This script generates two shell/bash scripts in the environments
folder plus a shared config file. Run the appropriate script to setup the development environment to run the webapp either locally or on Heroku:
- Local config - Local database configuration
- Heroku config - Heroku database configuration
- common config - All the various API keys
By default, the script generates files using the current username. For example, if the current user is mephistopheles, the script will generate the following files:
usage: [-h] [--user USER] [--dbname DBNAME] [--dbuser DBUSER]
[--dbport DBPORT]
google_key forecast_key twillio_sid twillio_token
positional arguments:
google_key secret Google API key
forecast_key secret API key
twillio_sid Twillio SID
twillio_token Twillio auth token
twillio_number Twillio phone number
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--user USER username for configuration files. Defaults to current user.
--dbname DBNAME database name. Defaults to "wheres"
--dbuser DBUSER database user name. Defaults to "wheres".
--dbport DBPORT database port. Defaults to 5432.