- No source code changes; update package.json so dependency modules not published on NPM can be freely downloaded.
- Update license, copyright and source code repository information.
- Fix issue creating a new repository root directory.
- Refactoring to stop using the dependency module 'fibers'.
- Refactoring to stop using the dependency module Babel.
- Update dependency module 'ipfs-http-client' to its latest compatible version.
- Properly handle error updating a pin when previous CID is not part of the pin set.
- Update dependency module 'catenis-off-chain-lib' to its latest version, which supports the latest version of IPFS components.
- Update write concern parameter used for creating MongoDB database collection indexes to avoid deprecation warning.
- Fix function used to finalize shutdown.
- Upgrade dependency modules to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
- Preparations for using application in production environment.
- Updated dependency module
to its latest version (44.0.3) to target IPFS version 0.5.0.
- Initial version.