🔼 Updated to Caliber 0.64.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Cogger 0.31.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Core 1.10.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Etcher 2.7.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ghub 0.21.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Git Lint 8.7.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Infusible 3.12.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ruby 3.3.6 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Runcom 11.10.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Sod 0.19.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Sod 0.20.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Cogger 0.30.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Refinements 12.10.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Sod 0.18.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Infusible 3.11.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Sod 0.17.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Zeitwerk 2.7.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added CLI htmx extensions action - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added CLI shell htmx extensions - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added htmx extensions configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added htmx site URI configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated htmx loader to support extensions - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Refinements 12.9.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
✅ Fixed presenter descriptions - Brooke Kuhlmann
✅ Fixed serializer descriptions - Brooke Kuhlmann
✅ Fixed standard gem version Reek feature envy issue - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added CLI htmx example action - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added CLI htmx reference action - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added CLI htmx shell command - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added htmx configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added htmx loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added htmx model - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added htmx presenter - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added htmx processor - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added htmx serializer - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added ox gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated HTTP client to use a three second timeout - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ruby 3.3.5 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added README Developer Certificate of Origin documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated gem specification documentation URI as homepage URI - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated gem specification to support Ruby 3.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Cogger 0.26.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Core 1.7.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Refinements 12.8.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated Git Lint configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Etcher 2.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Refinements 12.7.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ruby 3.3.4 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Caliber 0.58.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Cogger 0.21.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Containable 0.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Etcher 2.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Git Lint 8.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to IRB Kit 0.3.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Infusible 3.8.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Refinements 12.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ruby 3.3.3 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Runcom 11.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Sod 0.12.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Etcher 1.6.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ruby 3.3.2 - Brooke Kuhlmann
✅ Fixed shell spec to check for archiver project - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added IRB Kit gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added IRB Kit inflection - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated citation URLs - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Etcher 1.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated RSpec configuration to ignore backtraces in pending specs - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ruby 3.3.1 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added PostgreSQL workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Git Lint 7.3.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Rake 13.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added Containable gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated implementation to use Containable - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated setup script as a Ruby script - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Etcher 1.3.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Infusible 3.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Sod 0.8.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
⛔️ Removed Dry Container gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Amazing Print 1.6.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ghub 0.11.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Infusible 3.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated RuboCop to use XDG local configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Caliber 0.51.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Git Lint 7.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to RSpec 3.13.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Refinements 12.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added Icon and Tana workflows - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added repl_type_completor gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Caliber 0.50.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Reek 6.3.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated usage screenshot - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Circle CI step names - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated gem dependencies - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.3.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Gemfile code prefix from quality group - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Rakefile code prefix from quality task - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed project loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored implementation to use singular object names - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored integrations as loaders - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored loaders to use splat for ignored arguments - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed gem loader to find by tag and cache instance - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Gemfile to support next minor Ruby version - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.42.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Cogger 0.12.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Infusible 2.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored Gemfile to use ruby file syntax - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Zeitwerk loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added gem loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated GitHub issue template with simplified sections - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RSpec standard gems shared context versions - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed usage, Alchemists, Dry RB, and Browser screenshots - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Standard Gems CLI action to translate endpoints - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Standard Gems client to accept endpoint only - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated standard gem presenter to account for new API - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed CLI name - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated architecture sequence diagram - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed GitHub integration to use empty array - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RubyGems integration to use empty hash - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Core gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added container memoization - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added standard gems CLI action - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added standard gems client integration - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added standard gems configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added standard gems inflections to default configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added standard gems presenter - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RuboCop Packaging/BundlerSetupInTests issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Rake RSpec task configuration to not be verbose - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed ARGV argument from CLI executable - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed configuration model freezing - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed CLI action optional positional parameters - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed pending CI specs - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.35.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Git Lint 6.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Dry Schema gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Etcher gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Sod gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added configuration contract - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated configuration to use strings instead of symbols - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated container to use Etcher configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated implementation to use Sod - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Cogger 0.10.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Debug 1.8.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Etcher 0.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ghub 0.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Infusible 2.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Refinements 11.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Runcom 10.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Spek 1.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Spek 2.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed configuration loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed configuration model CLI attributes - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed duplicated code from Sod upgrade - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed unused inflections - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored configuration content as model - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored inflector to use updated configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated setup instructions to secure and insecure installs - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.30.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Cogger 0.8.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.2.2 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RuboCop RSpec/ContainExactly issue - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored Pathname require tree refinement to pass single argument - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop Metrics/CollectionLiteralLength issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added HTML workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Internet Protocol (IP) workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Reek dependency to not be required - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated site URLs to use bare domain - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.2.1 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity issue - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added HTMX workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Roda workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.25.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored implementation to forward splatted arguments - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Guardfile to use RSpec binstub - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Rake binstub - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Ruby Object Mapper (ROM) workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added search workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored RSpec helper to use spec root constant - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Core gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.21.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Git Lint 5.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to SimpleCov 0.22.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored implementation to use empty core instances - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RuboCop Style/RequireOrder issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Farnam Street workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Ghub gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Git workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added RSpec binstub - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated GitHub integration to use Ghub implementation - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Cogger 0.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Debug 1.7.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ghub 0.3.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to HTTP 5.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Infusible 1.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to RSpec 3.12.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Refinements 10.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.1.3 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Runcom 9.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Spek 1.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed deprecated presenter methods - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored models to be data objects instead of structs - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rakefile RSpec initialization - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed SimpleCov Guard interaction - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed SimpleCov gem requirement to not be required by default - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.16.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Cogger 0.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Infusible 0.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Rack 3.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Refinements 9.7.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Runcom 8.7.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Spek 0.6.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Infusible gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README sections - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Dry Container 0.11.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Auto Injector - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored implementation to use Infusible syntax - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RuboCop Style/StabbyLambdaParentheses issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Auto Injector 0.7.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Spek 0.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Zeitwerk 2.6.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed registration of duplicate keys within containers - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed failing specs due to previous HTTP status URL update - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed gem and encoding details to use sentences where appropriate - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Circle CI SimpleCov artifacts - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Circle CI workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated HTTP stateses default URL to reference MDN - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated SimpleCov configuration to use filters and minimum coverage - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated gem presenter to change description statistics order - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated gem presenter to include version in label - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Bash workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Jitsi workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Ruby on Rails workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added SSL workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Slack workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added bio workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README other workflow documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README screencast to include keyboard shortcuts - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README to refer to Alfred 5.0.0 workflow configurations - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Ruby workflow to contain all usage documenation - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Auto Injector 0.6.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.11.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Cogger 0.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Debug 1.6.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Dry Container 0.10.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Refinements 9.6.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Runcom 8.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Spek 0.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed README to include standard error defaults and CLI usage - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed core parser comment and refinement - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Rack workflow documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Ruby alphanumeric and base64 workflow documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated default configuration to include PKCE inflection - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Bundler Leak gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Rakefile Bundler gem tasks - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed chi.li documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI core parser standard errors option - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI shell support for standard errors - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI standard errors action - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added configuration for standard errors - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added process support for standard errors - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added standard error loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added standard error model - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added standard error presenter - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added standard error serializer - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated default configuration to include HTTP Fake inflection - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed system errors loader use of arrays refinement - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added README Crystal, CSS, and RSpec workflow documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added gemspec funding URI - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Auto Injector 0.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.8.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Cogger 0.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Refinements 9.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Runcom 8.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Spek 0.3.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added GitHub sponsorship configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.6.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.7.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Dry Container 0.9.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Git Lint 4.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.1.2 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Circle CI configuration to check Gemfile and gemspec - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Auto Injector gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Auto Injector import - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI actions container - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI actions import - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added GitHub workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README browser and Docker screenshot dimensions - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated implementation to auto-inject dependencies - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Debug 1.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Pastel gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored RSpec application container as dependencies - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored specs to use cogger - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Hippocratic License to be 2.1.0 version - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop RSpec issues with boolean and nil identity checks - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.1.1 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Spek 0.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Caliber - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Git Lint 3.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to RSpec 3.11.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Refinements 9.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Spek gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated implementation to leverage Spek presenter - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Runcom 8.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed README badges - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed gemspec safe defaults - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Ruby version to Gemfile - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added identity to gem specification - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Reek 6.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Refinements 9.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Rubocop 1.25.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored Git ignore - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added gem presenter versions URL and deprecated changes URL - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added repository presenter versions URL and deprecated changes URL - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored project serializer modification order - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored project serializer to use versions URL - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README policy section links - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated changes as versions documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed code of conduct and contributing files - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Hippocratic license structure - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed README changes and credits sections - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed README typo with Alfred URL - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RSpec/Dialect issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed contributing documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Rakefile Bundler gem tasks - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added project citation information - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated CLI assembler as parser - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated CLI assembler to use duplicated configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated GitHub issue template - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Rubocop sub-project gem dependencies - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated actions to logger blocks - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated configuration content to be frozen by default - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated shell to use logger blocks - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Amazing Print 1.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Debug 1.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Git Lint 3.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Hippocratic License 3.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Refinements 9.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Rubocop 1.24.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.0.3 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Runcom 8.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to SimpleCov 0.21.2 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Gemsmith depenendecy - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored configuration to top-level namespace - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored configuration to use client constant - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored implementation to use punning - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added README community link - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added gemspec MFA opt in requirement - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored binary to exe instead of bin directory - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed README Terraform workflow screenshot dimensions - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README Ruby version and shell requirements - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Refinements 8.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Refinements 8.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Zeitwerk 2.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed notes from pull request template - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Debug gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Elm workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added README documentation and screenshots for other workflows - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Ruby workflow to include access to RubyGems - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Pry dependencies - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed RSpec spec helper GC automatic compaction - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored Zeitwerk loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop Style/MutableConstant issue - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README project description - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Rubocop gem dependencies - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Amazing Print 1.3.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed RubyCritic and associated CLI option - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed issue with acquiring gem licenses when license is missing - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added TTY inflections configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Alfred Dry Workflow documenration usage - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Bundler Audit - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop Lint/DuplicateBranch issue - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Bundler workflow - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Ruby workflow link filter - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added version release notes - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README architecture diagram URL - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.0.2 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Ruby version macro documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added architecture documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Dry Container 0.8.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed CLI configuration defaults which had extra spaces - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed README documentation Alfred workflow links - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README Alfred theme and workflow information and links - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README to allow direct install of Alfred theme - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README with additional documentation and tips - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored inflector to refer to fallback key - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop Layout/RedundantLineBreak issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI GitHub parser - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI GitHub repositories action - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI HTTP statuses action - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI RubyGems action - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI RubyGems parser - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI assembler parser - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI config action - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI configuration content - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI configuration defaults - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI configuration loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI core parser - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI encodings action - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI parsers module - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI shell - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI system errors action - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI system signals action - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added CLI text action - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Dry Container gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added GitHub integrations client - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added GitHub integrations response - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added HTTP gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added HTTP status model - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added HTTP status presenter - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added HTTP status serializer - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added HTTP statuses loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Pastel gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added RSpec CLI parser shared example - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added RSpec GitHub shared context - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added RSpec RubyGems shared context - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Rack gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added RubyGems integrations client - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Zeitwerk gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Zeitwerk loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added application container - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added encoding model - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added encoding presenter - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added encoding serializer - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added encodings loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added gem presenter - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added integrations inflector - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added processor - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added project serializer - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added projects loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added repository presenter - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added system error model - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added system error presenter - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added system error serializer - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added system errors loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added system signal model - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added system signal presenter - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added system signal serializer - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added system signals loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added text loader - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added text model - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added text presenter - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added text serializer - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated RSpec temp dir shared context to use refinements - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Rubocop 1.14.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Alfred Workflows - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Reek configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Thor - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored gemspec to use identity summary - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Ruby garbage collection compaction - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Code Quality URLs - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Circle CI 2.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Docker Alpine Ruby image - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Rubocop 1.10.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Rubocop 1.8.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.0.1 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored RSpec temporary directory shared context - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Circle CI configuration for Bundler config path - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Circle CI explicit Bundle install configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Gemsmith 15.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Git Lint 2.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Refinements 7.18.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Refinements 8.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Runcom 7.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop Performance/ConstantRegexp issues
Fixed Rubocop Performance/MethodObjectAsBlock issues
Fixed spec helper to only require tools
Added Amazing Print
Added Gemfile groups
Added Refinements requirement to spec helper
Added RubyCritic
Added RubyCritic configuration
Updated Circle CI configuration to skip RubyCritic
Updated Gemfile to put Guard RSpec in test group
Updated Gemfile to put SimpleCov in code quality group
Updated to Refinements 7.15.1
Updated to Refinements 7.16.0
Removed RubyGems requirement from binstubs
Fixed Rubocop Layout/EmptyLineAfterMultilineCondition issue
Added Alchemists style guide badge
Added Bundler Leak development dependency
Added Guard and Rubocop binstubs
Updated Rubocop gems
Updated project documentation to conform to Rubysmith template
Updated to Bundler Audit 0.7.0
Updated to Gemsmith 14.8.0
Updated to Git Lint 1.3.0
Updated to RSpec 3.10.0
Updated to Refinements 7.11.0
Updated to Refinements 7.14.0
Updated to Rubocop 0.89.0
Updated to Ruby 2.7.2
Updated to Runcom 6.4.0
Updated to SimpleCov 0.19.0
Removed Metrics/PerceivedComplexity from CLI
Fixed Rubocop Lint/NonDeterministicRequireOrder issues
Fixed Rubocop Lint/RedundantCopDisableDirective issue
Fixed project requirements
Updated GitHub templates
Updated to Gemsmith 14.2.0
Updated to Git Lint 1.0.0
Refactored Rakefile requirements
Updated Alfred workflows
Updated Pry gem dependencies
Updated README credit URL
Updated Rubocop gem dependencies
Updated to Refinements 7.4.0
Refactored package script to use pathnames
Added README production and development setup instructions
Updated README project requirements
Updated documentation to ASCII Doc format
Updated gem identity to use constants
Updated gemspec URLs
Updated gemspec to require relative path
Updated to Code of Conduct 2.0.0
Updated to Reek 5.6.0
Updated to Reek 6.0.0
Updated to Rubocop 0.79.0
Updated to Ruby 2.7.1
Updated to SimpleCov 0.18.0
Removed Code Climate support
Removed README images
Fixed SimpleCov setup in RSpec spec helper.
Added gem console.
Added setup script.
Updated Pry development dependencies.
Updated gem summary.
Updated to Gemsmith 14.0.0
Updated to Git Cop 4.0.0
Updated to Refinments 7.0.0
Updated to Rubocop 0.77.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.78.0.
Updated to Rubocop Performance 1.5.0.
Updated to Rubocop RSpec 1.37.0.
Updated to Rubocop Rake 0.5.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.7.0.
Updated to Runcom 6.0.0
Updated to SimpleCov 0.17.0.
Removed unused development dependencies.
Added Rubocop Rake support.
Updated to RSpec 3.9.0.
Updated to Rake 13.0.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.75.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.76.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.6.5.
Updated XDG documentation to reference XDG gem.
Updated to Gemsmith 13.5.0.
Updated to Git Cop 3.5.0.
Updated to Rubocop Performance 1.4.0.
Refactored RSpec helper support requirements.
Fixed RSpec/ContextWording issues.
Updated Reek configuration to disable IrresponsibleModule.
Updated contributing documentation.
Updated to Reek 5.4.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.69.0.
Updated to Rubocop Performance 1.3.0.
Updated to Rubocop RSpec 1.33.0.
Updated to Runcom 5.0.0.
Fixed Rubocop layout issues.
Added Rubocop Performance gem.
Added Ruby warnings to RSpec helper.
Added project icon to README.
Updated RSpec helper to verify constant names.
Updated to Code Quality 4.0.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.67.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.6.3.
Fixed Rubocop Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses issues.
Updated to Ruby 2.6.2.
Removed RSpec standard output/error suppression.
Updated README to reference updated Runcom documentation.
Updated to Rubocop 0.63.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.6.1.
Fixed Circle CI cache for Ruby version.
Fixed Markdown ordered list numbering.
Fixed README screenshot Markdown rendering.
Fixed Rubocop RSpec/EmptyLineAfterFinalLet issues.
Added Circle CI Bundler cache.
Added Rubocop RSpec gem.
Updated Circle CI Code Climate test reporting.
Updated Semantic Versioning links to be HTTPS.
Updated to Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct 1.4.1.
Updated to Gemsmith 13.0.0.
Updated to Git Cop 3.0.0.
Updated to RSpec 3.8.0.
Updated to Reek 5.0.
Updated to Refinements 6.0.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.57.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.58.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.60.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.61.x.
Updated to Rubocop 0.62.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.5.2.
Updated to Ruby 2.5.3.
Updated to Ruby 2.6.0.
Updated to Runcom 3.1.0.
Updated to Runcom 4.0.0.
Removed Rubocop Lint/Void CheckForMethodsWithNoSideEffects check.
Added Runcom examples for project specific usage.
Updated project changes to use semantic versions.
Updated to Gemsmith 12.0.0.
Updated to Git Cop 2.2.0.
Updated to Refinements 5.2.0.
Fixed gemspec issues with missing gem signing key/certificate.
Added gemspec metadata for source, changes, and issue tracker URLs.
Updated README license information.
Updated gem dependencies.
Updated to Circle CI 2.0.0 configuration.
Updated to Refinements 5.1.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.53.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.5.1.
Updated to Runcom 3.0.0.
Removed Circle CI Bundler cache.
Removed Gemnasium support.
Removed Patreon badge from README.
Refactored temp dir shared context as a pathname.
Updated Code Climate badges.
Updated Code Climate configuration to Version 2.0.0.
Updated to Apache 2.0 license.
Updated to Rubocop 0.52.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.4.3.
Updated to Ruby 2.5.0.
Removed documentation for secure installs.
Refactored code to use Ruby 2.5.0
Added Bundler Audit gem.
Updated to Rubocop 0.50.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.51.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.4.2.
Added Git Cop code quality task.
Added dynamic formatting of RSpec output.
Updated CONTRIBUTING documentation.
Updated GitHub templates.
Updated README headers.
Updated command line usage in CLI specs.
Updated gem dependencies.
Updated to Awesome Print 1.8.0.
Updated to Gemsmith 10.0.0.
Updated to Git Cop 1.3.0.
Removed Pry State gem.
Removed Thor+ gem.
Refactored CLI version/help specs.
Fixed Travis CI configuration to not update gems.
Added Circle CI support.
Added code quality Rake task.
Updated Guardfile to always run RSpec with documentation format.
Updated README semantic versioning order.
Updated README usage configuration documenation.
Updated RSpec configuration to output documentation when running.
Updated RSpec spec helper to enable color output.
Updated Rubocop configuration.
Updated Rubocop to import from global configuration.
Updated contributing documentation.
Updated gem dependencies.
Updated to Ruby 2.4.1.
Updated to Runcom 1.1.0.
Removed Code Climate code comment checks.
Removed Travis CI support.
directory from.gitignore
Updated Rubocop Metrics/LineLength to 100 characters.
Updated Rubocop Metrics/ParameterLists max to three.
Updated Travis CI configuration to use latest RubyGems version.
Updated gemspec to require Ruby 2.4.0 or higher.
Updated to Rubocop 0.47.
Updated to Ruby 2.4.0.
Removed Rubocop Style/Documentation check.
Fixed Rakefile support for RSpec, Reek, Rubocop, and SCSS Lint.
. -
Updated Travis CI configuration to use defaults.
Updated to Gemsmith 8.2.x.
Updated to Rake 12.x.x.
Updated to Rubocop 0.46.x.
Updated to Ruby 2.3.2.
Updated to Ruby 2.3.3.
Fixed CLI command descriptions.
Fixed OSX versus macOS terminology.
Fixed Rakefile to safely load Gemsmith tasks.
Fixed Rubocop Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters issues.
Fixed Ruby pragma.
Fixed contributing guideline links.
Added Code Climate engine support.
Added GitHub issue and pull request templates.
Added IRB development console Rake task support.
Added Reek support.
Added Refinements support.
Added Rubocop Style/SignalException cop style.
Added Ruby 2.3.0 frozen string literal support to source files.
Added Runcom support.
--string --camelcase
option. -
--string --snakecase
option. -
Added bond, wirb, hirb, and awesome_print development dependencies.
Added frozen string literal pragma.
Updated Alfred workflows.
Updated CLI command option documentation.
Updated CLI to require value passed in for --string option.
Updated GitHub issue and pull request templates.
Updated Pennyworth Alfred workflow.
Updated README secure gem install documentation.
Updated README to mention "Ruby" instead of "MRI".
Updated README versioning documentation.
Updated RSpec temp directory to use Bundler root path.
Updated Rubocop PercentLiteralDelimiters and AndOr styles.
command to use computed path. -
Updated gemspec with conservative versions.
Updated to Code Climate Test Reporter 1.0.0.
Updated to Code of Conduct, Version 1.4.0.
Updated to Gemsmith 7.7.0.
Updated to Gemsmith 8.1.0.
Updated to RSpec 3.5.0.
Updated to Refinements 3.0.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.44.
Updated to Ruby 2.2.4.
Updated to Ruby 2.3.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.3.1.
Updated to Thor+ 4.0.0.
Removed --string --length option (use --size instead).
Removed CHANGELOG.md (use CHANGES.md instead).
Removed CLI defaults (using configuration instead).
Removed RSpec default monkey patching behavior.
Removed Rake console task.
Removed Ruby 2.1.x and 2.2.x support.
command (use--config --edit
instead). -
--string --capitalize
option. -
instead). -
Removed clipboard aid.
Removed gem label from CLI edit and version descriptions
Removed gemspec description.
Removed method documentation.
Removed rb-fsevent development dependency from gemspec.
Removed string kit.
Removed terminal notifier gems from gemspec.
Refactored Alfred configuration to use Runcom configuration.
Refactored CLI case statement to if statement.
Refactored CLI implementation.
Refactored CLI to use string refinements.
Refactored RSpec spec helper configuration.
Refactored gemspec to use default security keys.
Refactored source requirements.
Fixed README URLs to use HTTPS schemes where possible.
Fixed README test command instructions.
Added Gemsmith development support.
Added Identity module description.
Added Patreon badge to README.
Added Rubocop support.
Added [pry-state](https://github.com/SudhagarS/pry-state) support.
Added gem configuration file name to identity.
Added gem label to CLI version description.
Added package name to CLI.
Added project name to README.
Added table of contents to README.
Updated --edit option to include gem name in description.
Updated Code Climate to run when CI ENV is set.
Updated Code of Conduct 1.3.0.
Updated README with Tocer generated Table of Contents.
Updated RSpec support kit with new Gemsmith changes.
Updated to Ruby 2.2.3.
Updated README with SVG icons.
Removed GitTip badge from README.
Removed unnecessary exclusions from .gitignore.
Removed JRuby support (no longer officially supported).
Fixed secure gem installs (new cert has 10 year lifespan).
Updated to Ruby 2.2.2.
Added CLI process title support.
Added code of conduct documentation.
Removed Ruby 2.0.0 support.
Removed Rubinius support.
Updated gemspec to use RUBY_GEM_SECURITY env var for gem certs.
Updated to Thor+ 2.x.x.
Added Ruby 2.2.0 support.
Updated to Ruby 2.1.3.
Updated to Rubinius 2.2.10.
Updated gemspec to add security keys unless in a CI environment.
Updated Code Climate to run only if environment variable is present.
Added author and email arrays to gemspec.
Added the Ruby on Rails workflow.
Added the Guard Terminal Notifier gem.
Refactored RSpec configuration, support, and kit folders.
Added Code Climate test coverage support.
Updated to Ruby 2.1.2.
Updated gem-public.pem for gem install certificate chain.
Updated to MRI 2.1.1.
Updated to Rubinius 2.x.x.
Updated README with --trust-policy for secure install of gem.
Updated RSpec helper to disable GC for all specs in order to improve performance.
Added Rails 4.1.x support.
Added Thor+ editor support.
Added Gemnasium support.
Added Coveralls support.
Updated gemspec homepage URL to use GitHub project URL.
Added JRuby and Rubinius VM support.
Fixed long-form commands to use "--" prefix. Example: --example.
Fixed Ruby Gem certificate requirements for package building.
Fixed RSpec deprecation warnings for treating metadata symbol keys as true values.
Removed UTF-8 encoding definitions * This is the default in Ruby 2.x.x.
Removed .ruby-version from .gitignore.
Removed Gemfile.lock from .gitignore.
Updated to Ruby 2.1.0.
Updated public gem certificate to be referenced from a central server.
Cleaned up requirement path syntax.
Cleaned up RSpec spec definitions so that class and instance methods are described properly using . and == notation.
Repackaged all Alfred support workflows into a single workflow.
Treat symbols and true values by default when running RSpec specs.
Added .ruby-version support.
Added pry-rescue support.
Removed the CHANGELOG documentation from gem install.
Updated gemspec to Thor 0.18 and higher.
Added a Versioning section to the README.
Converted from RDoc to Markdown documentation.
Added public cert for secure install of gem.
Switched from the pry-debugger to pry-byebug gem.
Ignore the signing of a gem when building in a Travis CI environment.
Upgraded to Ruby 2.0.0.
Applied the Code Climate GPA badge to README.
Switched from HTTP to HTTPS when sourcing from RubyGems.
Added Pry development support.
Cleaned up Guard gem dependency requirements.
Added 'tmp' directory to .gitignore.
Upgraded to Alfred 2.x.x.
Removed Alfred 1.x.x extensions and added Alfred 2.x.x workflows.
Added Guard support for testing.
Converted/detailed the CONTRIBUTING guidelines per GitHub requirements.
Cleaned up the README documentation.
Cleaned up doc.
Renamed MacOS X to OSX.
Added the cache_flush script extension.
Removed the directory_size script extension.
Added parameter specifications for all extensions.
Replaced the edit_dotfile extension with the edit_home_file extension.
Switched to default editor for edit extensions so that TextMate isn’t explicitly called.
Fixed spec with call to pbcopy.