package stackmc import ( "" "" "" ) // AlphaComputer uses the predictions to compute α for each fold. The returned // alpha is indexed first by fold, and then by fit within that fold. // // The computed alpha should respect the information in Folds, using only the data // specified by the Assess field of the fold. type AlphaComputer interface { ComputeAlpha(xs mat.Matrix, fs, weights []float64, p distmv.RandLogProber, folds []Fold, fps []FoldPrediction, evs [][]float64) [][]float64 } // SingleAlpha asigns a single alpha to all of the folds of each fit. It concatenates // the predictions for the Assess indices across all of the folds, and calculates // alpha as // α = A^-1 b // A_ij = cov(g_i, g_j) // b_i = cov(f,g_i) // the optimal estimator for a fixed control variate. type SingleAlpha struct{} var _ AlphaComputer = SingleAlpha{} func (sa SingleAlpha) ComputeAlpha(xs mat.Matrix, f, weights []float64, d distmv.RandLogProber, folds []Fold, fps []FoldPrediction, evs [][]float64) [][]float64 { nFitters := len(evs[0]) var totalPoints int for i := range folds { totalPoints += len(folds[i].Assess) } assessData := mat.NewDense(totalPoints, nFitters+1, nil) var weightData []float64 if weights != nil { weightData = make([]float64, totalPoints) } var count int for i := range folds { for _, v := range folds[i].Assess { // First column is the actual function value assessData.Set(count, 0, f[v]) if weights != nil { weightData[count] = weights[v] } // Rest of the columns are the fitter prections, possibly adjusted // by the fit expected value. idx, ok := fps[i].ToUniqueIdx[v] if !ok { panic("index missing in unique") } for k := 0; k < nFitters; k++ { pred := fps[i].Predictions[k][idx] assessData.Set(count, k+1, pred) } count++ } } if count != totalPoints { panic("bad count") } covmat := stat.CovarianceMatrix(nil, assessData, weightData) // The optimal alpha is A\b where b is variance of f with the fitter (row/column 0) // and A are the covariances among the fitters (1:end, 1:end). covarWithF := mat.NewVecDense(nFitters, nil) for i := 0; i < nFitters; i++ { covarWithF.SetVec(i, covmat.At(0, i+1)) } fitterCovar := covmat.SliceSquare(1, nFitters+1).(mat.Symmetric) var chol mat.Cholesky ok := chol.Factorize(fitterCovar) if !ok { // TODO(btracey): Handle error. panic("stackmc: cholesky error") } alpha := make([]float64, nFitters) alphaVec := mat.NewVecDense(len(alpha), alpha) err := chol.SolveVec(alphaVec, covarWithF) if err != nil { panic("stackmc: cholesky error") } // Set the same alpha for each fit across all of the folds. alphas := make([][]float64, len(folds)) for i := range alphas { alphas[i] = make([]float64, nFitters) copy(alphas[i], alpha) } return alphas }