This plugin is an extension to the RainLab.Blog plugin. With this extension you can simply search the blog posts' title and content and display the search results
The searchForm
component outputs a simple search form to search your posts.
- Search Results Page - Specify the page where you display the search results (the page with the searchResult component)
- Show Category Filter - Adds a dropdown with categories to the search, so users can restrict their search to a specific categorie
The searchResults
component returns all posts that match the search term from the search form.
- Search Term - The URL parameter defining the search term.
- Page number - The URL parameter defining the page number.
- disableUrlMapping - If the url Mapping is disabled the search form uses the default GET Parameter search (e.g.
) - Hightlight Matches - Wrap the search terms found in the posts with
-Tags or not - Posts per page - Number of posts to display per page.
- No Posts Message - Message to show if no posts where found.
- Sort Order - The order in which the posts are sorted.
- Include Categories - 'Only Posts with selected categories are included in the search result
- Exclude Categories - Specify which categories you want to exclude from your search results, so posts with them don't show up in the results.
- Category Page - The page where the blog posts are filtered by a category.
- Post Page - The page where single blog posts are displayed.
title = "Search Result"
url = "/blog/search/:search?/:page?"
... other stuff
searchTerm = "{{ :search }}"
pageNumber = "{{ :page }}"
hightlight = 1
postsPerPage = 10
noPostsMessage = "No posts found"
sortOrder = "published_at desc"
excludeCategories[] = 1
excludeCategories[] = 2
excludeCategories[] = 3
categoryPage = "blog"
postPage = "blog/posts"
resultPage = "blog/search"
categoryFilter = 0
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="page-header">
<h2>Blog Search</h2>
<div class="col-sm-8">{% component 'searchResult' %}</div>
<div class="col-sm-4">{% component 'searchForm' %}</div>
In order to exclude/include more than one category you need OctoberCMS Build >= 306 which brings the new Inspector Feature