Very basic middleware for Connect/Express to handle newline-delimited javascript requests
$ npm install newdelimma
The specifications for newline-delimited JSON (NDJ) are in draft stages as of early 2012.
At this point, NDJ headers often fall under the same umbrella as standard JSON: 'application/json'
This middleware intercepts 'application/json' POST requests, and converts NDJ into standard JSON.
{ "field1": "value1", "field2": "value2", "field3": "value3" }
{ "fieldA": "valueA", "fieldB": "valueB", "fieldC": "valueC" }
are instead converted to
record1: { "field1": "value1", "field2": "value2", "field3": "value3" },
record2: { "fieldA": "valueA", "fieldB": "valueB", "fieldC": "valueC" }
"record" can be changed by passing { handle: "mycustomrecord" } as an option
Multiple newlines are compressed into one: i.e. {...}\n\n\n{...}
splits into 2 records (none blank).
Meanwhile, spaces BETWEEN newlines BETWEEN records are treated as blank records: {...}\n \n\n{...}
splits into 3 records (the middle blank).
Should come BEFORE bodyParser in the express middleware stack (listed in CoffeeScript below):
app.configure ->
app.use express.logger( { format: '\x1b[1m:method\x1b[0m \x1b[32m:url\x1b[0m :response-time ms' } )
app.use ndj.middleware()
app.use express.bodyParser()
app.use express.methodOverride()
app.use express.cookieParser()