This project gives you a self-updating personal website, based on the contributions you do in GitHub. Besides GitHub, it also gives your visitors a helpful link to both Twitter and accounts (if configured). The code is built with Next and Expo for Web.
Starting an instance special tailored for you is not that hard. You can do that by following these simple steps.
# 1. clone the repository to a local folder
$ git clone ./my-website
# 2. install the dependencies (you can also npm install)
$ npm ci
# 3. copy the example env file and change the variables
$ cp .env.example .env
# 4. start the project in development mode
$ npm start
# 5. or start the project in production mode
$ npm run serve
The easiest way to deploy this project is with Now.
You can customize some settings in now.json
, or remove the file if you are not sure what to do.
After that, you can deploy your website with these commands.
# 1. install the now cli
$ npm i -g now
# 2. store the github token as secret (recommended)
$ now secret add github-website-token '<TOKEN>'
# 3. deploy the project with the configuration you want
$ now \
-e GITHUB_TOKEN=@github-website-token \
-e GITHUB_LOGIN=bycedric
-e DEVTO_LOGIN=bycedric
-e TWITTER_LOGIN=cedricvanputten
are optional. If omitted, it removes the link to that platform.
with ❤️ byCedric