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jqModal js

jqModal is a plugin for jQuery to help you display notices, dialogs, and modal windows in a web browser. It is flexible and tiny, akin to a "Swiss Army Knife", and makes a great base as a general purpose windowing framework. — Read more

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  • jQuery 1.9.1 + ready (undifined error was fixed)

========================= jqModal Documentation

NOTE: This is a parameter definition. For examples of use, source code, and and creative ideas see;

[TOC] - USAGE - 1. Adding, Showing, and Hiding Dialogs 2. Adding Triggers and Closes

1. General
2. Styling
3. Ajax Related
4. Callback Functions

1. Source Code Key

========= USAGE

jqModal attaches itself to an element, turning that element into a dialog. e.g. $(e).jqm();

The $.jqm(); function takes parameters. Parameters and their defaults are listed below. As example, you can disalbe the display of an overlay and pull the dialog content from a remote source (ajax url) via;


Usually the element (e) is hidden from view via CSS (display: none), and shown when a "trigger" is clicked. The dialog is closed when a "close" is clicked. You can manually show or hide a dialog with $.jqmShow() and $.jqmHide(). e.g.

$(e).jqm().jqmShow(); $('#window2').jqmHide();

  will show the dialog attached to (e), and hide the dialog attached to the
  element with an ID of window2, without any "trigger" being clicked.

Triggers and Closes are typically added on the fly via CSS class selections when $.jqm() is called on element(s). They can also be manually added. e.g.

$(e).jqmAddTrigger(triggers) will add a "trigger" to open (show) dialog(s) attached to e, and
$(e).jqmAddClose(closes) will add a "close" to close (hide) the dialog(s) attached to e.

From the wording above, it should be gathered that you can assign, show, hide, and add closes/triggers to multiple dialogs at once! Further, triggers and closes can be assosiated with multiple dialogs, and can show AND hide dialogs. e.g.

1 $('#a,#b,#c').jqm(); 2 $('#a,#b').jqmShow().jqmAddClose(trigger); 3 $('#c').jqmAddTrigger(trigger);

1: assign dialogs to elements with ID a, b, and c
2: open a and b, assign a "close" to 'trigger' for both a and b dialogs.
3: assign a "open" to 'trigger' for c dialog.

clicking 'trigger' will close a and b dialogs, and open c dialog.

====================== $.jqm() PARAMETERS

  1. [ GENERAL ]

modal (bool)

If modal is enabled (true), input (mouse clicks, keypresses) will be locked to the modal window (forced focus a.k.a. "true modal"). If false, the user will be able to interact outside of the modal window.

If false and overlay is enabled, CLICKING THE OVERLAY WILL CLOSE THE DIALOG.

default: FALSE

overlay (int)

The overlay transparency as a percentage. If 0 the overlay is disabled, and the page will remain interactive. If 100 the overlay will be 100% opaque.

default: 50

trigger (mixed)

When a trigger is clicked, the window it is assosiated with is displayed. jqModal will by default look through the entire DOM for elements matching class "jqModal" and assign a "open" trigger to those found.

The trigger can be; (str) - a jQuery Selector (CSS/XPATH) see; (object) - a DOM element (e.g. trigger = document.getElementById("trigger"); ) (false) - if FALSE, no trigger will be looked up.

default: '.jqModal' (css selector, "elements with class jqModal")

closeClass (str|false)

jqModal will by default look through the window for elements matching class "jqmClose", and assign a "close" trigger to those found. When a close trigger is clicked, the dialog is hidden.

If false, no "close" triggers will be assigned/looked for.

default: 'jqmClose'

  1. [ STYLING ]

overlayClass (str)

Name of CSS class applied to the Overlay (defines tint color, background image, etc.).

default: 'jqmOverlay'

zIndex (int)

The default z-index value for a dialog. If one is defined via CSS, the CSS z-index will take priority (and the parameter value ignored).

default: 3000


ajax (str)

If ajax is passed, the content of the window will be pulled remotely via an AJAX request.

A URL (str) is accepted, the windows content will be loaded from this URL (e.g. {ajax: 'include/dialog.html' })

The URL can also be extracted from an attribute of the triggering element by prefixing with a '@'. For instance, {ajax: '@href' } would tell jqModal to extract the remote content URL from the triggering link's [] HREF attribute. Any attribute can be used. (e.g. $(e).jqm({ajax:'@name'}); }

NOTE; To use custom ajax routines, utilize an "on open" callback function. If you need to process the ajax return, see the "onLoad" callback.

default: FALSE

target (mixed)

The ajax target allows you to set the target element for an ajax request to load content into. This is useful if you'd like to retain the styling and markup of a preconstructed window.

NOTE; target is applicable only if the ajax parameter is passed. The target MUST EXIST within the passed window element.

EXAMPLE; (markup)


(script) $().ready(function() { $('#window').jqm({ajax: 'include/dialog.html', target: '.target'}); });


(script) $().ready(function() { var target = $('#window')[0]; $('#window').jqm({ajax: 'include/dialog.html', target: target}); });

default: Assignment Element (e.g. In example above, this would be


  1. [ CALLBACKS ]

Callbacks functions allow complete customization and control. There are three callback functions; "onShow", "onHide", and "onLoad".

Each callback is passed the jqModal "hash" for a window. Relevant hash properties are;

w: (jQuery object) The window element. e.g. '#example' in the sample above
c: (object) The config object (holds passed+default parameters)
o: (jQuery object) The overlay
t: (DOM object) The triggering element

NOTE; If you supply a "onHide" callback, you MUST execute hash.o.remove(); to remove the overlay. You should also hide the window via hash.w.hide();, or with a special effect.

NOTE; If you supply a "onShow" callback, you should make the dialog visible via;, or with a special effect.

NOTE; "onLoad" callbacks are ONLY executed if the ajax parameter was passed. onLoad is called after the ajax response. As with $.load(), the "this" scope is a reference to the ajax target as a DOM element.

Example use of callbacks;

<script type="text/javascript">

// [[[ setup callbacks ]]]

// onLoad : assign ajaxForm to the returned form element
  var load=function(hash){ $('form',this).ajaxForm(); };
// onShow : show+make the window translucent
  var open=function(hash){ hash.w.css('opacity',0.88).show(); };
// onHide : fade the window out, kill overlay after fade.
  var close=function(hash) { hash.w.fadeOut('2000',function(){ hash.o.remove(); }); };
// [[[ setup dialog w/ callbacks ]]]
  	onLoad: load,
  	onShow: open,
  	onHide: close});

============== DEVELOPERS

  1. Developer Key.

NOTE: Commented source is available @ the plugin page as

TODO: this needs to be rewritten for r10+

Here is a key to help you (and me) find our way around -->

/* [GLOBALS] h: hash a: active (bool -- if dialog is visible) [will depreicate when auto zIndex is added..] c: config/options (object) f: focus element o: overlay (jQ object) t: triggering element (DOM object) s: serial # of this hash w: window (jQ object) -- element(s) $.jqm was called on

s: serial

ma: modal array - holds the current focused modal. if empty, no modal dialogs visible.
mf: binds || unbinds the modal "focus function"
m: modal "focus function" - returns focus to a modal dialog (when bound)

hs: "hide/show" triggers -- binds a hide or show event to passed elements 
	NOTE: if jqmHide is passed, bindings will be scoped to window.
f: focus function -- accepts hash, assigns hash.f to first input (or window), focuses hash.f; 
	this function also covers the element in a background iframe if the user agent is IE6

	c: config/options (object)
	cc: closeClass shortcut ('.'+c.closeClass)
	h: hash
	i: IE activeX cover <iframe>
	o: overlay <div>
	t: triggering element (DOM object)
	z: zIndex (int -- shortcut)
	r: ajax target
	u: ajax url
