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139 lines (104 loc) · 2.98 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (104 loc) · 2.98 KB


JSON-powered logging for Cantina applications. Extends jog with some Cantina-specific functionality.


Setting up your app:

var app = require('cantina').createApp();

app.boot(function (err) {

  // Load the logging plugin.

  // Load the rest of your plugins.


Start logging...

// Perferred logging method:
app.log('type', {
  // data

// console.log-style logging.
app.log('My message with %s tokens in it', 'some');

// dump an object.
app.log({my: 'data'});

// Use levels:'type', { /* data */ });
app.log.debug('type', { /* data */ });
app.log.warn('type', { /* data */ });
app.log.error('type', { /* data */ });


The following configuration (defaults shown) is supported.

  log: {
    trace: true,
    req: {
      enable: true,
      exclude: /(\.js$)|(\.css$)|(\/images.*)|(favicon.ico)|(\.hbs$)/
  • trace - Adds file and line number to all log entries. Should be turned OFF in production.
  • req
    • enable - Adds middleware that logs all requests.
    • exclude - A regular expression identifying paths to exclude from the logs.

Overriding console

  • app.log.replaceConsole() - Override console's logging methods with app.log variants.
  • app.log.restoreConsole() - Restore console to its orginal state.

Using a custom jog store

jog logs using a 'store'. The default is StdStore which logs to stdout and stderr. If you prefer to use a FileStore, RedisStore, or something custom you can tell the app like so:

var app = require('cantina').createApp()
  , jog = require('jog2');

app.boot(function (err) {
  // Pre-log app setup.

  // Specify your store.
  app.loggerStore = new jog.FileStore('/tmp/log');

  // Load the logging plugin.

  // Load the rest of your plugins.


Data serialization

You may find yourself logging simliar kinds of application object, such as 'user' models. You can log the raw user objects and implement a serializer to santize it for the logs.

app.hook('log:serialize').add(function (data, next) {
  if (data.user) {
    var user = data.user;
    data.user = {
      name: user.first + ' ' + user.last,
      // ... etc.


Now that your log output is in nice, parseable JSON, you may want to be able to read it on the command-line in a more human-friendly format. Joli is a CLI that helps you format newline-separated JSON object (like the ones cantina-log outputs).

Please see joli's README for full documentation.

Developed by Terra Eclipse

Terra Eclipse, Inc. is a nationally recognized political technology and strategy firm located in Santa Cruz, CA and Washington, D.C.