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DndService is the single class provided in bcx-aurelia-dnd. Technically, it can work with any front-end framework.

DndService Constructor

You don't need to use constructor in Aurelia app, Aurelia DI (dependency injection) handles creation of shared singleton instance for you.

in Aurelia app, use dependency injection to create shared singleton instance.

in other kind of apps, create a shared instance for the whole app to share.

If you use bcx-aurelia-dnd not in an Aurelia app, you can create an instance manually, like

const dndService = new DndService();

That's an instance without Aurelia Event Aggregator support. Events 'dnd:willStart', 'dnd:didStart', 'dnd:willEnd', 'dnd:didEnd', 'dnd:didCancel' would not fire.

You can also create an instance with Aurelia Event Aggregator support. Use that sharedEa to subscribe to events.

import {EventAggregator} from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';
const sharedEa = new EventAggregator();
const dndService = new DndService(sharedEa)

Published events through Aurelia Event Aggregator

  • dnd:willStart just before starting of DnD session, all isProcessing, model, isHovering ... are still undefined.
  • dnd:didStart just after starting of DnD session, all isProcessing, model, isHovering ... have been set. But none of any targets received dndHover() / dndDrop() callback.
  • dnd:willEnd just before end of a DnD session, all isProcessing, model, isHovering ... are still set. Just before a target (if there is valid one with canDrop:true under the mouse) receives dndDrop() callback.
  • dnd:didEnd after a DnD session finished. all isProcessing, model, ... are set to undefined. Final dndDrop() callback has been fired if there is a valid target.
  • dnd:didCancel after a DnD session is cancelled by ESC key. all isProcessing, model, ... are set to undefined. No dndDrop() callback will be called. None of dnd:willEnd and dnd:didEnd events will be fired.


  • true during a DnD session. undefined when not in a DnD session.


  • the model object cached from the result of sourceDelegate.dndModel(). undefined when not in a DnD session.

dndService.addSource(delegate: SourceDelegate, options: SourceOptions)

  • typically called inside Aurelia component's attached() callback.

Source delegate

TypeScript type import { SourceDelegate } from 'bcx-aurelia-dnd';

  • if options.element is absent, delegate.dndElement must be a DOM element, used for source element.
  • if options.element is present, delegate.dndElement is ignored, options.element is used as source element.
  • delegate.dndModel() is mandatory. Called once, when DnD session starts. It needs to return a model describing the meaning of a drag. There is no requirement on the shape of returned model.
  • delegate.dndCanDrag() is optional. Checked when DnD session starts. If it returns falsy value, the Dnd session would not start from this source delegate. The session could still start from another source delegate whose DOM element is the parent (or ancestor) of this one, aka nested dnd sources.
  • delegate.dndPreview(model) is optional. Called once, when DnD session starts. It needs to return a newly created DOM element, with reasonable size, and not yet attached to DOM tree. Input model is the cached result of sourceDelegate.dndModel(). It could also return null or undefined, in that case, DndService will fall back to use default preview.
  • if options.noPreview is true, delegate.dndPreview(model) is ignored.

dnd property on source delegate

TypeScript type import { SourceDelegateInjectedDnd } from 'bcx-aurelia-dnd';

  • dnd property was filled or created (if does not exist) for every source delegate by dndService.
  • delegate.dnd.isProcessing exactly same as dndService.isProcessing.
  • delegate.dnd.isStartingSource a boolean. During a DnD session, it's true for the DnD source that the DnD session was started with, false for every other DnD sources..

Source options (optional)

TypeScript type import { SourceOptions } from 'bcx-aurelia-dnd';

  • options.element manually pass a DOM element as source element, instead of default delegate.dndElement.
  • options.handler a DOM element as drag handler. It should be a decedent of source element. It limits where drag can start, doesn't affect preview.
  • options.noPreview turn off preview.
  • options.hideCursor hide cursor during a DnD session.
  • options.centerPreviewToMousePosition center preview to mouse position. Default preview position is aligned to source element top left corner.

dndService.addTarget(delegate: TargetDelegate, options: TargetOptions)

  • typically called inside Aurelia component's attached() callback.

Target delegate

TypeScript type import { TargetDelegate } from 'bcx-aurelia-dnd';

  • if options.element is absent, delegate.dndElement must be a DOM element, used for target element.
  • if options.element is present, delegate.dndElement is ignored, options.element is used as target element.
  • delegate.dndCanDrop(model), mandatory. Called once, when DnD session starts. Input model is the cached result of sourceDelegate.dndModel().
  • delegate.dndDrop(location), mandatory. Called once, when DnD session ends (mouse released) on target element and delegate.dnd.canDrop is true.
  • delegate.dndHover(location), optional. Called every time mouse moves during a DnD session, when delegate.dnd.canDrop is true and either delegate.dnd.isHovering or delegate.dnd.isHoveringShallowly is true.
  • When two (or more) target elements overlap, and both have delegate.dnd.canDrop true, dndHover() could be called on both target delegates at same time, but dndDrop() would be only called on the top target.

dnd property on target delegate

TypeScript type import { TargetDelegateInjectedDnd } from 'bcx-aurelia-dnd';

  • dnd property was filled or created (if does not exist) for every target delegate by dndService.
  • delegate.dnd.isProcessing exactly same as dndService.isProcessing.
  • delegate.dnd.model exactly same as dndService.model.
  • delegate.dnd.canDrop cached result of delegate.dndCanDrop(model). undefined when not in a DnD session.
  • delegate.dnd.isHoveringShallowly true when mouse is hovering directly over target element. undefined when not in a DnD session.
  • delegate.dnd.isHovering true when mouse is hovering within target element region. undefined when not in a DnD session.

Target options (optional)

TypeScript type import { TargetOptions } from 'bcx-aurelia-dnd';

  • options.element, manually pass a DOM element as target element, instead of default delegate.dndElement.

Location payload for dndHover(location: DndLocation) and dndDrop(location: DndLocation)

TypeScript type import { DndLocation } from 'bcx-aurelia-dnd';

  • location.mouseStartAt drag start mouse location {x, y} (not {left, top}).
  • location.mouseEndAt drop end mouse location {x, y} for dndDrop(), or current mouse location for dndHover().
  • location.sourceElementRect source element location and size {x, y, width, height}.
  • location.previewElementRect preview element location and size {x, y, width, height}.
  • location.targetElementRect target element location and size {x, y, width, height}.

All x and y, are page offset (relative to whole HTML body), not client offset (relative to browser current view-port). Page offset is stabler to use than client offset, especially when there is scrolling or browser zooming.

For convenience, previewElementRect always presents. Even if you turn off the preview, it still reports location and size as if you were using default preview.

sourceElementRect is not current location of source element. It is a cached location for the source element when DnD session started.

dndService.removeSource(delegateOrElement: SourceDelegate | Element) and dndService.removeTarget(delegateOrElement: TargetDelegate | Element)

  • typically called inside Aurelia component's detached() callback.