Create the variables you are going to need:
RG=mygoodoldresourcegroup LOC=eastus VM_NAME=harbor-vm DNS_NAME=${USER}-${RANDOM:0:5}
Create Resource Group
az group create -n $RG -l $LOC
Create an Ubuntu 16.04 VM in your resource group:
az vm create \ --resource-group $RG \ --name $VM_NAME \ --image UbuntuLTS \ --admin-username $USER \ --generate-ssh-keys \ --public-ip-address-dns-name $DNS_NAME\ --size "Standard_D2_v3"
Install the custom vm extension to get the VM ready for harbor:
az vm extension set \ --resource-group $RG \ --vm-name $VM_NAME \ --name customScript \ --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \ --protected-settings '{"fileUris": ["https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brusMX/AKS-hybrid/master/deploy-env/harbor-docker-registry/harbor-setup.sh"],"commandToExecute": "./harbor-setup.sh"}'
Install Harbor Container Registry on it, to ssh into the machine you can run the following command:
HARBOR_VM_IP=$(az vm list-ip-addresses -g $RG -n harbor-vm -o tsv --query "[0].virtualMachine.network.publicIpAddresses[0].ipAddress") ssh $HARBOR_VM_IP
Open the needed ports:
az vm open-port --port 80 --resource-group $RG --name $VM_NAME
Go into the admin of Harbor and create a project
Create a dockerfile in your computer and upload it to harbor registry
Download the certificates from your VM into your machine, you can use SCP.
Copy the certificate to your machine
or in Windows double click the certificate and restart docker. -
Create an Azure Keyvault and upload the ca.crt as a secret (Check Noel's)
az keyvault create -n k8s-keyvault-01 -g AKS-experiments --enabled-for-deployment --enabled-for-disk-encryption --enabled-for-template-deployment az keyvault secret set -n harbor-website-cert --vault-name k8s-keyvault-01 -f ca.crt
Connect to your client VM and download the Azure KeyVault secret with a valid SP
az keyvault secret download -n harbor-website-cert --vault-name k8s-jeyvault-01 -f ca.crt
Trust the certificate by uploading it into the trusted valid ca-certificates.
cp ca.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/<domain-name>
Try it out by downloading an image in your client server.
docker login harbor-registry.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com -u brusmx docker pull harbor-registry.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com/test-a1/brusbox:1.0