Create locale folder in src/providers
Add locale to locales list src/casual.js
Create specific providers inside of locale folder, it should have same name as base provider.
Locale-specific provider will be extended from base provider and will have all its properties.
Keep in mind that all provider methods will be bound to the casual object, so you can use other generators for your generator:
provider = {
whoop_name: function() {
return + '!';
module.exports = provider;
There are three things you can override/add:
- dictionaries (leave formats and algorithms, just change dictionaries)
- formats (leave dictionaries and algorithms, just change formats)
- generators (change generator algorithm at all)
It should be pretty straightforward after looking at examples:
To view generator results you can use help util:
node utils/show.js internet -l ru_RU
For details see usage