Erigon 3 has been supported on the BNB Smart Chain (BSC) since early August 2024, significantly reducing the disk space requirements for operating a BSC archive node and simplifying the process. For further details, please refer to the article Erigon 3 - New version of BSC Erigon Client.
- Make sure your hardware meets the suggested requirement.
- BSC Mainnet Archive: 5TB
- BSC Testnet Archive: 500GB
It is extremely easy to run a BSC archive node with Erigon 3, you don't need to download any data, just make sure your device meets the hardware requirement, download the latest BSC Erigon 3 Release and run the following command.
- mainnet command sample:
./erigon --chain=bsc --datadir=${erigon_dir/data} --db.size.limit=1T --batchSize=2g --private.api.addr=localhost:9090 --http.port=8545 --port 30303 --http --ws --http.api=web3,net,eth,trace,txpool --log.console.verbosity=3 --log.dir.path ${erigon_dir/log} --authrpc.port=8551 --diagnostics.disabled
- testnet command sample:
./erigon --chain=chapel --datadir=${erigon_dir/data} --db.size.limit=1T --batchSize=2g --private.api.addr=localhost:9090 --http.port=8545 --port 30303 --http --ws --http.api=web3,net,eth,trace,txpool --log.console.verbosity=3 --log.dir.path ${erigon_dir/log} --authrpc.port=8551 --diagnostics.disabled