Inspired by
To install,
cordova plugin add
- Oh, but ya know sometimes things get out of sync so you have to re-add the ios platform. Thank you [SO] (!
#!/bin/bash echo "Killing xcode..." kill $(ps aux | grep 'Xcode' | awk '{print $2}') rm -r platforms/ios rm plugins/ios.json cordova platforms add ios cordova build ios open platforms/ios/*.xcodeproj
To remove,
cordova plugin rm org.apache.cordova.plugins.WaitingDialog
Created by Guido Sabatini
Creates a modal dialog to give a waiting feedback to users You can only show and dismiss the dialog, it will block user interactions. You can set the text appearing in the dialog
NOTE: this is not a progress dialog, you can not show progress
// To SHOW a modal waiting dialog"Your dialog text");
// To HIDE the dialog
If you want to show a waiting dialog for a certain amount of time, you can use javascript setTimeout
// show dialog"Your dialog text");
// automatically hide dialog after 5 seconds
setTimeout(function() {window.plugins.waitingDialog.hide();}, 5000);