Beginning with PhoneGap 1.4, you can use PhoneGap as a component in your iOS applications. This component is code-named "Cleaver".
New PhoneGap-based applications created using the Xcode template provided in PhoneGap 1.4 uses Cleaver, and is considered the reference implementation for Cleaver.
- PhoneGap 1.4 installed
- Xcode 4.2 or greater installed
- PhoneGap.plist file
Copy the "PhoneGap.plist" file into your project folder
Drag and drop the "PhoneGap.plist" file into your Xcode project
Choose the radio-button "Create groups for any added folders"
Press the key combination Option-Command-A, which should drop down a sheet to add files to your project (the "Add Files…" sheet). Make sure the "Created groups for any added folders" radio-button is selected
Press the key combination Shift-Command-G, which should drop down another sheet for you to go to a folder (the "Go to the folder:" sheet)
In the "Go to the folder:" sheet, enter "/Users/Shared/PhoneGap/Frameworks/PhoneGap.framework" and press the "Go" button
In the "Add Files…" sheet, press the "Add" button
Select "PhoneGap.framework" in the Project Navigator
Press the key combination Option-Command-1 to show the File Inspector
In the File Inspector for the drop-down menu for Location, choose "Absolute Path
Click on the project icon, then select your Target, then select the "Build Phase" tab
Expand "Link Binaries with Libraries"
Click on the "+" button, and add these frameworks and move them under the Frameworks group:
AddressBook.framework AddressBookUI.framework AudioToolbox.framework AVFoundation.framework CoreLocation.framework MediaPlayer.framework QuartzCore.framework SystemConfiguration.framework MobileCoreServices.framework CoreMedia.framework
In your code, add the header:
#import <PhoneGap/PGViewController.h>
Instantiate a new PGViewController:
PGViewController* viewController = [PGViewController new];
Set the splashscreen property (defaults to NO):
viewController.useSplashScreen = YES;
Set the view bounds:
viewController.view.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 480);
Add Cleaver to your view:
[myView addSubview:viewController.view];