Releases: bitfinexcom/bfx-hf-ui
Releases · bitfinexcom/bfx-hf-ui
ui: refactored settings and removed redundancy
ui: fixed issue with favourite filters not being saved
ui: fixed missing scrollbar on modal when there are a lot of algo orders
ui: added HF logo to browser tab
ui: cleanup getFilteredAlgo, getFilteredAtomicOrders redux state
ui: fixed performance, accessibility & SEO issues
ui: OrderHistory: show correct pairs names
ui: removed unnecessary edit on top menu
ui: added ccy icons in ticker list
server: added option in settings for show only favourite pairs
server: provide validation data of main and paper mode for UI
ui-config: added option to show only favourite pairs
ui: moved UI main infrastructure to bfx-hf-ui-core
ui: fixed correct labeling to order history, atomic orders and positions
ui: removed actions title from table heading
ui: removed sorting from actions table heading
ui: fixed long name in open strategy editor by replacing long text with "..."
ui: improved scrollbars
ui: added screen for application crashes
ui: fixed wrong api keys status in settings modal
ui: fixed logo position in safari browser
ui: added popup explaining information about pausing algo orders on app exit
ui: added helper messages via tooltips on order form checkboxes
ui: updated order history component to latest version of ufx-ui
ui: fixed a bug in trading stage that caused forever loading if two components had same pair selected
ui: updated readme docs according to latest version of HF UI
ui: fixed text overlapping issue on remove strategy popup when texts are too long
ui: fixed app crash caused by missing bid/ask inputs before estabilishing HF connection
ui: updated book modules to receive bulk updates over ws
ui-core: moved UI main infrastructure to bfx-hf-ui-core
algo: improved integration tests
algo: TWAP: fix remaining amount
algo: PING/PONG: fixed bug related to min price = max price
algo: TWAP: fixed issue when algo traded against itself
algo: added support for funding candles in channel key parser
server: added api endpoint that returns info if we should show algo order pause info on app exit
server: updated settings update endpoint with option for showing algo order pause info
server: update auth args of manager on api credentials change for successful reconnect
ui-config: added algo order pause info default config value (show)
bfx-api-node-core: fixed ws reconnecting issue
moved packages from npm to github releases:
- bfx-hf-util
- bfx-hf-indicators
- bfx-hf-algo
- bfx-hf-models
- bfx-hf-models-adapter-lowdb
- bfx-hf-ext-plugin-bitfinex
- bfx-hf-ext-plugin-dummy
- bfx-hf-strategy
- bfx-hf-backtest
- bfx-hf-data-server
- bfx-hf-server
- bfx-hf-ui-con
UI: Settings are now in a modal
UI: Fixed reappearing info modal
UI: Fixed compatibility with Safari
UI: Improved long labels in strategy editor and dropdowns
electron: App icon shown on Linux
algo: Time-weighted average price (TWAP): Support for minimum and maximum order amounts
dev: Dependency updates
dev: Addition of Github workflow, verify build
UI: improve performance - use reselect for components
UI: fix column width on table components
UI: add search by currency full name
UI: show errors in order form next to field that errors
UI: show base and quote currency in the order form
UI: add bars instead of circles on orders and order history for shorter width
UI: implement minimum component size
UI: ticker widget - show volume in USD
UI: rename perps correctly
UI: group notifications with expand/collapse toggle
UI: rename futures to derivatives
UI: fix WS connection statuswith no internet
UI: add CCY into component title of chart, order book and trades
UI: switch dropdown for exchange/margin to toggle in orderform
UI: notifications refactoring & improvement
UI: add button to only update keys in settings
UI: add message for no balances in balance widget
UI: make all components moveable
UI: fix api keys form overlay with execute order
UI: fix ticker max amount of currencies
UI: trading stage: allow filtering with all symbols
UI: align ticker component with bitfinex webapp
UI: move prop types (dev)
UI: refactor strategy editor and trading section (dev)
UI: removed unused code and switched to fn component (dev)
UI: refactor chart & chart panel (dev)
UI: refactor order form inputs (dev)
UI: fix missing props in settings (dev)
algo: twap: fix column name and last row content in csv logs
algo: twap: prevent exception in `onDataTrades` event handler
algo: acc/dis: fetch the correct indicator class for relative offset and cap
algo: acc/dis: skip outdated ma values for order price calculation
algo: acc/dis: add csv logging for better testing
algo: acc/dis: fix error on ma cross cap indicators
algo: ococo: cancel all orders
algo: fix retry attempts on order submit
algo: log system: log & test twap orders
algo: rewrite order form validation for better UI support
algo: refactor benchmarks (dev)
server: check potential mem leak on reauth
server: refactor, cleanup unused code (dev)
UI: postions: integrate ufx virtual table
UI: improve dropdown props linting
UI: app exit - send pause event to server
UI: positions of same ticker are appending, not summing up
UI: prevent overlapping of header on smaller screens
UI: algo orders ufx integration
UI: atomic orders ufx integration
UI: integrate ufx checkbox component
UI: orderForm refactoring & icon fixes
UI: integrate ufx-ui tooltip
UI: fix reconnect modal false positive
UI: integrate ufx-ui-modal
UI: refactor results component
UI: historicalForm: changed start date initial format
UI: improve how favorites break lines
UI: refactor marketdata
UI: auth components: fixed props and refactoring
UI: grid layout refactor
UI: fix: authorization: overlapping notifications
electron: update electron
algo: make ma cross orders rock solid
algo: explictly handle subscription timeouts
algo: add benchmark system for detecting memory leaks
algo: refactor - remove dead code
server/algo: add logging system for algo order results
server/algo: algo ao:persist:db:update event -- remove and fix
server: sync.meta should use a map (remove Market.find)
server: prepare iceberg order validation for better validation in UI
server: verify shutdown procedure
UI: integrate ufx’s dropdown component
UI: improve notifications ui
UI: improve HF UI layout
UI: refactor - remove exchange/binance switches from whole codebase
UI: fix incorrect version retrieval bug
UI: fix HFUI props warnings
UI: outdated subscription handlers cleanup
UI: fix lint issues (dev)
UI: adjust eslint rules (dev)
UI: dependency updates (dev)
UI: prepare virtual table component
UI: split dependencies into smaller packages with lernajs
UI/server: solve issue when spam clicking the new order button
server: fix notification keeps popping up after one wrong api key was entered
server: remove trade subscribes
server: fix ghost 'auth failed' notifications
algo: fix dynamic allocation in debug, possible memleak
algo: fix memleak with subscribed channels
algo: fix debug output
bfx-hf-indicators: ma indicator: fix float issues (sma/ema)
bfx-hf-indicators: ma indicator: add test coverage (sma/ema)
bfx-hf-indicators: ema: use sma for first ema value in calc
bfx-hf-indicators: return null if not enough candles added (sma/ema)
bfx-hf-indicators: deps: remove unused dep create-index
bfx-hf-indicators: fix rsi indicator, add tests
UI: microfinex trades integration
UI: microfinex order history integration
UI: fix position close
UI: update chart theme
UI: update chart library
UI: market subscriptions should happen in the UI, not in bfx-hf-server
UI: orderbook: improve stacked view / total amounts
UI: fix backtester volatility number cut on display
UI: fix Ping/Pong: erasing order count will remove price inputs
UI: api key form, ask to paper trading keys when in paper trading
UI: algo popup: make whole row clickable
UI: implement limitation for inputs that contain %
UI/server: added helper for resetting default & max leverage value
algo: fix order prices in ma cross
algo: remove listeners in event_emitter properly
algo: acc/dis: fix limitation for order amount and sliced order amount
algo: data-channels: make them awaitable
algo: debug output for MA cross orders
algo: fix invalid ping price error if orderCount greater than 1
algo: fix amount limitations in ma cross
algo: ping/pong: fix limitation for order amounts and ping pong prices
algo: fix channel subscriptions for `:` pairs
server: fix api key issue after api key update
internal: algo: submitOrders: bulksubmit and await results instead of fire & forget
internal: algo: remove p-iteration module
internal: improve book props linting
internal: bfx-hf-indicators: run babel on prepublish stage
internal: server: remove algo server, use small worker class
internal: server: dms 4: use constants
internal: server: remove unused data server
internal: server: remove book subscribes
- UI: use new orderbook component from microfinex
- UI: orderbook cog > stacked view check only should not contain total
- UI: trading terminal: leverage slider not aligned
- UI: allow users to edit both the API keys and paper trading keys
- UI: TWAP: Dropdown icon overlaps with settings for "Price Condition" on a custom "Price Target"
- UI: reduce only flag is missing on margin limit orders
- UI: reverse order of buy and sell buttons
- UI: on reconnect, show algo orders resume popup
- UI: fix dependencies
- UI: fix doc links in strategy editor
- algos: remove submit delay from all algo orders
- algos: fix subscribe dup error on multiple channel subscriptions
- algos: ma cross: fix premature execution with outdated input
- server: remove ticker subscriptions
- server: remove pi-iteration module
- server: fix potential mem leak in isHostOpen
- server: rename event on reload of algo orders
- server: deps: remove unused deps
- server: remove old data-server proxy / client
- dev: staging: use pair list from staging
- dev/UI: refactor: move Spinner, Dialog and related components to ui folder
- UI: remove exchange table in balances
- UI: remove reduce only checkbox from exchange orders
- UI: action column with X should not be sortable
- UI: use public websocket api for chart candles
- UI: align position table colors with webapp
- UI: when logging in, preselect current favorite
- UI: make tour visible on first page
- UI: fix submit of api keys from execute order form
- UI: backtesting: "Use Candles" and "Use Trades" Checks Remain Active While Selecting Date
- UI: hide strategy editor execute tab
- UI: orderform: show base and quote currency
- UI: fix crash on login page when background service was not spawned yet
- UI: fix crash on undefined value in notifications (backtest area)
- UI: don't send empty strategies to data-server
- electron: on app close, force exit on all background processes
- electron: fully exit app also on mac osx
- algo: remove cancel delay option for all orders
- algo/ui: iceberg: disable one slice input when other is typed
- algo: iceberg, ping/pong, macross, acc/dis: cancel all orders on close
- algo: twap: fix issue with long submit delays after close
- algo: handle unknown errors from websocket api
- algo: ma cross: fix cid issue on order submit
- algo: bootstrap: throw error when no snapshot is received
- algo: fix: update order snapshots not just once
- algo: don't try to cancel cancelled orders
- algo: fix memleak when closing algo orders
- algo: fix [Object object] error message
- data-server: guard against invalid strategies
- dev/UI: add auto-login for dev mode
- dev/UI: submit Backtests directly to data-server
- dev/UI: refactor: clean outdated candles handlers
- dev/UI: refactor: unused code cleanup
- dev/server: use config files for algo orders
- dev/algo: cleanup: remove unused code (asyncEventEmitter)
- dev/algo: cancelAllOrders: throws exception when order was filled
- (feat) ui/server: add paper trading mode
- (feat) ui/server: show popup if algo orders are to be resumed
- (feat) algo: option to add fuzziness in the amount to twap
- (fix) ui: show 0 default values
- (fix) ui: make application menues for logs work
- (fix) server: startup: recover when network resumes
- (fix) algo: iceberg: fix float issue in percentage calc
- (fix) algo: twap float issue fix
- (fix) algo: improvements for twap intervals
- (fix) algo: twap: algo trades against itself: OB mid price updates
- (fix) algo/ui: twap: reset priceTarget and priceCondition for market orders in UI
- (fix) algo/ui: twap: change slice amount tooltip
- (fix) algo/ui: twap: validate if amount is greater than the total amount in UI
- (dev) server: remove unused candles code from hf-server
- (dev) dev: fix readme
- (dev) ui: refactor code
- (dev) ui: a new trading view chart