To install, from root:
go install .
jsonschemagraph [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
data-validate Data Validate
gen-dir Generates edges and vertices from source directory and schema dir
gen-graph Generates edges and vertices from source data files and schemas
help Help about any command
schema-graph Generates a d2 file to visualize graph schema structure
schema-lint Checks a directory of yaml schemas for syntax errors
-h, --help help for jsonschemagraph
Use "jsonschemagraph [command] --help" for more information about a command
To test:
cd cmds/gengraph
go test
To install d2 graph description language used for schema-graph command:
curl -fsSL | sh -s --
Since some of the source data has keys that have null values some of these test cases will fail. This is expected.
├── cmd
│ ├── data_validate
│ │ └── main.go
│ ├── gen_dir
│ │ └── main.go
│ ├── gen_graph
│ │ ├── main.go
│ │ ├── main_test.go
│ │ └── schema.json
│ ├── root.go
│ ├── schema_graph
│ │ └── main.go
│ └── schema_lint
│ └── main.go
├── main.go
└── util
├── delete_empty.go
├── generate.go
├── loader.go
├── methods.go
├── read_file.go
├── tools.go
└── validate.go
Data is where your data files that you want to generate edges and vertices with will go. These files must be file type .gz
Output is an example name of the directory that the edges and vertices will be output to. You can specifiy whatever directory you want in the below gengraph command and the directory path will be created for you if it does not exist.
Schemas is the location of your schema files
Generate edge and vertex files
jsonschemagraph gen-graph [schema_directory_location] [data_file_location] [output_directory_location] [schema_class_name]
SWAPI Example: jsonschemagraph gen-graph schemas/ data/swapi/swapi_character.json.gz output character
BMEG Example: jsonschemagraph gen-graph schemas/bmeg_schemas data/ensembl_transcript.json.gz output Transcript
FHIR Example: jsonschemagraph gen-graph schemas/all_fhir_schemas aced-data/actual_fhir/Observation.json.gz out Observation
Note: the fhir data used in the above example is an ndjson file of FHIR Observations
Check to see if the schemas in a directory are valid
jsonschemagraph schema-lint [schema_directory_location]
Generate a d2 graphical representation of a directory of graph schemas
jsonschemagraph schema-graph [schema_directory_location] > in.d2
d2 --watch in.d2 out.svg
specify custom namespace for edge generation with "namespace" key in extra args, specify gen3 authentication ProjectId with /programs/{program}/projects/{project} string template format. Ex:
jsonschemagraph gen-dir ../iceberg/schemas/graph DATA OUT --extraArgs '{"auth_resource_path": "/programs/ohsu/projects/test", "namespace": ""}'