Now latest version uses OwnbitMultiSig_Proxy.sol
#The latest version of Ownbit uses OwnbitMultiSigV6.sol (Standard MultiSig) and OwnbitMultiSigV8.sol (Accident Protection MultiSig).
OwnbitMultiSigV6.sol is the latest version of Standard MultiSig Contract used by Ownbit wallet (Ownbit App version >= 4.38).
OwnbitMultiSigV8.sol is the latest versioin of Accident Protection MultiSig Contract(Use block.timestamp)(Ownbit App version >= 4.41).
OwnbitMultiSigV7.sol is the versioin of Accident Protection MultiSig Contract(Use block.number)(Ownbit App version >= 4.38 and <= 4.40).
OwnbitMultiSigV4.sol is the version of Standard MultiSig Contract(Ownbit App version >= 4.25 and <= 4.37.1).
OwnbitMultiSigV5.sol is the version of Accident Protection MultiSig Contract(Ownbit App version >= 4.25 and <= 4.37.1).
old/Ownbit-MS-Compound.sol is version 3 of ms contract(Ownbit iOS App version <= 4.24.1, Android App version <= 4.24.2).
old/BitbillMultiSigEx9.sol is version 2 of ms contract used by Ownbit wallet.
old/BitbillMultiSig9.sol is version 1 of ms contract used by Ownbit wallet.
(BSC) is for Binance Smart Chain.
(ARB) is for Arbitrum One.
(SOL) Ownbit Solana MultiSig program Id: JCdDLzhavKvHgGEfBnQQmFDSwFfe1JKW7j7NVgCti5Ny
Source code is under ownbit-solana-multisig directory.