this is a new component or enhancement, we would require that it is introduced into Carbon for behind a feature flag.
You can read full details on how to create and implement a feature flag here.
If introducing any new environment variables (e.g. feature flags), be sure to
also update the .env.example
file at the root of the Web Components package
folder. The example should include a good description of what the environment
variable does.
In storybook, we are looking for the following criteria:
- Blend of configurable knobs to multiple sub-stories that capture full functionality and features. When it makes sense, break down to multiple stories so that our automated visual regression tool (Percy) can automatically capture in its snapshot suite rather than creating multiple knobs.
- Knob labels include the actual prop name in parenthesis
) with clear instructions for any Carbon for user to get started right away. This would include:- Which import(s) to include
- How to implement in a sample application (multiple examples if necessary)
- Environment variable description and implementation details (if introducing a new component)
- Prop table
- Stable Selectors table
- Contributing snippet (imported from root docs)
Our team looks to include a minimum of 80% unit test coverage. One of the
features that we have included is automated snapshot testing, which will
auto-generate snapshot tests based on existing storybook stories.
While this gives automatic coverage right off the bat, additional unit tests
may be required to get over the 80% goal. All component level tests must live
in the component folder under a sub-folder __tests__
. The file name structure
should be my-component.test.js
. Be sure to include any mock data (if necessary)
in a data
subfolder under __tests__
All commands below should be run at packages/web-components
To view a coverage report (and run the test suite), you can run:
yarn test:unit
This will generate a coverage
folder under the package level tests
which includes what the current coverage amount is, and which line(s) are
missing any coverage.
To update the snapshot file, run the following:
yarn test:unit:updateSnapshot
or the more directed command:
gulp test:unit --update-snapshot
To run a specific test spec:
> gulp test:unit -s src/components/link-with-icon/__tests__/link-with-icon.test.ts
To choose a specific browser (instead of Headless Chrome):
> gulp test:unit -b Firefox
You can keep the browser after the test (and re-run the test when files change) by:
> gulp test:unit -b Chrome -k
To disable the coverage instrumentation code from being generated:
> gulp test:unit -d
Above options can be used together. This is useful to debug your code as you test:
> gulp test:unit -s src/components/link-with-icon/__tests__/link-with-icon.test.ts -b Chrome -d -k