diff --git a/blueman/gui/applet/PluginDialog.py b/blueman/gui/applet/PluginDialog.py
index 7d339cea5..fe29edff6 100644
--- a/blueman/gui/applet/PluginDialog.py
+++ b/blueman/gui/applet/PluginDialog.py
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
from gettext import gettext as _
import logging
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Type, Dict
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Type, Dict, cast, Optional
-from blueman.gui.GenericList import GenericList, ListDataDict
from blueman.main.Builder import Builder
from blueman.main.PluginManager import PluginManager
from blueman.plugins.AppletPlugin import AppletPlugin
@@ -11,12 +10,39 @@
import gi
gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
gi.require_version("Gdk", "3.0")
-from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, Gio
+from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, Gio, GLib, GObject
from blueman.main.Applet import BluemanApplet
+class PluginItem(GObject.Object):
+ __gtype_name__ = "PluginItem"
+ class _Props:
+ icon_name: str
+ plugin_name: str
+ description: str
+ enabled: bool
+ activatable: bool
+ props: _Props
+ icon_name = GObject.Property(type=str)
+ plugin_name = GObject.Property(type=str)
+ description = GObject.Property(type=str)
+ enabled = GObject.Property(type=bool, default=False)
+ activatable = GObject.Property(type=bool, default=False)
+ def __init__(self, icon_name: str, plugin_name: str, description: str, enabled: bool, activatable: bool):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.props.icon_name = icon_name
+ self.props.plugin_name = plugin_name
+ self.props.description = description
+ self.props.enabled = enabled
+ self.props.activatable = activatable
class SettingsWidget(Gtk.Box):
def __init__(self, inst: AppletPlugin, orientation: Gtk.Orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) -> None:
@@ -124,29 +150,13 @@ def __init__(self, applet: "BluemanApplet") -> None:
self.add(builder.get_widget("all", Gtk.Container))
- cr = Gtk.CellRendererToggle()
- cr.connect("toggled", self.on_toggled)
- data: List[ListDataDict] = [
- {"id": "active", "type": bool, "renderer": cr, "render_attrs": {"active": 0, "activatable": 1,
- "visible": 1}},
- {"id": "activatable", "type": bool},
- {"id": "icon", "type": str, "renderer": Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), "render_attrs": {"icon-name": 2}},
- # device caption
- {"id": "desc", "type": str, "renderer": Gtk.CellRendererText(), "render_attrs": {"markup": 3},
- "view_props": {"expand": True}},
- {"id": "name", "type": str},
- ]
- self.list = GenericList(data, headers_visible=False, visible=True)
- self.list.liststore.set_sort_column_id(3, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING)
- self.list.liststore.set_sort_func(3, self.list_compare_func)
- self.list.selection.connect("changed", self.on_selection_changed)
+ self.model = Gio.ListStore.new(PluginItem.__gtype__)
+ self.listbox = builder.get_widget("plugin_listbox", Gtk.ListBox)
+ self.listbox.bind_model(self.model, self._widget_factory)
+ self.listbox.connect("row-selected", self._on_row_selected)
plugin_list = builder.get_widget("plugin_list", Gtk.ScrolledWindow)
plugin_info = builder.get_widget("main_scrolled_window", Gtk.ScrolledWindow)
- plugin_list.add(self.list)
# Disable overlay scrolling
if Gtk.get_minor_version() >= 16:
@@ -159,45 +169,97 @@ def __init__(self, applet: "BluemanApplet") -> None:
self.sig_b: int = self.applet.Plugins.connect("plugin-unloaded", self.plugin_state_changed, False)
self.connect("delete-event", self._on_close)
- self.list.set_cursor(Gtk.TreePath.new_first())
close_action = Gio.SimpleAction.new("close", None)
close_action.connect("activate", lambda x, y: self.close())
- def list_compare_func(self, _treemodel: Gtk.TreeModel, iter1: Gtk.TreeIter, iter2: Gtk.TreeIter, _user_data: object
- ) -> int:
- a = self.list.get(iter1, "activatable", "name")
- b = self.list.get(iter2, "activatable", "name")
+ def _add_plugin_action(self, name: str, state: bool, activatable: bool) -> None:
+ logging.debug(f"adding action: {name}")
+ action = Gio.SimpleAction.new_stateful(
+ name, None, GLib.Variant.new_boolean(False)
+ )
+ action.set_property("enabled", activatable)
+ action.set_state(GLib.Variant.new_boolean(state))
+ self.add_action(action)
+ action.connect("change-state", self._on_plugin_toggle)
+ def _widget_factory(self, item: GObject.Object, _data: Optional[object] = None) -> Gtk.Widget:
+ assert isinstance(item, PluginItem)
+ box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing=5, visible=True)
+ checkbutton = Gtk.CheckButton(visible=True, sensitive=item.props.activatable)
+ box.add(checkbutton)
+ checkbutton.set_action_name(f"win.{item.props.plugin_name}")
+ self._add_plugin_action(item.props.plugin_name, item.props.enabled, item.props.activatable)
+ # Set active after adding action
+ checkbutton.set_active(item.props.enabled)
- if (a["activatable"] and b["activatable"]) or (not a["activatable"] and not b["activatable"]):
- if a["name"] == b["name"]:
+ plugin_im = Gtk.Image(icon_name=item.props.icon_name, visible=True)
+ box.add(plugin_im)
+ label = Gtk.Label(label=item.props.description, use_markup=True, visible=True)
+ box.add(label)
+ return box
+ def _model_sort_func(self, item1: Optional[object], item2: Optional[object], _data: Optional[object] = None) -> int:
+ assert isinstance(item1, PluginItem)
+ assert isinstance(item2, PluginItem)
+ if (item1.props.activatable and item2.props.activatable) or (not item1.props.activatable and
+ not item2.props.activatable):
+ if item1.props.plugin_name == item2.props.plugin_name:
return 0
- if a["name"] < b["name"]:
+ if item1.props.plugin_name < item2.props.plugin_name:
return -1
- else:
- return 1
+ return 1
- if a["activatable"] and not b["activatable"]:
+ if item1.props.activatable and not item2.props.activatable:
return -1
- elif not a["activatable"] and b["activatable"]:
+ if not item1.props.activatable and item2.props.activatable:
return 1
- else:
- return 0
+ return 0
- def _on_close(self, _widget: Gtk.Widget, _event: Gdk.Event) -> bool:
- self.applet.Plugins.disconnect(self.sig_a)
- self.applet.Plugins.disconnect(self.sig_b)
- return False
+ def _on_plugin_toggle(self, action: Gio.SimpleAction, state: GLib.Variant) -> None:
+ action.set_state(state)
+ plugin_name = action.get_name()
- def on_selection_changed(self, _selection: Gtk.TreeSelection) -> None:
- tree_iter = self.list.selected()
- assert tree_iter is not None
+ deps = self.applet.Plugins.get_dependencies()[plugin_name]
+ loaded = self.applet.Plugins.get_loaded()
+ to_unload = [dep for dep in deps if dep in loaded]
- name = self.list.get(tree_iter, "name")["name"]
- cls: Type[AppletPlugin] = self.applet.Plugins.get_classes()[name]
- self.plugin_name.props.label = "" + name + ""
+ if to_unload:
+ if not self._ask_unload(
+ _("Plugin \"%(0)s\" depends on %(1)s. Unloading %(1)s will also unload "
+ "\"%(0)s\".\nProceed?") % {"0": ", ".join(to_unload), "1": plugin_name}
+ ):
+ action.set_state(GLib.Variant.new_boolean(not state))
+ return
+ else:
+ conflicts = self.applet.Plugins.get_conflicts()[plugin_name]
+ to_unload = [conf for conf in conflicts if conf in loaded]
+ if to_unload and not self._ask_unload(
+ _("Plugin %(0)s conflicts with %(1)s. Loading %(1)s will unload %(0)s."
+ "\nProceed?") % {"0": ", ".join(to_unload), "1": plugin_name}
+ ):
+ action.set_state(GLib.Variant.new_boolean(not state))
+ return
+ for p in to_unload:
+ logging.debug(f"unloading {p}")
+ self.applet.Plugins.set_config(p, False)
+ self.applet.Plugins.set_config(plugin_name, plugin_name not in self.applet.Plugins.get_loaded())
+ def _on_row_selected(self, _lb: Gtk.ListBox, lbrow: Gtk.ListBoxRow) -> None:
+ pos = lbrow.get_index()
+ item = self.model.get_item(pos)
+ assert isinstance(item, PluginItem)
+ cls: Type[AppletPlugin] = self.applet.Plugins.get_classes()[item.props.plugin_name]
+ self.plugin_name.props.label = "" + item.props.plugin_name + ""
self.icon.props.icon_name = cls.__icon__
self.author_txt.props.label = cls.__author__
self.description.props.label = cls.__description__
@@ -212,18 +274,23 @@ def on_selection_changed(self, _selection: Gtk.TreeSelection) -> None:
self.conflicts_txt.props.label = _("No conflicts")
- if cls.is_configurable() and name in self.applet.Plugins.get_loaded():
+ if cls.is_configurable() and item.props.plugin_name in self.applet.Plugins.get_loaded():
self.b_prefs.props.sensitive = True
self.b_prefs.props.sensitive = False
+ def _on_close(self, _widget: Gtk.Widget, _event: Gdk.Event) -> bool:
+ self.applet.Plugins.disconnect(self.sig_a)
+ self.applet.Plugins.disconnect(self.sig_b)
+ return False
def on_prefs_toggled(self, _button: Gtk.ToggleButton) -> None:
- tree_iter = self.list.selected()
- assert tree_iter is not None
- name = self.list.get(tree_iter, "name")["name"]
- cls: Type[AppletPlugin] = self.applet.Plugins.get_classes()[name]
+ row = self.listbox.get_selected_row()
+ pos = row.get_index()
+ item = cast(PluginItem, self.model.get_item(pos))
+ cls: Type[AppletPlugin] = self.applet.Plugins.get_classes()[item.props.plugin_name]
@@ -261,14 +328,15 @@ def populate(self) -> None:
desc = f"{name}"
desc = name
- self.list.append(active=(name in loaded), icon=cls.__icon__, activatable=cls.__unloadable__, name=name,
- desc=desc)
+ plugin_item = PluginItem(cls.__icon__, name, desc, name in loaded, activatable=cls.__unloadable__)
+ self.model.insert_sorted(plugin_item, self._model_sort_func)
+ self.listbox.select_row(self.listbox.get_row_at_index(0))
def plugin_state_changed(self, _plugins: PluginManager, name: str, loaded: bool) -> None:
- for row in self.list.liststore:
- if self.list.get(row.iter, "name")["name"] == name:
- self.list.set(row.iter, active=loaded)
- break
+ logging.debug(f"{name} {loaded}")
+ action = self.lookup_action(name)
+ assert isinstance(action, Gio.SimpleAction)
+ action.set_state(GLib.Variant.new_boolean(loaded))
cls: Type[AppletPlugin] = self.applet.Plugins.get_classes()[name]
if not loaded:
@@ -277,37 +345,6 @@ def plugin_state_changed(self, _plugins: PluginManager, name: str, loaded: bool)
elif cls.is_configurable():
self.b_prefs.props.sensitive = True
- def on_toggled(self, _toggle: Gtk.CellRendererToggle, path: str) -> None:
- tree_path = Gtk.TreePath.new_from_string(path)
- tree_iter = self.list.get_iter(tree_path)
- assert tree_iter
- name = self.list.get(tree_iter, "name")["name"]
- deps = self.applet.Plugins.get_dependencies()[name]
- loaded = self.applet.Plugins.get_loaded()
- to_unload = [dep for dep in deps if dep in loaded]
- if to_unload:
- if not self._ask_unload(
- _("Plugin \"%(0)s\" depends on %(1)s. Unloading %(1)s will also unload "
- "\"%(0)s\".\nProceed?") % {"0": ", ".join(to_unload), "1": name}
- ):
- return
- else:
- conflicts = self.applet.Plugins.get_conflicts()[name]
- to_unload = [conf for conf in conflicts if conf in loaded]
- if to_unload and not self._ask_unload(
- _("Plugin %(0)s conflicts with %(1)s. Loading %(1)s will unload %(0)s."
- "\nProceed?") % {"0": ", ".join(to_unload), "1": name}
- ):
- return
- for p in to_unload:
- self.applet.Plugins.set_config(p, False)
- self.applet.Plugins.set_config(name, name not in self.applet.Plugins.get_loaded())
def _ask_unload(self, text: str) -> bool:
dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(parent=self, type=Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO)
dialog.props.secondary_use_markup = True
diff --git a/data/ui/applet-plugins-widget.ui b/data/ui/applet-plugins-widget.ui
index c92715542..27b8581e7 100644
--- a/data/ui/applet-plugins-widget.ui
+++ b/data/ui/applet-plugins-widget.ui
@@ -19,7 +19,16 @@
diff --git a/stubs/gi/repository/GObject.pyi b/stubs/gi/repository/GObject.pyi
index 67e0f597c..a7e9676e0 100644
--- a/stubs/gi/repository/GObject.pyi
+++ b/stubs/gi/repository/GObject.pyi
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class Object():
qdata: GLib.Data
ref_count: builtins.int
+ __gtype__: GType
def bind_property(self, source_property: builtins.str, target: Object, target_property: builtins.str, flags: BindingFlags) -> Binding: ...
def bind_property_full(self, source_property: builtins.str, target: Object, target_property: builtins.str, flags: BindingFlags, transform_to: Closure, transform_from: Closure) -> Binding: ...