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Python Notecard DFU

This sample shows how to use the Notecard to update a Python application.

Supported Platforms

  • Raspberry Pi Pico running Micropython
  • [TODO] SWAN runing circuitpython
  • Raspberry Pi running Linux OS with CPython v3
  • Laptop or PC with standard OS and CPython v3

Hardware Setup

Raspberry Pi Pico

Notecard Interface Options {UART, I2C}
Default Notecard Interface UART0 (GPIO pins 16 and 17)
MCU Platform Micropython
MCU Python version Micropython
MCU Debug Interface USB

Example Configuration

// secrets.json
   "debug": false

Raspberry Pi 4

Notecard Interface Options {UART, I2C, USB}
Default Notecard Interface I2C (Notecarrier PI)*
MCU Platform Linux
MCU Python version Python3
MCU Debug Interface SSH terminal

*Default configuration is for use with Notecarrier PI mounted on a Raspberry Pi 4

Example Configuration

   // secrets.json
      "debug": false,
      "port_type": "i2c",
      "port_id": "/dev/i2c-1"

PC with Standard OS

Notecard Interface Options {USB, UART, I2C}
Default Notecard Interface USB*
MCU Platform Linux/Windows
MCU Python version Python3
MCU Debug Interface system terminal

Notecard USB appears as serial port on PC. You can select USB or UART and get the same results.

Example Configuration

   // secrets.json
      "debug": false,
      "port_type": "usb",
      "port_id": "COM4"

Application Overview

The main application establishes a periodic loop that will execute the next step in the firmware update process. The steps are small, and should not block execution for very long.

TODO - include example of a blocking version of the firmware update process, not just the version that can be used in a background process

Application Configuration

A secrets.json file is used to store application configuration information

Create this file in the same location as

For the Raspberry Pi Pico, you will need to create and copy this file onto the Raspberry Pi Pico

The format of the file is JSON, where the root field names are the configuration parameters, with the values assigned as the associated configuration values

Configuration Parameters

Name Default Value Description Info
product_uid (empty) Notehub project identifier REQUIRED The application will not function correctly without setting this parameter to a valid product UID
port_type uart Selects communication method with Notecard Select from {i2c, uart, usb} (USB is also a UART connection)
port_id 0 Port identifier used to connect to Notecard Defaults is UART0 on Raspberry Pi Pico. Use serial port name in a string (for example) "COM4" using a UART connection on a standard OS. Use the I2C numeric port ID for I2C
port_baudrate 9600 Baud rate in bits-per-second when using UART Options are {9600,115200}. 115200 is only valid when using auxillary UART
debug true Display Notecard request and response messages Options: {true,false}

Configuration Formatting

   // secrets.json
      "port_type": "uart",
      "port_id": "COM4",
      "port_baudrate": 9600,
      "debug": true

Application Installation and Execution

Raspberry Pi Pico with Micropython

  1. Create a secrets.json file in the root folder

  2. Execute deploy-micropy.cmd OR Copy the following to the Raspberry Pi Pico

    Source Destination
    secrets.json ./secrets.json
    app ./
    lib ./lib
    src ./
  3. Restart the Pico

  4. Open a serial terminal to monitor output from Pico over USB connection

  5. Restart the Pico to begin execution

Raspberry Pi or PC with Python 3

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Create secrets.json file in the root folder
  3. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all of the prerequisites.
  4. Run chmod a+x app/ to allow app/ to reload itself after it loads an updated file.
  5. Run python3 app/

Perform Update

  1. Modify app/ to a new version number

  2. Generate a TAR-file that includes app/

    A utility script can be used to create new TAR-file from the contents of the app folder

  3. Upload the TAR-file to your Notehub project using the steps outlined here:

  4. Deploy the TAR-file to your Notecard by following:

  5. After the installation completes, Notehub should register a new version that matches the change in step 1

Development and Testing

For doing additional development work and executing tests refer to the following sections

Installing Development and Testing Python Packages

To install all of the package prerequisites

pip install -r requirements-ci.txt

Use the script to execute test suite with code coverage.


Install ampy to Deploy to Micropython

The Micropython update scripts use ampy to copy source files to the microprocessor.

To install ampy

pip install adafruit-ampy

Configure Serial Port: Be sure to set the correct serial port by setting the AMPY_PORT environment variable.


export AMPY_PORT=/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART



Update Notecard SDK for Micropython

For convenience in copying the SDK package to the microprocessor, this repository contains a copy of the Notecard SDK note-python

To update the version of the Notecard SDK you can copy the contents of the latest note-python version to ./lib/notecard

  1. Download the latest release here:
  2. Extract the ZIP-archive
  3. Copy the contents of the notecard directory to ./lib/notecard
  4. Execute ampy to copy lib folder to the microprocessor
    ampy put lib lib

Repository Layout


Python source for modules that define OTA update process

dfu abstracts the interactions with Notecard to migrate the content from the Notecard to the host processor
updater state machine for managing file update process. See doc\ for more details
utarfile reading and extracting content from TAR-file


Unit tests for modules in src


Python files defining example main host MCU application. Application written to work in Python3 and Micropython executing on Raspberry Pi Pico.

config class defining application configuration and defaults
version class defining current application version info
main entry point file. Establishes configuration, connects to Notecard, and executes main loop


Source for Python modules to augment Micropython

haslibextras implement MD5 hash function, which is not available in hashlib library in Micropython
notecard Notecard SDK
abc stub implementation for Python abstract classes which are not supported in Micropython