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GeoPackage iOS

GeoPackage iOS Lib

The GeoPackage Libraries were developed at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) in collaboration with BIT Systems. The government has "unlimited rights" and is releasing this software to increase the impact of government investments by providing developers with the opportunity to take things in new directions. The software use, modification, and distribution rights are stipulated within the MIT license.

Pull Requests

If you'd like to contribute to this project, please make a pull request. We'll review the pull request and discuss the changes. All pull request contributions to this project will be released under the MIT license.

Software source code previously released under an open source license and then modified by NGA staff is considered a "joint work" (see 17 USC § 101); it is partially copyrighted, partially public domain, and as a whole is protected by the copyrights of the non-government authors and must be released according to the terms of the original open source license.


GeoPackage iOS is a GeoPackage Library Objective-C SDK implementation of the Open Geospatial Consortium GeoPackage spec. It is listed as an OGC GeoPackage Implementation by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

The GeoPackage SDK provides the ability to manage GeoPackage files providing read, write, import, export, share, and open support. Open GeoPackage files provide read and write access to features and tiles. Feature support includes Well-Known Binary and iOS Map shape translations. Tile generation supports creation by URL or features. Tile providers supporting GeoPackage format, standard tile API, and feature tile generation.


View the latest Appledoc on CocoaDocs


GeoPackage MapCache

The GeoPackage MapCache app provides an extensive standalone example on how to use the SDK.


// NSString * geoPackageFile = ...;
// GPKGSMapView *mapView = ...;

// Get a manager
GPKGGeoPackageManager * manager = [GPKGGeoPackageFactory getManager];

// Available databases
NSArray * databases = [self.manager databases];

// Import database
BOOL imported = [manager importGeoPackageFromPath:geoPackageFile];

// Open database
GPKGGeoPackage * geoPackage = [manager open:[databases objectAtIndex:0]);

// GeoPackage Table DAOs
GPKGSpatialReferenceSystemDao * srsDao = [geoPackage getSpatialReferenceSystemDao];
GPKGContentsDao * contentsDao =  [geoPackage getContentsDao];
GPKGGeometryColumnsDao * geometryColumnsDao = [geoPackage getGeometryColumnsDao];
GPKGTileMatrixSetDao * tileMatrixSetDao = [geoPackage getTileMatrixSetDao];
GPKGTileMatrixDao * tileMatrixDao = [self getTileMatrixDao];
GPKGDataColumnsDao *dataColumnsDao = [self getDataColumnsDao];
GPKGDataColumnConstraintsDao * dataColumnConstraintsDao = [self getDataColumnConstraintsDao];
GPKGMetadataDao * metadataDao = [self getMetadataDao];
GPKGMetadataReferenceDao * metadataReferenceDao = [self getMetadataReferenceDao];
GPKGExtensionsDao * extensionsDao = [self getExtensionsDao];

// Feature and tile tables
NSArray * features = [geopackage getFeatureTables];
NSArray * tiles = [geopackage getTileTables];

// Query Features
NSString * featureTable = [features objectAtIndex:0];
GPKGFeatureDao * featureDao = [geoPackage getFeatureDaoWithTableName:featureTable];
GPKGMapShapeConverter * converter = [[GPKGMapShapeConverter alloc] initWithProjection:featureDao.projection];
GPKGResultSet * featureResults = [featureDao queryForAll];
@try {
    while([featureResults moveToNext]){
        GPKGFeatureRow * featureRow = [featureDao getFeatureRow:featureResults];
        GPKGGeometryData * geometryData = [featureRow getGeometry];
        WKBGeometry * geometry = geometryData.geometry;
        GPKGMapShape * shape = [converter toShapeWithGeometry:geometry];
        GPKGMapShape * mapShape = [GPKGMapShapeConverter addMapShape:shape toMapView:mapView];
        // ...
}@finally {
    [featureResults close];

// Query Tiles
NSString * tileTable = [tiles objectAtIndex:0];
GPKGTileDao * tileDao = [geoPackage getTileDaoWithTableName:tileTable];
GPKGResultSet * tileResults = [tileDao queryForAll];
@try {
    while([tileResults moveToNext]){
        GPKGTileRow * tileRow = [tileDao getTileRow:tileResults];
        NSData * tileBytes = [tileRow getTileData];
        UIImage * tileImage = [tileRow getTileDataImage];
        // ...
}@finally {
    [tileResults close];

// Tile Overlay (GeoPackage or Standard API)
MKTileOverlay * tileOverlay = [GPKGOverlayFactory getTileOverlayWithTileDao:tileDao];
tileOverlay.canReplaceMapContent = false
[mapView addOverlay:tileOverlay];

// Feature Tile Overlay (dynamically draw tiles from features)
GPKGFeatureTiles * featureTiles = [[GPKGFeatureTiles alloc] initWithFeatureDao:featureDao];
GPKGFeatureOverlay * featureOverlay = [[GPKGFeatureOverlay alloc] initWithFeatureTiles:featureTiles];
[self.mapView addOverlay:featureOverlay];

// URL Tile Generator (generate tiles from a URL)
GPKGTileGenerator * urlTileGenerator = [[GPKGUrlTileGenerator alloc] initWithGeoPackage:geoPackage andTableName:@"url_tile_table" andTileUrl:@"http://url/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" andMinZoom:2 andMaxZoom:7];
int urlTileCount = [urlTileGenerator generateTiles];

// Feature Tile Generator (generate tiles from features)
GPKGTileGenerator * featureTileGenerator = [[GPKGFeatureTileGenerator alloc] initWithGeoPackage:geoPackage andTableName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_tiles", featureTable] andFeatureTiles:featureTiles andMinZoom:10 andMaxZoom:15];
int featureTileCount = [featureTileGenerator generateTiles];

// Close database when done
[geoPackage close];

// Close manager when done
[manager close];


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pod install

Open geopackage-ios.xcworkspace in Xcode

Include Library

Include this repository by specifying it in a Podfile using a supported option.

Pull from CocoaPods:

pod 'geopackage-ios', '~> 1.1'

Pull from GitHub:

pod 'geopackage-ios', :git => '', :branch => 'master'
pod 'geopackage-ios', :git => '', :tag => '1.1.0'

Include as local project:

pod 'geopackage-ios', :path => '../geopackage-ios'

Remote Dependencies

  • WKB (The MIT License (MIT)) - GeoPackage Well Known Binary Lib
  • AFNetworking (The MIT License (MIT)) - Networking framework
  • proj4 (The MIT License (MIT)) - Cartographic projection software


GeoPackage iOS Library







No packages published


  • Objective-C 99.9%
  • Ruby 0.1%