- fixed issue #18 on GitHub: in correct_complex_confluences, set threshold for breaking (v.edit) to cellsize/(12 *2) instead of 1 to prevent additional cutting of the other inflows
- fixed issue #25 concerning many complex confluences to be corrected
- release on CRAN
- typo corrections etc.
- catch error arising in GRASS 7.8 due to changes in v.to.db
- update setup_grass_environment to use 'dem' as SG in initGRASS
- update examples to GRASS 7.8
- several small changes and bug fixes
- update of setup_grass_environment
- Renamed check_compl_junctions and correct_compl_junctions to check_compl_confluences and correct_compl_confluences, respectively, to be in line with the STARS publications.
- correct_compl_confluences now works for up to seven inflows to one outflow
- Corrected an error in correct_compl_confluences: If there were outflows from a complex junction that were also inflows to complex confluences a wrong assignment might have occurred.
- Updated all lengths in correct_complex_confluences (segment length, cum_length, out_dist)
- correct_complex_confluences now works correctly for non-sqared cells (use max cell dimension instead of min for calculation of flow directions at confluences)
- New function to delete lakes from the network ('delete_lakes'). Added "lakes.shp" to example data.
- New function to restrict edges to certain networks based on sites (observation or prediction) or given netIDs and delete the rest ('restrict_network').
- New functionality in calc_attributes_edges and calc_attributes_sites_exact: It is now possible to calculate percentages from raster maps with multiple values (e.g. land cover classes).
- New function to merge an external table with (repeated) measurements to the sites (merge_sites_measurements).
- Sites has now the column 'str_edge' (for 'stream') instead of 'cat_edge' to relate the site to its edge.
- Several smaller fixes.
- Delete stream segments with zero length in derive_streams
- Fixed error when loading (import_data) example shapes: no empty cell allowed in attribute table (used to work when checking).
- Bug fix in correct_compl_junctions(): if the cut outflow was also the inflow
to another complex junction an error occurred like
"Error in
, ii, jj, value = c(12013, 12019)) : NA in j". - Set round rcaArea and H2OArea to 6 digits instead of 4 in calc_edges() to be able to retrieve squared meters from the squared km.
- Updated calc_attributes_edges() for vector input data; it is now possible to calculate percentage of a certain attribute within a catchment (polygons) or count the number of features in a catchment (points).
- Changed setup_grass_environment: Extent and projection are set to the one of the DEM (compared to setting the projections according to the sites object, epsg code or proj4 string as it was done before). The reason for this change is that rather vector files should be projected than raster files (i.e. sites and streams instead of DEM) and that the extent of the DEM should be larger than that of the sites.
- Change import_data: Now vector files are reprojected to match the projection of the DEM (i.e. the one of the current location).
- Updated calc_attributes_sites_exact() for vector input data. It is now possible to calculate percentages of a certain attribute class in a catchment (polygons) or count the numbers of features in a catchment (points)
- First CRAN release Aug. 2017