“I think it’s crucial for us to have clear and focused fundamentals to direct all of us throughout this project. I think our mindset shouldn’t be “just start first” without clearly defining what our product, problem, and positioning are. Setting the foundation is an extremely important first step that will set the tone for this entire project. We should come out of the meeting knowing exactly what we want to make, how it will solve the problem, how are we different, what’s the narrowed-down design brief? We should be very clear on what to answer when your parents ask you, “what’s your side project about?” Then, we can move on to work.”
An intelligent [] that tracks [] for you, so you don't have to
- What exactly will the product be and what types of interface will it be?
- What type of data will our program track?
- Status (Is it selling, on sale?, is it in stock?)
- Price (Amazon, eBay)
- Why is our product special?
- Centralized platform for all websites trackings
- Templating, essential selection presets for major websites
- Machine Learning to predict selection (autofill?)
- Basically tagging websites, we gather data of fields and take advantage of it.
- Data science/processing on tracked data
- Snapshot of the website (screenshot)
- Sharing (collab based)
- Workspace, team, organization... etc.
- Slack intergration
- What type of data will our program track?
- In one sentence, what is the project and what does it need to do? (simple & focused)
- Intelligent tool that tracks and monitors the web
- Lazy people
We've got your back
Do you always find yourself too lazy to reopen a website, click through certain links, just to check some numbers?
- Name
- Meet / Idea
- Mission statement
- Deadlines
UI Library
- Design
- Features
- Login
- Features
Dashboard (Overview)
- Features
- Stats for your trackings and scheduled jobs
- Number of total trackings
- Number of scheduled jobs to be run
- Number of success, failures and re-run
- Pie chart for Tags (distribution)
- List of trackings that link to their configs
- Alerts to call for attention on items that have changed since last visit
- Popular Templates
- User profile
- Stats for your trackings and scheduled jobs
- Components
- Layout
- Flexbox
- Grid
- Space
- Dropdown
- Menu
- Nav
- Menu
- Text
- Paragraph
- Headings
- Popover
- Alert
- Modal
- Badges
- Card
- Visualizations
- Graphs
- Charts
- Form
- Button
- Loader
- Input
- Text
- Date
- Number
- Switch
- Button
- Table
- List
- Switch
- Layout
- Features
Extension/Monitor page
- Features
- See settings and selectors
- Configure
- Live test selectors result
- See historical results from the scrapper
- Features
Extension Tool
- Features
- Auth page (if not logged in)
- Login/Signup
- Navigation buttons
- Buttons to go back to the dashboard
- Templates & prediction selections
- Element selection
- Element Selection
- Manually select an element on the website
- Pick and Choose
- Tagging
- Filter out the elements you don't want (probably selected by template/prediction)
- Track button
- Press to start tracking
- Auth page (if not logged in)
- Development
- To be decided
- Design
- To be decided
- Features