See development/docs for more information.
Install Docker
Install and configure git-secrets.
Install pre-commit and configure hooks.
pre-commit install
This should be enough to use the Docker Compose development environment. However, installing dependencies may be required if not using Docker Compose or for some editor integrations.
For browser/API development, install Node.js, pnpm, and dependencies.
pnpm install
For data pipeline development, install Python, dependencies, and development tools.
pip install -r data-pipeline/requirements.txt pip install -r requirements-dev.txt pip install -r deploy/deployctl/requirements.txt
The production API can be used for browser development. To start a local instance of only the browser...
with Docker
# create browser/build.env file cat <<EOF > browser/build.env GA_TRACKING_ID= REPORT_VARIANT_URL= REPORT_VARIANT_VARIANT_ID_PARAMETER= REPORT_VARIANT_DATASET_PARAMETER= EOF ./development/ browser up
without Docker:
cd browser ./
Because of the size of the gnomAD database, API development is usually done using an Elasticsearch cluster hosted in the cloud. See the deployment documentation for instructions on deploying a browser environment in GCP and the data pipeline documentation for instructions on populating the database.
Install and configure the Google Cloud SDK.
Select GCP project and zone for development deployment.
./deployctl config set project $PROJECT ./deployctl config set zone $ZONE
Start a local instance of the API...
with Docker:
./development/ api up
or use
./development/ up
to start both the API and browser -
without Docker:
cd graphql-api ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME=elastic ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD=$(../deployctl elasticsearch get-password) ./
The Docker Compose configuration could be modified to run Elasticsearch locally.
All code should formatted using either Prettier for JavaScript or Black for Python. To run these formatters, use:
- Prettier:
pnpm format
- Black:
black .
If pre-commit hooks are installed, formatters will be automatically run on each commit.
Some other conventions are enforced using ESLint for JavaScript, Stylelint for CSS (and styled-components styles), and Pylint for Python. To run these linters use:
- ESLint:
pnpm lint:js
- Stylelint:
pnpm lint:css
- Pylint:
pylint data-pipeline/src/data_pipeline
Jest is used for JavaScript unit tests. Jest is configured to look for files named *.spec.js
in the browser and graphql-api directories.
To run all Jest tests, use:
pnpm jest
To run only tests for one component, use pnpm jest --projects browser
or pnpm jest --projects graphql-api
Images for the Docker Compose development environment need to be rebuilt after updating dependencies.
./development/ build browser
./development/ build api