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Cluster Monitoring

Kubernetes provides detailed information about applications and cluster resources usage. This information allows to evaluate the application’s performance and where bottlenecks can be removed to improve overall performance of the cluster.

In Kubernetes, applications monitoring does not depend on a single monitoring solution. In this section, we're going to explore some of the monitoring tools currently available.

Resources usage

When creating a pod, we can specify the amount of CPU and memory that a container requests and a limit on what it may consume.

The following pod manifest requests-pod.yaml specifies the CPU and memory requests for its single container.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: request-pod
  - image: busybox:latest
    command: ["dd", "if=/dev/zero", "of=/dev/null"]
    name: busybox
        cpu: 200m

By specifying resource requests, we specify the minimum amount of resources the pod needs. However the pod above can take more than the requested CPU and memory we requested, according to the capacity and the actual load of the working node. Each node has a certain amount of CPU and memory it can allocate to pods. When scheduling a pod, the scheduler will only consider nodes with enough unallocated resources to meet the pod requirements. If the amount of unallocated CPU or memory is less than what the pod requests, the scheduler will not consider the node, because the node can’t provide the minimum amount required by the pod.

Please, note that we're not specifying the maximum amount of resources the pod can consume. If we want to limit the usage of resources, we have to limit the pod as in the following limited-pod.yaml descriptor file

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: limited-pod
  - image: busybox:latest
    command: ["dd", "if=/dev/zero", "of=/dev/null"]
    name: busybox
        cpu: 200m
        cpu: 200m

Create the pod

kubectl apply -f limited-pod.yaml

Checking the resource usage

kubectl exec limited-pod top

Mem: 3458876K used, 2408668K free, 309892K shrd, 2072K buff, 2264840K cached
CPU:  7.6% usr  8.5% sys  0.0% nic 83.5% idle  0.0% io  0.0% irq  0.2% sirq
Load average: 1.97 1.14 0.74 6/621 12
    1     0 root     R     1236  0.0   0 10.5 dd if /dev/zero of /dev/null
    5     0 root     S     1244  0.0   0  0.0 top

We can see the pod taking 10% of the node CPU. On a 2 core CPU node, this corresponds to 200m of the single CPU.

Both resources requests and limits are specified for each container individually, not for the entire pod. The pod resource requests and limits are the sum of the requests and limits of all the containers contained into the pod.

We can check the usage of the resources at node level by describing the node

kubectl describe node kubew00


  Namespace            Name                 CPU Requests  CPU Limits  Memory Requests  Memory Limits
  ---------            ----                 ------------  ----------  ---------------  -------------
  default              limited-pod          200m (10%)    200m (5%)   0 (0%)           0 (0%)
  default              request-pod          200m (10%)    0 (0%)      0 (0%)           0 (0%)

Allocated resources:

  Resource  Requests     Limits
  --------  --------     ------
  cpu       400m (20%)   200m (10%)
  memory    0 (0%)       0 (0%)


The resource usage is provided by the cAdvisor agent running into kubelet binary and exposed externally to the port 4194 on the worker node. This is an unsecure port and it might be closed on some setups. To open this port, pass the --cadvisor-port flag to the kubelet configuration. We can start a simple web UI of the cAdvisor agent by using a web browser. The cAdvisor auto-discovers all containers running on the node and collects CPU, memory, filesystem, and network usage statistics. It also provides the overall machine usage and metrics.

Metric Server

The Metric Server is a kubernetes add-on running as pod in the cluster. It makes centrally accessible all the metrics collected by all the cAdvisor agents running on the worker nodes. Once installed, the metric server makes it possible to obtain resource usages for nodes and individual pods through the kubectl top command.

To see how much CPU and memory is being used on the worker nodes, run the command:

kubectl top nodes

NAME          CPU(cores)   CPU%      MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%   
kubew03       366m         18%       2170Mi          38%       
kubew04       102m          6%       2170Mi          38%   
kubew05       708m         40%       2170Mi          38%   

This shows the actual, current CPU and memory usage of all the pods running on all the nodes.

To see how much each individual pod is using, use the command:

kubectl top pods

NAME                    CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
curl                    0m           0Mi             
limited-pod             200m         0Mi             
request-pod             999m         0Mi        

To see resource usages across individual containers instead of pods, use the --containers option

kubectl top pod limited-pod --containers

POD           NAME      CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
limited-pod   busybox   200m         0Mi             

Metrics are also exposed as API by the kubernetes API server at http://cluseter.local/apis/ address.

Installing the Metric Server

The purpose of the Metric Server is to provide a stable, versioned API that other kubernetes components can rely on. Metric Server is part of the so-called core metrics pipeline and it is installed as kubernetes add-on.

In order to setup the Metrics Server, we first need to configure the aggregation layer on the cluster. The aggregation layer is a feature of the API server, allowing other custom API servers to register themselves to the main kubernetes API server. This is accomplished by configuring the kube-aggregator on the main kubernetes API server. The aggregator is basically a proxy (embedded into the main API server) that forwards requests coming from clients to all the API servers, including the main one.

Configuring the aggregation layer involves setting a number of flags on the API Server


See here for details.

The Metric Server is only one of the custom API server that can be used by means of the aggregator. To install the Metric Server, configure the API server to enable the aggregator and then deploy it in the kube-system namespace from the manifest files:

 kubectl apply -f auth-delegator.yaml
 kubectl apply -f auth-reader.yaml
 kubectl apply -f resource-reader.yaml
 kubectl apply -f metrics-apiservice.yaml
 kubectl apply -f metrics-server-sa.yaml
 kubectl apply -f metrics-server-deployment.yaml
 kubectl apply -f metrics-server-service.yaml

The metric server will be deployed as pod and exposed as an internal service.

get deploy metrics-server

metrics-server   1         1         1            1           2h

kubectl get svc metrics-server

NAME             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)         AGE
metrics-server   ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP         2h

The Metric Server is the foundation for the autoscaling feature.

Pods Autoscaling

Applications running in pods can be scaled out manually by increasing the replicas field of the Replica Set, Deploy, or Stateful Set. However, kubernetes can monitor the pods and scale them up automatically as soon as it detects an increase in the CPU usage or some other metric. To achieve this, we need to configure an autoscaler object. We can have multiple autoscalers, each one controlling a separated set of pods.

The pods autoscaling process is implemented as a control loop that can be split into three steps:

  1. Obtain metrics of all the pods managed by the scaled resource object.
  2. Calculate the number of pods required to bring the metrics close to a target value.
  3. Update the replicas field of the scaled resource.

The autoscaler controller doesn’t perform the collection of the pod metrics itself. Instead, it gets the metrics from the Metric Server through REST calls.

Once the autoscaler gathered all the metrics for the pods, it can use those metrics to return the number of replicas to bring the metrics close to the target. When the autoscaler is configured to consider only a single metric, calculating the required replica count is simple: sum the metrics values of all the pods, divide that by the target value and then round it up to the next integer. If multiple metrics are used, then the calculation takes place independently for each metric and then the maximum integer is considered.

The final step of the autoscaler is update the desired replica count field on the resource object, e.g. the deploy, and then letting it take care of spinning up additional pods or deleting excess ones. However, to deal with spike in the metrics, the scale operation is smoothed: if only one replica exists, it will scale up to a maximum of four replicas in a single step; if two or more replicas exist, it will double the number of replicas in a single step.

The period of the autoscaler is controlled by the --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-sync-period flag of controller manager (default 30 seconds). The delay between two scale up operations is controlled by using the --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-upscale-delay flag (default 180 seconds). Similarly, the delay between two scale down operations is adjustible with the --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-downscale-delay flag (default 300 seconds).

Autoscaling based on CPU usage

The most common used metric for pods autoscaling is the node's CPU consumed by all the pods controlled by the autoscaler. Those values are collected from the Metric Server and evaluated as an average.

The target parameter used by the autoscaler to determine the number of replicas is the requested CPU specified by the pod descriptor.

In this section, we're going to configure the pods autoscaler for a set of nginx pods.

Define a deploy as in the following nginx-deploy.yaml descriptor file

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx
  replicas: 3
      run: nginx
        run: nginx
      - image: nginx:1.12
        name: nginx
        - containerPort: 80
          protocol: TCP
            cpu: 50m
            cpu: 100m

We set the requests for 50m CPU. This means that, considering a standard two CPUs node, each pod needs for the 2.5% of node's CPU to be scheduled. Also we set 100m CPU as hard limit for each pod. This means that each pod cannot eat more than 5% of the node's CPU.

Create the deploy

kubectl apply -f nginx-deploy.yaml

and check the pods CPU usage

kubectl top pod

NAME                    CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
nginx-945d64b6b-995tf   0m           1Mi             
nginx-945d64b6b-b4sc6   0m           1Mi             
nginx-945d64b6b-ncsnm   0m           1Mi         

Please, note that it takes a while for cAdvisor to get the CPU metrics and for Metric Server to collect them. Because we’re running three pods that are currently receiving no requests, we should expect their CPU usage should be close to zero.

Now we define an autoscaler as in the following nginx-hpa.yaml descriptor file

apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: nginx
    apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
    kind: Deployment
    name: nginx
  minReplicas: 1
  maxReplicas: 10
  - type: Resource
      name: cpu
      targetAverageUtilization: 20

This creates an autoscaler object and sets the nginx deployment as the scaling target object. We’re setting the target CPU utilization to 20% of the requested CPU, i.e. 10m for each pod. We're also specifying the minimum and maximum number of replicas. The autoscaler will constantly adjusting the number of replicas to keep the single pod CPU utilization around 10m, but it will never scale down to less than one or scale up to more than ten replicas.

We can also spcify the metrics in terms of direct values, istead of percentage of the requested value. To achieve this, simply use the targetAverageValue: 10m instead of the targetAverageUtilization: 20.

Create the pods autoscaler

kubectl apply -f nginx-hpa.yaml

and check it

kubectl get hpa nginx

nginx     Deployment/nginx   0/20%      1         9         1          3s

Because all three pods are consuming an amount of CPU close to zero, we expect the autoscaler scale them to the minimum number of pods. Is soon scales the deploy to a single replica

kubectl get deploy nginx

nginx     1         1         1            1           10m

Remember, the autoscaler only adjusts the desired replica count on the deployment. Then the deployment takes care of updating the desired replica count on its replica set, which then causes the replica set to delete the two excess pods, leaving only one pod running.

Now, we’ll start sending requests to the remaining pod, thereby increasing its CPU usage, and we should see the autoscaler in action by detecting this and starting up additional pods.

To send requests to the pods, we need to expose them as an internal service, so we can send requests in a load balanced mode. Create a service as for the nginx-svc.yaml manifest file

kubectl apply -f nginx-svc.yaml

Also we define a simple load generator pod as in the following load-generator.yaml file

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: load-generator
  - image: busybox:latest
    name: busybox
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "while true; do wget -O - -q http://nginx; done"]

Create the load generator

kubectl apply -f load-generator.yaml

As we start to sending requests to the pod, we'll see the metric jumping to 72m, that is more than the target value of 10m.

kubectl top pod 

NAME                     CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
nginx-55cbff4979-spg9p   72m          1Mi

This corresponds to 140% of the requested CPU

kubectl get hpa -o wide

hpa/nginx   Deployment/nginx   144%/20%   1         10        1          2m

and that's very far from the target of 20%.

Now the autoscaler calculates the required replicas based on the measured CPU utilization: ceil(144/20) = 8 replicas. However, since only one replica exists, the autoscaler will scale up to a maximum of four replicas in a single step:

kubectl get deploy nginx

nginx     4         4         4            4           15m

Checking the pod's consumed CPU

kubectl top pod

NAME                     CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
nginx-55cbff4979-6c6zd   20m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-lxmkd   20m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-spg9p   20m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-xnx7t   20m          1Mi

we see each pod consuming 20m, that is more than the target value of 10m.

This corresponds to 40% of the requested CPU

kubectl get hpa -o wide

hpa/nginx   Deployment/nginx   40%/20%    1         10        4          16m

and that's still far from the target value of 20%.

After the upscale delay timeout (default 180 seconds), the autoscaler starts calculating again the number of replicas: ceil((40+40+40+40)/20) = 8 replicas. Since four replicas exist, the autoscaler scales up the deploy to have 8 replicas

kubectl get deploy nginx

nginx     8         8         8            8           20m

Checking the pod's consumed CPU

kubectl top pod

NAME                     CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
nginx-55cbff4979-6c6zd   10m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-fwgd8   10m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-hlrcv   10m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-lmgzm   10m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-lxmkd   10m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-nckqh   10m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-spg9p   10m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-xnx7t   10m          1Mi

we see each pod consuming 10m, that is the target value.

kubectl get hpa -o wide

hpa/nginx   Deployment/nginx   20%/20%    1         10        8          20m

Stopping the load generator

kubectl delete -f load-generator.yaml

we can see the pod's consumed CPU reaching zero

kubectl top pod

NAME                     CPU(cores)  MEMORY(bytes)
nginx-55cbff4979-6c6zd   0m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-fwgd8   0m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-hlrcv   0m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-lmgzm   0m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-lxmkd   0m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-nckqh   0m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-spg9p   0m          1Mi
nginx-55cbff4979-xnx7t   0m          1Mi

After the down scale delay timeout (default 300 seconds), the autoscaler will scale down the deploy to a single replica only

kubectl get deploy nginx

nginx     1         1         1            1           30m

Please, note the autoscaler does't work with target resources that do not support scaling operations, e.g. the daemon sets.

Autoscaling based on memory usage

Configure the memory based autoscaling is less easy than CPU based autoscaling. The main reason is because the memory management depends much more on the application itself than on the operating system. For example, after scaling up, the previous set of pods need to release memory to make the autoscaler working properly. Unfortunately, this is much related to the application memory management (think Java based applications) and we cannot be sure the memory is released by the application, so in that case, the autoscaler would scale it up again until it reaches the maximum number of pods configured on the autoscaler object.

Autoscaling based on custom metrics

Often one metric does not fit all use cases. For example, for a message queue application, the number of messages in waiting state might be a more appropriate metric than the CPU or memory usage. As another example, for a business application which handles thousands of transactions per second, the QPS (Query Per Second) might be the right metric to use.

Kubernetes supports the usage of custom metrics for the pods autoscaler. Custom metrics rely on custom adapters that serves the custom metrics API. These adapters need to be registered at /apis/ of the main kubernetes API server to tell the aggregation layer where to forward requests for custom metrics.

The most common solution for custom metrics in kubernetes is based on the Prometheus project.

Nodes Autoscaling

The pods autoscaler creates additional pod instances when the need for them arises. However, it may encounter the problem where none of the nodes can accept the more pods, because the node’s resources aren't enough to run all required pods. In that case, the only option is to add new nodes to the cluster. This could be a manual process involving the cluster infrastructure or it can be automated by means of the nodes autoscaler.

Unlike the pods autoscaler, the nodes autoscaler (a.k.a cluster autoscaler) relies on the cluster infrastructure to work. For example, if the cluster is hosted on a cloud infrastructure, the autoscaler needs to use the APIs provided by the cloud provider to provision new node instances.

The cluster autoscaler takes care of automatically provisioning (scale up) additional nodes when there are unschedulable pods because of a lack of resources on the current set of nodes. It also deprovisions (scale down) nodes when they are underutilized for a given period of time.