This package provides a python module that contains functions that make composing a ROS 2 launch tree easier.
NOTE: this package uses the ROS 2 xacro package found here
This module contains the following functions:
- find_share_file(package_name, file_dir, file_name)
- find_executable(package_name, executable_name)
- add_node(ld, package_name, node_name, args=None)
- add_static_transform_publisher(ld, parent_frame, child_frame, x=0, y=0, z=0, roll=0, pitch=0, yaw=0)
- add_launch_file(ld, package_name, launch_file, launch_dir="launch", argv=None)
- xacro_to_urdf(package_name, xacro_dir, xacro_file, urdf_file=None)
- add_robot_state_publisher_urdf(ld, urdf_package, urdf_dir, urdf_file)
- add_robot_state_publisher_xacro(ld, xacro_package, xacro_dir, xacro_file)
- create_args_list(arg_map)
from ros2_launch_util import *
def launch(ld, argv):
# Launch a robot state publisher using URDF
# my_robot_description/urdf/my_robot.urdf
ld, "my_robot_description", "urdf", "my_robot.urdf")
# Or use xacro (which will be converted to urdf)
# my_robot_description/urdf/my_robot.urdf.xacro
ld, "my_robot_description", "urdf", "my_robot.urdf.xacro")
# Include a launch file: other_package/launch/
add_launch_file(ld, "other_package", "")
# Add a static transform publisher with an x offset
add_static_transform_publisher(ld, "world", "map", x=1.0)
# Create a list of arguments for a node
nodeArgs = create_args_list({
"--my_int": 10,
"--my_topic": "hello",
# Easily launch the my_node node within the my_package package
add_node("my_package", "my_node", args=nodeArgs)
# Find a file in the package's share directory:
# my_package/config/info.cfg
configFile = find_share_file("my_package", "config", "info.cfg")
# Find an executable within a package:
execPath = find_executable("my_package", "my_executable")
# Convert an xacro file to a URDF file, returns the path to
# the resulting URDF file as a temporary file
# (e.g., /tmp/my_robot.urdf.xacro_siu_qyii)
urdfFile = xacro_to_urdf(
"my_robot_description", "urdf", "my_robot.urdf.xacro")
# Convert an xacro file to a specific URDF file
urdfFile = xacro_to_urdf(
"my_robot_description", "urdf", "my_robot.urdf.xacro",