StructureFinder is a program that is built to find structures from a seed in Minecraft and list their coordinates.
It relies on Amidst used as a library do most of the work.
- Easy to use
- Much quicker than using plain Amidst or /locate
- Can get structures in bulk
- Add a logger
- Sort by nearest
- Make UI look better
- Fix Nether Fortresses
- Add Buried Treasure Support
- Add Pillager Outpost Support
- Fix Strongholds
- Java 1.8 or newer
- Eclipse Java (2019-06)
- Apache Maven 3.6.1
In Eclipse, go to File > Open Projects from File System... and locate the project files. Then just click Finish.
With maven downloaded and set up, enter the command mvn clean compile assembly:single
The jar will be made in the /target directory