Thank you for being interested enough in this project to open this 😉
I need all the help I can get, so if you spot anything you think you can improve, any PR's or even just opened issues would be extremely appreciated.
Install Node.js
minimum, latest LTS is recommended- Recommended: use
for managing Node.js versions
- Recommended: use
(for installing npm dependencies, using pnpm workspaces) -
(for running Node.js scripts written in TypeScript)
Copy paste these commands to install the global dependencies:
curl -o- | bash
nvm install --lts
npm install --global pnpm@8 ts-node
This repo consists of two packages /packages/generator and /packages/usage
/packages/generator is the main package, this get's installed on a user's machine when they npm install bridg
This is a prisma generator, it runs a code generation step whenever the user runs npx prisma generate
The Bridg generator creates Typescript files based on the user's Prisma schema, then compiles those files into JavaScript and .d.ts
Any new features, or changes to existing functionality will be made in this package.
/packages/usage is a test environment / playground for generating Bridg clients, for ensuring that generation and DB rules are working properly
The main test suite is located at ./packages/usage/__tests__/
To run tests:
cd packages/usage
# regen bridg test clients, if you've made changes to generator code
npm run test:prepare
# runs all tests
npm run test
# run integration tests (fast)
npm run test:int
# run only pulse tests (long running, requires Prisma Pulse API key)
npm run test:pulse
# install every version (5+) of Prisma, and run integration tests
# ensures that changes don't break for previous versions of Prisma
npm run test:prisma-versions
Pull Request authors must sign a contributor license agreement (CLA). Prisma has offered to let us to use their CLA for this.
For now, this must be done manually, but in the future, this will be added as an automated step whenever you open your first PR.