General Notes on contributing to the project
You will need to create a Google FireBase Project and generate a google-services.json
file to successfully build the project.
Login to
Create a Project with any name (doesn't matter) what it is
Uncheck the sharing settings for analytics data and create the project.
You should now be at the Project page in the Firebase Console
Press Android icon
Register App
after setting the following:Package Name: io.zenandroid.onlinego.debug
It's the
found inapp/build.gradle
App Nickname: anything you want
It is just a user friendly way to identify it in the Firebase Console
Omit the debug signing cert
Download the
file and put it in theapp/
folder in Android Studio
You can now build/run the project.
When syncing gradle, the following issues may arise.
The project is using an incompatible version (AGP x.x.x-alpha) of the Android Gradle plugin. Latest supported version is AGP x.x.x
- This repo tends to use a newer version of the Android Gradle Plugin. You can try either of the following solutions.
- Solution: Downgrade the AGP version specified in build.gradle
- Solution: install the Android Studio Canary version
CMake '3.10.2' was not found in SDK, PATH, or by cmake.dir property.
- Solution: Install CMake