A very small example that saves a minimap and displays players and their civilizations on the command line.
A small example that reads all chat messages from a recorded game and displays them on the command line.
A small example that displays some information about the game settings of a recorded game, in a language of user choice.
php examples/simple-localized.php # Default language (French, for this script).
php examples/simple-localized.php br # Use Brazilian Portuguese
A larger example that implements a tabbed recorded game overview similar to the one on AoCZone. It uses the Twig template engine to render data. Using a template engine is recommended, because they'll usually handle HTML escaping for you.
The same example as above, but without a template engine. Useful as a reference point for your own displays.
A Laravel controller that shows certain bits and pieces of recorded game data, and how RecAnalyst integrates with Laravel file uploads.