diff --git a/source/shared/i18n/translations/index.ts b/source/shared/i18n/translations/index.ts
index 13f65701..56a77a55 100644
--- a/source/shared/i18n/translations/index.ts
+++ b/source/shared/i18n/translations/index.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import de from "./de.json";
import es from "./es.json";
import fr from "./fr.json";
import it from "./it.json";
+import ja from "./ja.json";
import pl from "./pl.json";
import ro from "./ro.json";
import zh_cn from "./zh_cn.json";
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ export default {
+ ja,
diff --git a/source/shared/i18n/translations/ja.json b/source/shared/i18n/translations/ja.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63fd350d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/shared/i18n/translations/ja.json
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+ "_": "日本語",
+ "about": {
+ "description": "無料、オープンソースでクロスプラットフォームなパスワードマネージャー",
+ "dialog": {
+ "close-button": "閉じる",
+ "close-button-title": "ダイアログを閉じる"
+ },
+ "title": "このアプリについて",
+ "version": {
+ "core": "コア",
+ "desktop": "デスクトップ"
+ }
+ },
+ "add-vault-menu": {
+ "choose-file-prompt": "保管庫ファイルを選択するか新しく作成:",
+ "choose-type-prompt": "追加する保管庫のタイプを選択:",
+ "confirm": {
+ "existing-password": "保管庫のパスワードを入力:",
+ "new-password": "新しい保管庫のパスワードを入力:",
+ "password-placeholder": "保管庫のパスワード..."
+ },
+ "google-auth-button": "認証",
+ "google-auth-button-title": "グーグルドライブで認証",
+ "google-auth-error": "グーグルの認証に失敗",
+ "loader": {
+ "dropbox-auth": "認証用の別ウィンドウが開きます",
+ "file-prompt": "保管庫ファイルを選択するダイアログが開きます",
+ "google-auth": {
+ "instr-1": "You may select the level of permission that Buttercup will use while accessing your Google Drive account.",
+ "instr-2": "Selecting an open permission setting will grant Buttercup access to all files and folders in your account and connected shares.",
+ "instr-3": "Selecting a non-open setting will grant Buttercup access to files that it has created/accessed previously.",
+ "perm-label": "権限",
+ "perm-switch": "開く"
+ },
+ "webdav-auth": {
+ "password-label": "パスワード",
+ "password-plc": "WebDAVのパスワード",
+ "url-label": "WebDAVサービス",
+ "username-label": "ユーザー名",
+ "username-plc": "WebDAVユーザー名"
+ }
+ },
+ "page-choose-next": "次へ",
+ "page-choose-next-title": "保管庫の追加を続ける",
+ "page-confirm-cancel": "キャンセル",
+ "page-confirm-cancel-title": "アンロックをキャンセル",
+ "page-confirm-finish": "保管庫を追加",
+ "page-confirm-finish-title": "保管庫の追加を確認",
+ "title": "保管庫を追加",
+ "webdav-continue": "次へ",
+ "webdav-continue-title": "WebDAVを使用して接続"
+ },
+ "add-vault-page": {
+ "cta-button": "保管庫を追加",
+ "description": "No vaults have been added yet...",
+ "title": "新しいスタート"
+ },
+ "app-menu": {
+ "about": "このアプリについて",
+ "add-new-vault": "新しく追加",
+ "biometrics": "生体認証によるアンロック",
+ "close-window": "ウィンドウを閉じる",
+ "connection": "接続",
+ "current": "現在の保管庫",
+ "debug": "デバッグ",
+ "devtool": "開発者ツール",
+ "edit": "編集",
+ "enable-secure-file-host": "ブラウザアクセスを有効化",
+ "export": "エクスポート",
+ "import": "インポート",
+ "lock-all": "すべてロック",
+ "lock-current-vault": "現在の保管庫をロック",
+ "open": "開く",
+ "open-vault": "保管庫を開く",
+ "preferences": "設定",
+ "quit": "退出",
+ "search": "検索",
+ "unlock-vault": "アンロック",
+ "unlocked-vaults": "{{count}} unlocked vault",
+ "unlocked-vaults_plural": "{{count}} unlocked vaults",
+ "vaults": "保管庫",
+ "view": "表示",
+ "window": "ウィンドウ",
+ "window-reposition": "Reposition"
+ },
+ "biometrics": {
+ "prompt": {
+ "store": "store login for vault '{{name}}'",
+ "unlock-vault": "'{{name}}'をアンロック"
+ }
+ },
+ "dialog": {
+ "attachment-save": {
+ "confirm-button": "保存",
+ "title": "添付ファイルをダウンロード"
+ },
+ "biometric-reg": {
+ "button-cancel": "キャンセル",
+ "button-cancel-title": "登録をキャンセル",
+ "button-reg": "登録",
+ "button-reg-title": "生体認証の登録",
+ "label": "保管庫のパスワード",
+ "placeholder": "保管庫のパスワード...",
+ "success": "生体認証の登録に成功",
+ "title": "生体認証の登録"
+ },
+ "confirm-generic": {
+ "cancel-button": "キャンセル",
+ "confirm-button": "確認"
+ },
+ "export-file-chooser": {
+ "submit-button": "エクスポート",
+ "title": "保管庫 '{{name}}' をエクスポート"
+ },
+ "file-chooser": {
+ "add": {
+ "cancel": "キャンセル",
+ "cancel-title": "新しい保管庫の作成をキャンセル",
+ "confirm": "保管庫のターゲットを設定",
+ "confirm-title": "新しい保管庫ファイルの名前を確認",
+ "description": "新しい保管庫ファイルの名前を入力:",
+ "title": "保管庫を追加"
+ },
+ "nav": {
+ "cancel-new": "Cancel New",
+ "create-new": "新しい保管庫"
+ }
+ },
+ "file-vault": {
+ "add-existing": {
+ "bcup-filter": "Buttercupの保管庫",
+ "confirm-button": "追加",
+ "title": "既存の保管庫を追加"
+ },
+ "add-new": {
+ "bcup-filter": "Buttercupの保管庫",
+ "confirm-button": "作成",
+ "title": "新しい保管庫を追加"
+ }
+ },
+ "google-reauth": {
+ "close-button": {
+ "text": "キャンセル",
+ "title": "認証をキャンセル"
+ },
+ "description": "グーグルドライブの保管庫を再認証: {{vault}}",
+ "error": {
+ "reauth-failed": "再認証に失敗"
+ },
+ "header": "保管庫の認証期限切れ",
+ "success": "グーグルドライブの再認証に成功: 再度アンロックしてください",
+ "title": "グーグルの再認証"
+ },
+ "import-file-chooser": {
+ "submit-button": "インポート",
+ "title": "保管庫を {{importer}} からインポート"
+ },
+ "new-file-prompt": {
+ "button-cancel": {
+ "text": "閉じる",
+ "title": "プロンプトを閉じる"
+ },
+ "button-existing": {
+ "text": "既存のロード",
+ "title": "既存の保管庫ファイルを読み込み"
+ },
+ "button-new": {
+ "text": "新規作成",
+ "title": "新規保管庫ファイルを作成"
+ },
+ "prompt": "Do you wish to create a new vault, or read an existing one?",
+ "title": "新しい保管庫ファイルを追加"
+ },
+ "password-prompt": {
+ "button-cancel": "キャンセル",
+ "button-cancel-title": "アンロックをキャンセル",
+ "button-unlock": "アンロック",
+ "button-unlock-title": "保管庫のアンロックを確認",
+ "label": "保管庫のパスワード",
+ "placeholder": "保管庫のパスワード...",
+ "title": "保管庫をアンロック"
+ }
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "attachment-add": "添付ファイルの追加に失敗",
+ "attachment-delete": "添付ファイルの削除に失敗",
+ "attachment-download": "添付ファイルのダウンロードに失敗",
+ "attachment-preview": "添付ファイルのプレビューに失敗",
+ "biometric-invalid-password": "生体認証を有効化するためのパスワード認証に失敗",
+ "biometric-store-failed": "生体情報の保存に失敗",
+ "biometric-unlock-failed": "生体認証による保管庫のアンロックに失敗",
+ "fatal-boundary": "致命的なエラーが発生しました。以下の詳細を確認してください:"
+ },
+ "file-host": {
+ "code-copied": "ファイルのホストコードをコピー",
+ "dialog": {
+ "close-button": "閉じる",
+ "close-button-title": "接続ダイアログを閉じる",
+ "instruction": {
+ "new-connection": "このアプリケーションに新しい接続が確率され、ファイルシステムへのリモートアクセスが要求されました。",
+ "use-code": "以下のコードを使用して承認"
+ },
+ "title": "安全なファイルホスト接続"
+ }
+ },
+ "input-required": "(必須)",
+ "notification": {
+ "attachment-downloaded": "添付ファイルの保存に成功",
+ "biometrics-disabled": "保管庫の生体認証は無効",
+ "error": {
+ "biometrics-disable-failed": "保管庫の生体認証無効化に失敗: {{error}}",
+ "import-failed": "インポートに失敗: {{error}}",
+ "languages-load": "言語の読み込みに失敗",
+ "preferences-load": "設定の読み込みに失敗",
+ "preferences-save": "設定の保存に失敗",
+ "unknown-error": "未知のエラー",
+ "vault-format-upgrade-failed": "保管庫のフォーマットのアップグレードに失敗",
+ "vault-lock-failed": "保管庫のロックに失敗",
+ "vault-save-failed": "保管庫の保存に失敗",
+ "vault-settings-load": "保管庫の設定の読み込みに失敗",
+ "vault-settings-save": "保管庫の設定の保存に失敗",
+ "vault-unlock-failed": "保管庫のアンロックに失敗"
+ },
+ "export-success": "Successfully exported vault: {{name}}",
+ "import-success": "Successfully imported vault: {{filename}}",
+ "preferences-saved": "Saved preferences",
+ "vault-removed": "Vault removed: {{name}}",
+ "vault-saved": "Vault saved",
+ "vault-settings-saved": "Saved vault settings"
+ },
+ "preferences": {
+ "button": {
+ "cancel": "Cancel",
+ "cancel-title": "Cancel Preferences update",
+ "save": "Save",
+ "save-title": "Save changes"
+ },
+ "item": {
+ "clear-clipboard": "Automatically clear clipboard",
+ "language": "Language",
+ "lock-vaults-after-time": "Lock vaults after time",
+ "lock-vaults-after-time-desc": "Automatically lock vaults after some period of inactivity.",
+ "lock-vaults-window-closed": "Lock vaults if vault window closed",
+ "lock-vaults-window-closed-label": "Lock on close",
+ "secure-file-host": {
+ "description": "The secure file host allows the Buttercup Browser Extension to connect to local vaults on this PC via this application.",
+ "label": "Enable secure file host",
+ "title": "Secure file host"
+ },
+ "theme": "Theme"
+ },
+ "section": {
+ "connectivity": "Connectivity",
+ "debug": "Debug",
+ "general": "General",
+ "privacy": "Privacy",
+ "security": "Security"
+ },
+ "title": "Preferences"
+ },
+ "search": {
+ "modal": {
+ "no-results": "No results...",
+ "result-render-error": "Failed rendering search result"
+ }
+ },
+ "source-type": {
+ "dropbox": "Dropbox",
+ "file": "File",
+ "googledrive": "Google Drive",
+ "webdav": "WebDAV"
+ },
+ "theme": {
+ "dark": "Dark",
+ "light": "Light"
+ },
+ "update": {
+ "available": "Update available: {{version}}",
+ "dialog": {
+ "close-button": "Close",
+ "close-button-title": "Close update information",
+ "title": "Upgrade to {{version}}",
+ "update-button": "Update",
+ "update-button-title": "Update the application now"
+ },
+ "downloaded": "Update downloaded",
+ "installed-restart": "Restart",
+ "ready": "Update ready: {{version}}",
+ "view": "View"
+ },
+ "vault-editor": {
+ "locked-state": "Vault Locked",
+ "pending-state": "Vault Busy",
+ "unlocked-state": "Vault Unlocked"
+ },
+ "vault-management": {
+ "close-button": "Close",
+ "close-button-title": "Close vault management",
+ "remove-vault-dialog": {
+ "cancel-button": "Cancel",
+ "cancel-button-title": "Cancel removal",
+ "description": "Are you sure that you want to remove the vault \"{{title}}\"?",
+ "remove-button": "Remove",
+ "remove-button-title": "Confirm vault removal",
+ "title": "Remove Vault"
+ },
+ "title": "Vaults"
+ },
+ "vault-settings": {
+ "backup": {
+ "description": "Securely backup your vault locally when saving.",
+ "path": {
+ "helper": "Leave blank for default path",
+ "label": "Backup Path",
+ "placeholder": "Absolute backup path"
+ },
+ "switch": "Enable local backups",
+ "title": "Backup"
+ },
+ "format": {
+ "a-description": "Format A is the original Buttercup vault format that uses deltas to store vault structure.",
+ "b-description": "Format B is the new Buttercup vault format that uses a JSON structure to manage vault structure and history.",
+ "a-upgrade-b": "You should upgrade to Format B, which is currently stable. It is recommended that you backup your vault before doing this.",
+ "description": "Manage current vault format and updates.",
+ "format-type": "Format {{format}}",
+ "title": "Format",
+ "upgrade-button": "Upgrade"
+ },
+ "not-unlocked": "Vault must be unlocked to access this area.",
+ "title": "Vault Settings: {{title}}"
+ },
+ "vault-tabs": {
+ "context-menu": {
+ "lock-vault": "Lock vault",
+ "remove-vault": "Remove vault",
+ "unlock-vault": "Unlock vault",
+ "vault-settings": "Vault settings"
+ }
+ }