Name | Type | Description | Notes |
description | String | The description of the activity | [optional] |
photos | PhotosSummary | [optional] | |
gear | SummaryGear | [optional] | |
calories | Number | The number of kilocalories consumed during this activity | [optional] |
segmentEfforts | [DetailedSegmentEffort] | [optional] | |
deviceName | String | The name of the device used to record the activity | [optional] |
embedToken | String | The token used to embed a Strava activity | [optional] |
splitsMetric | [Split] | The splits of this activity in metric units (for runs) | [optional] |
splitsStandard | [Split] | The splits of this activity in imperial units (for runs) | [optional] |
laps | [Lap] | [optional] | |
bestEfforts | [DetailedSegmentEffort] | [optional] |