AdminisatorsMBP:calabash myUser$ bundle exec cucumber -p ios --tags=@test DEVICE_TARGET="B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4" DEBUG=1 Using the ios profile... Feature: Test @ios @android @test Scenario: Test # features/test.feature:4 INFO: Using uia strategy: 'host' DEBUG: Searching for run-loop results with glob: /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/* DEBUG: Found 6 previous run-loop results DEBUG: Will delete 1 previous run-loop results DEBUG: Deleted 1 previous results in 0.009526 seconds DEBUG: Searching for instruments caches with glob: /Library/Caches/* DEBUG: Found 6 instruments caches DEBUG: Will delete 1 instruments caches DEBUG: Deleted 1 instruments caches in 0.002249 seconds DEBUG: Simulator instruction set 'x86_64' is compatible with '["x86_64"]' DEBUG: Deleting /Users/myUser/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4/data/tmp/instruments_YDaoaV/stdio.pipe DEBUG: Waited for 0.054935 seconds for device to have state: 'Shutdown'. DEBUG: Installed app is the same as # DEBUG: Launching # with: EXEC: xcrun open -g -a /Applications/ --args -CurrentDeviceUDID B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4 DEBUG: Waiting for simulator to stabilize with timeout: 30 DEBUG: Simulator stable after 3.407592 seconds DEBUG: Waited a total of 4.407592 seconds for simulator to stabilize DEBUG: Took 4.432281 seconds to launch the simulator 2016-02-11 14:25:09 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: { :app => "/Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/", :args => [], :bundle_dir_or_bundle_id => "/Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/", :bundle_id => "com.myCompany.myProject.debug", :device => "iphone", :device_target => "B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4", :instruments => #, :launch_method => :instruments, :launch_retries => 5, :log_file => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-02/run_loop.out", :no_launch => false, :no_stop => false, :relaunch_simulator => true, :reset => true, :results_dir => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-02", :results_dir_trace => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-02/trace", :script => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-02/_run_loop.js", :sdk_version => nil, :udid => "B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4", :uia_strategy => :host, :xcode => "7.2", :xcode_path => "/Applications/" } EXEC: xcrun instruments -s templates ### Starting on B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4 App: /Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/ ### EXEC: xcrun instruments -s devices 2016-02-11 14:25:10 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: xcrun instruments -w B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4 -D /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-02/trace -t Automation /Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/ -e UIARESULTSPATH /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-02 -e UIASCRIPT /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-02/_run_loop.js >& /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-02/run_loop.out 2016-02-11 14:25:10 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Preparation took 8.526483 seconds 2016-02-11 14:25:14 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Launching took 3.637014 seconds DEBUG: It took 12.163702 seconds to launch the app Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') 2016-02-11 14:25:15 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 1:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') 2016-02-11 14:25:15 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 1:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 1 2016-02-11 14:25:17 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 1 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>1} Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 199, :y 999}') 2016-02-11 14:25:19 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 2:uia.tapOffset('{:x 199, :y 999}') 2016-02-11 14:25:19 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 2:uia.tapOffset('{:x 199, :y 999}') at index 2 2016-02-11 14:25:20 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 2 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>2} Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 92.5}') 2016-02-11 14:25:21 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 3:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 92.5}') 2016-02-11 14:25:21 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 3:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 92.5}') at index 3 2016-02-11 14:25:22 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 3 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>3} Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 343.5}') 2016-02-11 14:25:22 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 4:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 343.5}') 2016-02-11 14:25:22 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 4:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 343.5}') at index 4 2016-02-11 14:25:23 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 4 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>4} Sending UIA command uia.typeString('testuser', '') 2016-02-11 14:25:24 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 5:uia.typeString('testuser', '') 2016-02-11 14:25:24 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 5:uia.typeString('testuser', '') at index 5 2016-02-11 14:25:24 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 5 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>nil, "index"=>5} Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 389.5}') 2016-02-11 14:25:26 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 6:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 389.5}') 2016-02-11 14:25:26 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 6:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 389.5}') at index 6 2016-02-11 14:25:27 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 6 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>6} Sending UIA command uia.typeString('test1234', '') 2016-02-11 14:25:28 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 7:uia.typeString('test1234', '') 2016-02-11 14:25:28 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 7:uia.typeString('test1234', '') at index 7 2016-02-11 14:25:29 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 7 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>nil, "index"=>7} 2016-02-11 14:25:31 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 8:uia.keyboard().typeString('\\n') 2016-02-11 14:25:31 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 8:uia.keyboard().typeString('\\n') at index 8 2016-02-11 14:25:32 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 8 ok Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 384.25, :y 450}') 2016-02-11 14:25:33 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 9:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384.25, :y 450}') 2016-02-11 14:25:33 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 9:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384.25, :y 450}') at index 9 2016-02-11 14:25:34 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 9 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>9} Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 199, :y 999}') 2016-02-11 14:25:36 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 10:uia.tapOffset('{:x 199, :y 999}') 2016-02-11 14:25:36 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 10:uia.tapOffset('{:x 199, :y 999}') at index 10 2016-02-11 14:25:37 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 10 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>10} Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 727.5, :y 42}') 2016-02-11 14:25:39 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 11:uia.tapOffset('{:x 727.5, :y 42}') 2016-02-11 14:25:39 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 11:uia.tapOffset('{:x 727.5, :y 42}') at index 11 2016-02-11 14:25:39 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 11 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>11} Sending UIA command uia.swipeOffset('nil', '{:direction :left}') 2016-02-11 14:25:40 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 12:uia.swipeOffset('nil', '{:direction :left}') 2016-02-11 14:25:40 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 12:uia.swipeOffset('nil', '{:direction :left}') at index 12 2016-02-11 14:25:42 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 12 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>nil, "index"=>12} From: /Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/features/step_definitions/test.rb @ line 7 : 2: puts "Background" 3: end 4: 5: When(/^I'm testing something$/) do 6: puts "Test" => 7: binding.pry 8: end 9: [1] pry(#)> DeviceHelper.launch_app({:reset => false}) INFO: Using uia strategy: 'host' DEBUG: Searching for run-loop results with glob: /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/* DEBUG: Found 6 previous run-loop results DEBUG: Will delete 1 previous run-loop results DEBUG: Deleted 1 previous results in 0.006338 seconds DEBUG: Searching for instruments caches with glob: /Library/Caches/* DEBUG: Found 6 instruments caches DEBUG: Will delete 1 instruments caches DEBUG: Deleted 1 instruments caches in 0.002369 seconds DEBUG: Sending 'QUIT' to instruments process '20867' DEBUG: Waiting for instruments with pid '20867' to terminate DEBUG: Waited for 1.137601 seconds for instruments with pid '20867' to terminate DEBUG: Simulator instruction set 'x86_64' is compatible with '["x86_64"]' DEBUG: Deleting /Users/myUser/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4/data/tmp/instruments_vvexZK/stdio.pipe DEBUG: Installed app is the same as # DEBUG: Launching # with: EXEC: xcrun open -g -a /Applications/ --args -CurrentDeviceUDID B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4 DEBUG: Waiting for simulator to stabilize with timeout: 30 DEBUG: Simulator stable after 3.543393 seconds DEBUG: Waited a total of 4.543393 seconds for simulator to stabilize DEBUG: Took 4.567189 seconds to launch the simulator 2016-02-11 14:26:01 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: { :app => "/Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/", :args => [], :bundle_dir_or_bundle_id => "/Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/", :bundle_id => "com.myCompany.myProject.debug", :device => "iphone", :device_target => "B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4", :instruments => #, :launch_method => :instruments, :launch_retries => 5, :log_file => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-54/run_loop.out", :no_launch => false, :no_stop => false, :relaunch_simulator => true, :reset => false, :results_dir => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-54", :results_dir_trace => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-54/trace", :script => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-54/_run_loop.js", :sdk_version => nil, :udid => "B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4", :uia_strategy => :host, :xcode => "7.2", :xcode_path => "/Applications/" } EXEC: xcrun instruments -s templates ### Starting on B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4 App: /Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/ ### EXEC: xcrun instruments -s devices 2016-02-11 14:26:02 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: xcrun instruments -w B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4 -D /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-54/trace -t Automation /Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/ -e UIARESULTSPATH /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-54 -e UIASCRIPT /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-54/_run_loop.js >& /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-25-54/run_loop.out 2016-02-11 14:26:02 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Preparation took 9.387967 seconds 2016-02-11 14:26:06 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Launching took 3.637259 seconds DEBUG: It took 13.025404 seconds to launch the app => 5 [2] pry(#)> page(HomePage).click_menu_icon Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') 2016-02-11 14:26:13 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 1:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') 2016-02-11 14:26:13 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 1:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 1 2016-02-11 14:26:14 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 1 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>1} => 2 [3] pry(#)> exit When I'm testing something # features/step_definitions/test.rb:5 Test DEBUG: Sending 'QUIT' to instruments process '21547' DEBUG: Waiting for instruments with pid '21547' to terminate DEBUG: Waited for 0.30875 seconds for instruments with pid '21547' to terminate @ios @android @test Scenario: Test # features/test.feature:8 INFO: Using uia strategy: 'host' DEBUG: Searching for run-loop results with glob: /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/* DEBUG: Found 6 previous run-loop results DEBUG: Will delete 1 previous run-loop results DEBUG: Deleted 1 previous results in 0.008534 seconds DEBUG: Searching for instruments caches with glob: /Library/Caches/* DEBUG: Found 6 instruments caches DEBUG: Will delete 1 instruments caches DEBUG: Deleted 1 instruments caches in 0.002424 seconds DEBUG: Simulator instruction set 'x86_64' is compatible with '["x86_64"]' DEBUG: Deleting /Users/myUser/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4/data/tmp/instruments_U4dBU4/stdio.pipe DEBUG: Waited for 0.055316 seconds for device to have state: 'Shutdown'. DEBUG: Installed app is the same as # DEBUG: Launching # with: EXEC: xcrun open -g -a /Applications/ --args -CurrentDeviceUDID B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4 DEBUG: Waiting for simulator to stabilize with timeout: 30 DEBUG: Simulator stable after 3.2636459999999996 seconds DEBUG: Waited a total of 4.263646 seconds for simulator to stabilize DEBUG: Took 4.287039 seconds to launch the simulator 2016-02-11 14:26:28 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: { :app => "/Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/", :args => [], :bundle_dir_or_bundle_id => "/Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/", :bundle_id => "com.myCompany.myProject.debug", :device => "iphone", :device_target => "B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4", :instruments => #, :launch_method => :instruments, :launch_retries => 5, :log_file => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-26-21/run_loop.out", :no_launch => false, :no_stop => false, :relaunch_simulator => true, :reset => true, :results_dir => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-26-21", :results_dir_trace => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-26-21/trace", :script => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-26-21/_run_loop.js", :sdk_version => nil, :udid => "B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4", :uia_strategy => :host, :xcode => "7.2", :xcode_path => "/Applications/" } EXEC: xcrun instruments -s templates ### Starting on B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4 App: /Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/ ### EXEC: xcrun instruments -s devices 2016-02-11 14:26:29 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: xcrun instruments -w B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4 -D /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-26-21/trace -t Automation /Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/ -e UIARESULTSPATH /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-26-21 -e UIASCRIPT /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-26-21/_run_loop.js >& /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-26-21/run_loop.out 2016-02-11 14:26:29 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Preparation took 8.229143 seconds 2016-02-11 14:26:33 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Launching took 3.729047 seconds DEBUG: It took 11.95836 seconds to launch the app Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') 2016-02-11 14:26:34 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 1:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') 2016-02-11 14:26:35 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 1:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 1 2016-02-11 14:26:36 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 1 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>1} Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 199, :y 999}') 2016-02-11 14:26:38 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 2:uia.tapOffset('{:x 199, :y 999}') 2016-02-11 14:26:38 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 2:uia.tapOffset('{:x 199, :y 999}') at index 2 2016-02-11 14:26:39 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 2 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>2} Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 92.5}') 2016-02-11 14:26:40 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 3:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 92.5}') 2016-02-11 14:26:40 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 3:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 92.5}') at index 3 2016-02-11 14:26:41 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 3 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>3} Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 343.5}') 2016-02-11 14:26:42 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 4:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 343.5}') 2016-02-11 14:26:42 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 4:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 343.5}') at index 4 2016-02-11 14:26:42 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 4 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>4} Sending UIA command uia.typeString('testuser', '') 2016-02-11 14:26:43 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 5:uia.typeString('testuser', '') 2016-02-11 14:26:43 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 5:uia.typeString('testuser', '') at index 5 2016-02-11 14:26:44 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 5 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>nil, "index"=>5} Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 389.5}') 2016-02-11 14:26:46 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 6:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 389.5}') 2016-02-11 14:26:46 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 6:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384, :y 389.5}') at index 6 2016-02-11 14:26:47 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 6 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>6} Sending UIA command uia.typeString('test1234', '') 2016-02-11 14:26:47 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 7:uia.typeString('test1234', '') 2016-02-11 14:26:47 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 7:uia.typeString('test1234', '') at index 7 2016-02-11 14:26:48 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 7 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>nil, "index"=>7} 2016-02-11 14:26:50 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 8:uia.keyboard().typeString('\\n') 2016-02-11 14:26:50 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 8:uia.keyboard().typeString('\\n') at index 8 2016-02-11 14:26:51 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 8 ok Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 384.25, :y 450}') 2016-02-11 14:26:52 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 9:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384.25, :y 450}') 2016-02-11 14:26:52 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 9:uia.tapOffset('{:x 384.25, :y 450}') at index 9 2016-02-11 14:26:53 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 9 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>9} Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 199, :y 999}') 2016-02-11 14:26:55 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 10:uia.tapOffset('{:x 199, :y 999}') 2016-02-11 14:26:55 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 10:uia.tapOffset('{:x 199, :y 999}') at index 10 2016-02-11 14:26:56 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 10 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>10} Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 727.5, :y 42}') 2016-02-11 14:26:58 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 11:uia.tapOffset('{:x 727.5, :y 42}') 2016-02-11 14:26:58 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 11:uia.tapOffset('{:x 727.5, :y 42}') at index 11 2016-02-11 14:26:58 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 11 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>11} Sending UIA command uia.swipeOffset('nil', '{:direction :left}') 2016-02-11 14:27:00 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 12:uia.swipeOffset('nil', '{:direction :left}') 2016-02-11 14:27:00 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 12:uia.swipeOffset('nil', '{:direction :left}') at index 12 2016-02-11 14:27:01 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 12 ok Result {"status"=>"success", "value"=>nil, "index"=>12} From: /Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/features/step_definitions/test.rb @ line 7 : 2: puts "Background" 3: end 4: 5: When(/^I'm testing something$/) do 6: puts "Test" => 7: binding.pry 8: end 9: [1] pry(#)> DeviceHelper.launch_app({:reset => false}) DEBUG: Sending 'QUIT' to instruments process '22115' DEBUG: Waiting for instruments with pid '22115' to terminate DEBUG: Waited for 1.140796 seconds for instruments with pid '22115' to terminate INFO: Using uia strategy: 'host' DEBUG: Searching for run-loop results with glob: /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/* DEBUG: Found 6 previous run-loop results DEBUG: Will delete 1 previous run-loop results DEBUG: Deleted 1 previous results in 0.014165 seconds DEBUG: Searching for instruments caches with glob: /Library/Caches/* DEBUG: Found 6 instruments caches DEBUG: Will delete 1 instruments caches DEBUG: Deleted 1 instruments caches in 0.002854 seconds DEBUG: Simulator instruction set 'x86_64' is compatible with '["x86_64"]' DEBUG: Deleting /Users/myUser/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4/data/tmp/instruments_ZczuW0/stdio.pipe DEBUG: Installed app is the same as # DEBUG: Launching # with: EXEC: xcrun open -g -a /Applications/ --args -CurrentDeviceUDID B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4 DEBUG: Waiting for simulator to stabilize with timeout: 30 DEBUG: Simulator stable after 3.3967660000000004 seconds DEBUG: Waited a total of 4.396766 seconds for simulator to stabilize DEBUG: Took 4.422288 seconds to launch the simulator 2016-02-11 14:27:17 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: { :app => "/Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/", :args => [], :bundle_dir_or_bundle_id => "/Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/", :bundle_id => "com.myCompany.myProject.debug", :device => "iphone", :device_target => "B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4", :instruments => #, :launch_method => :instruments, :launch_retries => 5, :log_file => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-27-11/run_loop.out", :no_launch => false, :no_stop => false, :relaunch_simulator => true, :reset => false, :results_dir => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-27-11", :results_dir_trace => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-27-11/trace", :script => "/Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-27-11/_run_loop.js", :sdk_version => nil, :udid => "B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4", :uia_strategy => :host, :xcode => "7.2", :xcode_path => "/Applications/" } EXEC: xcrun instruments -s templates ### Starting on B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4 App: /Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/ ### EXEC: xcrun instruments -s devices 2016-02-11 14:27:19 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: xcrun instruments -w B90A0234-8302-489A-A081-A4D4F36EAFE4 -D /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-27-11/trace -t Automation /Users/myUser/myProject-mobile-automation/calabash/prebuilt/ -e UIARESULTSPATH /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-27-11 -e UIASCRIPT /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-27-11/_run_loop.js >& /Users/myUser/.run-loop/results/2016-02-11_14-27-11/run_loop.out 2016-02-11 14:27:19 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Preparation took 8.02113 seconds 2016-02-11 14:27:22 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Launching took 3.643018 seconds DEBUG: It took 11.664313 seconds to launch the app => 5 [2] pry(#)> page(HomePage).click_menu_icon Sending UIA command uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') 2016-02-11 14:27:30 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') 2016-02-11 14:27:30 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 13 2016-02-11 14:27:40 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Error while writing command (retry count 0). RunLoop::Fifo::NoReaderConfiguredError 2016-02-11 14:27:40 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 13 2016-02-11 14:27:50 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Error while writing command (retry count 1). RunLoop::Fifo::NoReaderConfiguredError 2016-02-11 14:27:50 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Failing...Raising RunLoop::WriteFailedError 2016-02-11 14:27:50 +0000 [RunLoop:info]: Core.write_request failed: Trying write of command 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 13. Attempting recovery... 2016-02-11 14:27:50 +0000 [RunLoop:info]: Attempting read in case the request was received... Please wait (25)... 2016-02-11 14:28:15 +0000 [RunLoop:info]: Read did not result in a response for index 13... Retrying send_command... 2016-02-11 14:28:15 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') 2016-02-11 14:28:15 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 13 2016-02-11 14:28:25 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Error while writing command (retry count 0). RunLoop::Fifo::NoReaderConfiguredError 2016-02-11 14:28:25 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 13 2016-02-11 14:28:35 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Error while writing command (retry count 1). RunLoop::Fifo::NoReaderConfiguredError 2016-02-11 14:28:35 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Failing...Raising RunLoop::WriteFailedError 2016-02-11 14:28:35 +0000 [RunLoop:info]: Core.write_request failed: Trying write of command 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 13. Attempting recovery... 2016-02-11 14:28:35 +0000 [RunLoop:info]: Attempting read in case the request was received... Please wait (25)... 2016-02-11 14:29:00 +0000 [RunLoop:info]: Read did not result in a response for index 13... Retrying send_command... 2016-02-11 14:29:00 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') 2016-02-11 14:29:00 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 13 2016-02-11 14:29:10 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Error while writing command (retry count 0). RunLoop::Fifo::NoReaderConfiguredError 2016-02-11 14:29:10 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 13 2016-02-11 14:29:20 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Error while writing command (retry count 1). RunLoop::Fifo::NoReaderConfiguredError 2016-02-11 14:29:20 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Failing...Raising RunLoop::WriteFailedError 2016-02-11 14:29:20 +0000 [RunLoop:info]: Core.write_request failed: Trying write of command 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 13. Attempting recovery... 2016-02-11 14:29:20 +0000 [RunLoop:info]: Attempting read in case the request was received... Please wait (25)... 2016-02-11 14:29:45 +0000 [RunLoop:info]: Read did not result in a response for index 13... Retrying send_command... 2016-02-11 14:29:45 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') 2016-02-11 14:29:45 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 13 2016-02-11 14:29:55 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Error while writing command (retry count 0). RunLoop::Fifo::NoReaderConfiguredError 2016-02-11 14:29:55 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 13 2016-02-11 14:30:05 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Error while writing command (retry count 1). RunLoop::Fifo::NoReaderConfiguredError 2016-02-11 14:30:05 +0000 [RunLoop:debug]: Failing...Raising RunLoop::WriteFailedError 2016-02-11 14:30:05 +0000 [RunLoop:info]: Core.write_request failed: Trying write of command 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 13. Attempting recovery... 2016-02-11 14:30:05 +0000 [RunLoop:info]: Attempting read in case the request was received... Please wait (25)... 2016-02-11 14:30:30 +0000 [RunLoop:info]: Read did not result in a response for index 13... Retrying send_command... RunLoop::WriteFailedError: Trying write of command 13:uia.tapOffset('{:x 28, :y 41}') at index 13 from /Users/myUser/.gem/ruby/2.1.1/gems/run_loop-2.0.6/lib/run_loop/core.rb:591:in `write_request' [3] pry(#)> exit When I'm testing something # features/step_definitions/test.rb:5 Test DEBUG: Sending 'QUIT' to instruments process '22791' DEBUG: Waiting for instruments with pid '22791' to terminate DEBUG: Waited for 1.13515 seconds for instruments with pid '22791' to terminate 2 scenarios (2 passed) 2 steps (2 passed) 6m15.924s AdminisatorsMBP:calabash myUser$