diff --git a/app/pages/docs/usage-next-13.mdx b/app/pages/docs/usage-next-13.mdx index a4551493..9c7de1d1 100644 --- a/app/pages/docs/usage-next-13.mdx +++ b/app/pages/docs/usage-next-13.mdx @@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ Add the new `use client` directive to the following files: 1. `src/blitz-client.(ts|js)` 2. All Files with usage of `useQuery`, `useInfiniteQuery`, `usePaginatedQuery`, `useMutation`, `Hydrate` and other React Query client side hooks. +**What not to change:** + +`/pags/api/rpc/[[...blitz]].ts` stays in the `/pages` folder. + #### Recommendations - For Blitz apps that have their pages at `/src/pages` it is recommended to colocate the app directory at `/src/app`. However, a root `/app` App directory is also supported. More on the new NextJS file structure at ["Project Organization and File Colocation"](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/colocation#src-directory).