{%= description %}
- API (75% done)
- expand emmet snippets
- expand emmet snippets in the command line.
- set, get, and delete snippets of code or data that can easily be reused in any project
- fetch snippets from github or other remotes using
- render snippets using data from
files, or using [expand-object][] - inject snippets into other files using customizable markers
- prepend files/strings with snippets
- append files/strings with snippets
- Add expanded snippets to the clipboard so you can paste them wherever you want!
More to come!
{%= include("install-npm", {save: true}) %}
var snippet = require('{%= name %}');
(WIP! This is just one feature of Snippet
! A lot more is on the way!)
Expand [emmet][] snippets
Results in:
<li class="item1"><%= param0 %></li>
<li class="item2"><%= param1 %></li>
<li class="item3"><%= param2 %></li>
Expand emmet snippets with custom placehoders
snippets.expand('ul>li.item$*3', ['a', 'b', 'c']);
Results in:
<li class="item1"><%= a %></li>
<li class="item2"><%= b %></li>
<li class="item3"><%= c %></li>
{%= apidocs("index.js") %}
{%= include("tests") %}
{%= include("contributing") %}
{%= include("author") %}
{%= copyright() %} {%= license() %}
{%= include("footer") %}
{%= reflinks(['emmet', 'expand-object']) %}