- With good sides together sew the inseam together on one of the leg pieces.
- Press the seam open.
- (Optional) Edgestitch or Topstitch the seam allowance down.
- Repeat Step 1 for the other leg.
If you are not using the gusset you can skip this step.
- With wrong sides together Baste the two gusset pieces together. These will now be treated as one piece.
- With good sides together sew the gusset to one leg matching the inseam and making sure the small length is attached to the front.
- (Optional) Edgestitch or Topstitch the seam allowance down.
Now follow the crotch instructions making sure the inseam of the other leg lines up with the gusset.
- With good sides together insert one of the legs into the other matching inseams. Pin in place.
- Sew the crotch seam.
- Turn good sides out.
- (Optional) Edgestitch or Topstitch the seam allowance down.