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Generally, checkout flows have similar features like state management and step trackers so we
shouldn't reinvent the wheel.
Checkout is complicated so we don't want 10 projects with 10 different code structures to manage.
Despite some similarities, many checkouts have unique features so we don't want an inflexible
library that makes it hard to customize.
Create a way to standardize the checkout structure.
Make common functionalities reusable.
Make it flexible for customization.
Project checkout has to built with FSCheckout
Leverage TypeScript to force a standardized code structure for:
how steps are structured
how checkout state and data are managed
how api request is made
how step progress is managed
Each step must be separated into its own component and passed to FSCheckout as props with their
name and status.
Step Component must be StatelessComponent, and all the states have to go into the main Checkout
component as a single state.
and checkoutActions
are required to pass to FSCheckout for defining checkout
state and actions
Step progress is managed internally in FSCheckout
, and reference function is provided to perform
arbitrary step jump.
step changing hook is provided to do stuff like analtyics
A global loading view is provided to mask user interaction. It can be overridden with a custom render.
Built in a step tracker. It's customizable with style props and can be overridden with a custom render.
You can’t perform that action at this time.