Releases: bp/resqpy
Fix of bug regarding leaky surface assertion for packed bisectors
This patch fixes a bug occasionally affecting packed grid bisector generation which caused an erroneous assertion failure regarding leaky surfaces.
PropertyCollection handling pre-packed boolean arrays
This patch enhances the PropertyCollection class to allow boolean arrays that have already been packed to be added to the imported list and processed.
Packed grid bisectors
This release introduces the option of generating grid bisector arrays in packed form, reducing the memory requirement when working with large grids.
Fix of bug affecting find faces bounding box from indices
This patch fixes a bug affecting the bounding box used for bisector generation when finding faces using indices.
Handling zero length face indices in find faces
Merge pull request #839 from bp/none_faces_issues handling zero length face indices arrays
Further improvements to find faces for curtains
This patch adds further robustness to the find faces functionality when applied to curtains and to surfaces which do not intersect the grid.
Fix of bug affecting find faces for curtain boundaries
This patch fixes a bug affecting the find faces regular optimised functionality when applied to a curtain boundary.
Resolves njit issue
Resolves a bug affecting find faces regular optimised. Random data without a seed was also leading to inconsistent unit test failures, which were affecting the publishing pipeline.
Resolved build issues
This release resolves build issues with v4.17.3, which includes improved handling and testing of surfaces that do not intersect any faces in one axis, when intersecting with a grid in find faces regular optimised.
Resolving build failure
This patch attempts to resolve the build failure seen with v4.17.3. That failure is believed to have been a difference of behaviour in an integration test, when using the older versions of the python and/or numpy dependencies.