Small program to create hyperlapses with Google Street View.
My homemade hyperlapse tool inspired by
It will download (using 4 "threads") the StreetView images corresponding to the data in test.dat and create the gif hyperlapse.
If you have a Go installation you can install hyperlapse
go get
otherwise you can just download the binary (for linux) here
Prepare a table with a list of "step" in the format
latitute, longitude, size, field of view, (direction of) head(ing), pitch
for example
40.720032,-73.988354, 400, 90, 90, 0
This results in this frame.
Run it with
./hyperlapse test.dat
### Note
The test.dat file contains only one coordinate copied over multiple lines so it will download multiple copies of the same image.
### TODO
* ~~Automatically create the gif file with the images.~~ `done`
* Automatically create the list of coordinates given the path
May be useful: