Releases: bisq-network/bisq
Release notes
- Produce exclusively low-R signatures from wallet keys
- "Transfer Same Bank" & "Transfer Specific Banks" match case-insentitivity
- Create payment method "Faster Payments System (SBP)" for Russian Ruble
- New option in PhoneNumberValidator to enforce exact number of digits
- Added 500+ string translations to Russian language file
- Implement BitcoinCoreSeedListDiscovery method
- getoffers (api): Return all offers by default
- Add suddenwhipvapor mediator instance onion
- Improve resync handling
- Add missing snapshot creation in full DAO mode
Bug fixes
- Reset AutoConfirmSettings if it contains a retired address
- Fix randomly blank currency box upon opening the Offer screen
- Fix DaoSnapshotService threading issues
See for more details.
To verify this release please have a look at our wiki:
Starting with v1.9.0 you can use pre-built versions of the Bisq cli ( and Bisq daemon ( to use Bisq without touching the user interface.
Just download the archives and extract them locally. You have to run the daemon to access the local Bisq daemon API endpoints.
To run daemon.jar on Mainnet:
$ java -jar daemon.jar --apiPassword=becareful
If you just want to control your headless daemon within your terminal you have to run the Bisq cli as well.
Again just download the bisq-cli archive and extract it locally.
To call getversion from cli.jar
$ java -jar cli.jar --password=becareful getversion
You can use the Bisq API to access local Bisq daemon API endpoints, which provide a subset of the Bisq Desktop application's feature set: check balances, transfer BTC and BSQ, create payment accounts, view offers, create and take offers, and execute trades.
The Bisq API is based on the gRPC framework, and any supported gRPC language binding can be used to call Bisq API endpoints.
You'll find in-depth documentation and examples under following link:
Bisq gRPC API reference documentation example source code is hosted on GitHub at Java and Python developers interested in bot development may find this Intellij project useful for running the existing examples, and writing their own bots.
For additional developer support please join Development - Bisq v1 on Matrix.
Known issues with installation
We removed notarization from our build pipeline because of of the risk of Apple certification revocation (see #6341). Unfortunately this will require extra steps when installing Bisq on macOS.
Please follow the guide at in the section If you want to open an app that hasn’t been notarized or is from an unidentified developer
If you are running already macOS Ventura (13.0+) you need to do following to be able to start Bisq:
enter following command in Apple Terminal sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
hit enter and you will be prompted to enter your password to be able to execute the command as super user
After running this successfully you should be able to start Bisq as always.
We removed the developer code signing because of the same reason as with Apple.
For Windows you just have to ignore the warning after you have verified the installation file yourself and proceed with the installation.
There is a known issue with Anti Virus software. We got several reports from users running into different problems. Either the AV software blocks Bisq or Tor, delete files in the data directory [2] or app directory [1]) or cause such a long delay at startup that Tor gets terminated and a file remains locked which can cause that Bisq cannot be started afterwards. To resolve that you need to restart Windows then the lock get released. We are working on solutions to fix those issues.
If you use Crypto currencies on your Windows system be aware that Windows is much more vulnerable to malware than Linux or OSX. Consider to use a dedicated non-Windows system when dealing with cryptocurrencies.
[1] Application directory (contains application installation files):
[2] Data directory (contains all Bisq data including wallet):
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Bisq\btc_mainnet\tor (you can delete everything except the hiddenservice directory)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/bisq/bin/Bisq
If your Linux distro does not support .deb files please follow this instruction:
cd ~/Downloads
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ar x ../Bisq-64bit-1.9.19.deb
sudo tar Jxvf data.tar.xz
sudo cp -rp opt/Bisq /opt/
That instruction is not tested on many different distros. If you encounter problems please report it in a Github issue so we can improve it.
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
A special thanks to our first time contributor:
As well as to everyone that helped with translations on Transifex.
Release notes
Some users aren't getting enough connections to the bitcoin network and can't therefore broadcast transactions. This hot-fix release resolves these connectivity issues and improves the reliability of the network.
See for more details.
For a detailed description on how to verify your Bisq installer please have a look at our wiki:
Url of the signing key (Alejandro García):
Full fingerprint: B493 3191 06CC 3D1F 252E 19CB F806 F422 E222 AA02
Import the key:
curl | gpg --import
GPG prints a confusion warning: "This key is not certified with a trusted signature!" - See for background information what it means.
How to verify signatures?
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-1.9.16.dmg)
Verify jar file inside binary:
You can verify on OSX the jar file with:
shasum -a256 [PATH TO BISQ APP]/
The output need to match the value from the Bisq-1.9.16.jar.txt file.
There are three hashes within the Bisq-1.9.16.jar.txt file (macOS, Windows, Linux).
If you want to reproduce and verify the hash of the jar file locally, you need to do so on Windows or Linux using Java 15.0.9 and the v1.9.16 release tag. Because of the signing and notarization process that requires the developer certificate used for the build on macOS it is not possible to create the same jar on macOS.
Starting with v1.9.0 you can use pre-built versions of the Bisq cli ( and Bisq daemon ( to use Bisq without touching the user interface.
Just download the archives and extract them locally. You have to run the daemon to access the local Bisq daemon API endpoints.
To run daemon.jar on Mainnet:
$ java -jar daemon.jar --apiPassword=becareful
If you just want to control your headless daemon within your terminal you have to run the Bisq cli as well.
Again just download the bisq-cli archive and extract it locally.
To call getversion from cli.jar
$ java -jar cli.jar --password=becareful getversion
You can use the Bisq API to access local Bisq daemon API endpoints, which provide a subset of the Bisq Desktop application's feature set: check balances, transfer BTC and BSQ, create payment accounts, view offers, create and take offers, and execute trades.
The Bisq API is based on the gRPC framework, and any supported gRPC language binding can be used to call Bisq API endpoints.
You'll find in-depth documentation and examples under following link:
Bisq gRPC API reference documentation example source code is hosted on GitHub at Java and Python developers interested in bot development may find this Intellij project useful for running the existing examples, and writing their own bots.
For additional developer support please join Development - Bisq v1 on Matrix.
Known issues with installation
We removed notarization from our build pipeline because of of the risk of Apple certification revocation (see #6341). Unfortunately this will require extra steps when installing Bisq on macOS.
Please follow the guide at in the section If you want to open an app that hasn’t been notarized or is from an unidentified developer
If you are running already macOS Ventura (13.0+) you need to do following to be able to start Bisq:
enter following command in Apple Terminal sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
hit enter and you will be prompted to enter your password to be able to execute the command as super user
After running this successfully you should be able to start Bisq as always.
We removed the developer code signing because of the same reason as with Apple.
For Windows you just have to ignore the warning after you have verified the installation file yourself and proceed with the installation.
There is a known issue with Anti Virus software. We got several reports from users running into different problems. Either the AV software blocks Bisq or Tor, delete files in the data directory [2] or app directory [1]) or cause such a long delay at startup that Tor gets terminated and a file remains locked which can cause that Bisq cannot be started afterwards. To resolve that you need to restart Windows then the lock get released. We are working on solutions to fix those issues.
If you use Crypto currencies on your Windows system be aware that Windows is much more vulnerable to malware than Linux or OSX. Consider to use a dedicated non-Windows system when dealing with cryptocurrencies.
[1] Application directory (contains application installation files):
[2] Data directory (contains all Bisq data including wallet):
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Bisq\btc_mainnet\tor (you can delete everything except the hiddenservice directory)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/bisq/bin/Bisq
If your Linux distro does not support .deb files please follow this instruction:
cd ~/Downloads
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ar x ../Bisq-64bit-1.9.16.deb
sudo tar Jxvf data.tar.xz
sudo cp -rp opt/Bisq /opt/
That instruction is not tested on many different distros. If you encounter problems please report it in a Github issue so we can improve it.
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
A special thanks to our first time contributor:
As well as to everyone that helped with translations on Transifex.
Release notes
Major Changes:
- Improve network resilience and stability
- Add getdaostatus API, expose failed trades in API, and support XMR auto conf in API
- Buyers can pay using SEPA QR codes
- Restore QR code scanner for mobile notification app pairing
See for more details.
- Update seenodes [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
- Update Bitcoin nodes [1], [2], [3]
- Support dynamic Bitcoin node and seednode registration [1], [2], [3], [4]
- Add
API - Expose failed trades in
API - Show SEPA QR Code to buyers
- Add API for payment started with XMR auto conf params
- Replace Keybase admin by Community admin in DAO
- Improve maximum allowed network requests [1], [2], [3]
- Restore QR code scanner feature for mobile notification pairing
- Speed up bond repository update
- Improve logging
- Improve export account reputation process for bisq 2
- Hide offers which are over the trade limit
- Add luis3672's mediaton onion address
Bug fixes
- Optimize memory use in Dispute multiple holder name detection
- Remove broken BSQ explorer
- Fix data race in BurningManAccountingStore
- Fix data race in IgnoredMailboxMap
For a detailed description on how to verify your Bisq installer please have a look at our wiki:
Url of the signing key (Alejandro García):
Full fingerprint: B493 3191 06CC 3D1F 252E 19CB F806 F422 E222 AA02
Import the key:
curl | gpg --import
GPG prints a confusion warning: "This key is not certified with a trusted signature!" - See for background information what it means.
How to verify signatures?
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-1.9.16.dmg)
Verify jar file inside binary:
You can verify on OSX the jar file with:
shasum -a256 [PATH TO BISQ APP]/
The output need to match the value from the Bisq-1.9.16.jar.txt file.
There are three hashes within the Bisq-1.9.16.jar.txt file (macOS, Windows, Linux).
If you want to reproduce and verify the hash of the jar file locally, you need to do so on Windows or Linux using Java 15.0.9 and the v1.9.16 release tag. Because of the signing and notarization process that requires the developer certificate used for the build on macOS it is not possible to create the same jar on macOS.
Starting with v1.9.0 you can use pre-built versions of the Bisq cli ( and Bisq daemon ( to use Bisq without touching the user interface.
Just download the archives and extract them locally. You have to run the daemon to access the local Bisq daemon API endpoints.
To run daemon.jar on Mainnet:
$ java -jar daemon.jar --apiPassword=becareful
If you just want to control your headless daemon within your terminal you have to run the Bisq cli as well.
Again just download the bisq-cli archive and extract it locally.
To call getversion from cli.jar
$ java -jar cli.jar --password=becareful getversion
You can use the Bisq API to access local Bisq daemon API endpoints, which provide a subset of the Bisq Desktop application's feature set: check balances, transfer BTC and BSQ, create payment accounts, view offers, create and take offers, and execute trades.
The Bisq API is based on the gRPC framework, and any supported gRPC language binding can be used to call Bisq API endpoints.
You'll find in-depth documentation and examples under following link:
Bisq gRPC API reference documentation example source code is hosted on GitHub at Java and Python developers interested in bot development may find this Intellij project useful for running the existing examples, and writing their own bots.
For additional developer support please join Development - Bisq v1 on Matrix.
Known issues with installation
We removed notarization from our build pipeline because of of the risk of Apple certification revocation (see #6341). Unfortunately this will require extra steps when installing Bisq on macOS.
Please follow the guide at in the section If you want to open an app that hasn’t been notarized or is from an unidentified developer
If you are running already macOS Ventura (13.0+) you need to do following to be able to start Bisq:
enter following command in Apple Terminal sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
hit enter and you will be prompted to enter your password to be able to execute the command as super user
After running this successfully you should be able to start Bisq as always.
We removed the developer code signing because of the same reason as with Apple.
For Windows you just have to ignore the warning after you have verified the installation file yourself and proceed with the installation.
There is a known issue with Anti Virus software. We got several reports from users running into different problems. Either the AV software blocks Bisq or Tor, delete files in the data directory [2] or app directory [1]) or cause such a long delay at startup that Tor gets terminated and a file remains locked which can cause that Bisq cannot be started afterwards. To resolve that you need to restart Windows then the lock get released. We are working on solutions to fix those issues.
If you use Crypto currencies on your Windows system be aware that Windows is much more vulnerable to malware than Linux or OSX. Consider to use a dedicated non-Windows system when dealing with cryptocurrencies.
[1] Application directory (contains application installation files):
[2] Data directory (contains all Bisq data including wallet):
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Bisq\btc_mainnet\tor (you can delete everything except the hiddenservice directory)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/bisq/bin/Bisq
If your Linux distro does not support .deb files please follow this instruction:
cd ~/Downloads
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ar x ../Bisq-64bit-1.9.16.deb
sudo tar Jxvf data.tar.xz
sudo cp -rp opt/Bisq /opt/
That instruction is not tested on many different distros. If you encounter problems please report it in a Github issue so we can improve it.
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
A special thanks to our first time contributor:
As well as to everyone that helped with translations on Transifex.
Release notes
Major Changes:
- Improve network resilience and stability
- Add getdaostatus API, expose failed trades in API, and support XMR auto conf in API
- Buyers can pay using SEPA QR codes
- Restore QR code scanner for mobile notification app pairing
See for more details.
- Update seenodes [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
- Update Bitcoin nodes [1], [2], [3]
- Support dynamic Bitcoin node and seednode registration [1], [2], [3], [4]
- Add
API - Expose failed trades in
API - Show SEPA QR Code to buyers
- Add API for payment started with XMR auto conf params
- Replace Keybase admin by Community admin in DAO
- Improve maximum allowed network requests [1], [2], [3]
- Restore QR code scanner feature for mobile notification pairing
- Speed up bond repository update
- Improve logging
- Improve export account reputation process for bisq 2
- Hide offers which are over the trade limit
- Add luis3672's mediaton onion address
Bug fixes
- Optimize memory use in Dispute multiple holder name detection
- Remove broken BSQ explorer
- Fix data race in BurningManAccountingStore
- Fix data race in IgnoredMailboxMap
For a detailed description on how to verify your Bisq installer please have a look at our wiki:
Url of the signing key (Alejandro García):
Full fingerprint: B493 3191 06CC 3D1F 252E 19CB F806 F422 E222 AA02
Import the key:
curl | gpg --import
GPG prints a confusion warning: "This key is not certified with a trusted signature!" - See for background information what it means.
How to verify signatures?
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-1.9.16.dmg)
Verify jar file inside binary:
You can verify on OSX the jar file with:
shasum -a256 [PATH TO BISQ APP]/
The output need to match the value from the Bisq-1.9.16.jar.txt file.
There are three hashes within the Bisq-1.9.16.jar.txt file (macOS, Windows, Linux).
If you want to reproduce and verify the hash of the jar file locally, you need to do so on Windows or Linux using Java 15.0.9 and the v1.9.16 release tag. Because of the signing and notarization process that requires the developer certificate used for the build on macOS it is not possible to create the same jar on macOS.
Starting with v1.9.0 you can use pre-built versions of the Bisq cli ( and Bisq daemon ( to use Bisq without touching the user interface.
Just download the archives and extract them locally. You have to run the daemon to access the local Bisq daemon API endpoints.
To run daemon.jar on Mainnet:
$ java -jar daemon.jar --apiPassword=becareful
If you just want to control your headless daemon within your terminal you have to run the Bisq cli as well.
Again just download the bisq-cli archive and extract it locally.
To call getversion from cli.jar
$ java -jar cli.jar --password=becareful getversion
You can use the Bisq API to access local Bisq daemon API endpoints, which provide a subset of the Bisq Desktop application's feature set: check balances, transfer BTC and BSQ, create payment accounts, view offers, create and take offers, and execute trades.
The Bisq API is based on the gRPC framework, and any supported gRPC language binding can be used to call Bisq API endpoints.
You'll find in-depth documentation and examples under following link:
Bisq gRPC API reference documentation example source code is hosted on GitHub at Java and Python developers interested in bot development may find this Intellij project useful for running the existing examples, and writing their own bots.
For additional developer support please join Development - Bisq v1 on Matrix.
Known issues with installation
We removed notarization from our build pipeline because of of the risk of Apple certification revocation (see #6341). Unfortunately this will require extra steps when installing Bisq on macOS.
Please follow the guide at in the section If you want to open an app that hasn’t been notarized or is from an unidentified developer
If you are running already macOS Ventura (13.0+) you need to do following to be able to start Bisq:
enter following command in Apple Terminal sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
hit enter and you will be prompted to enter your password to be able to execute the command as super user
After running this successfully you should be able to start Bisq as always.
We removed the developer code signing because of the same reason as with Apple.
For Windows you just have to ignore the warning after you have verified the installation file yourself and proceed with the installation.
There is a known issue with Anti Virus software. We got several reports from users running into different problems. Either the AV software blocks Bisq or Tor, delete files in the data directory [2] or app directory [1]) or cause such a long delay at startup that Tor gets terminated and a file remains locked which can cause that Bisq cannot be started afterwards. To resolve that you need to restart Windows then the lock get released. We are working on solutions to fix those issues.
If you use Crypto currencies on your Windows system be aware that Windows is much more vulnerable to malware than Linux or OSX. Consider to use a dedicated non-Windows system when dealing with cryptocurrencies.
[1] Application directory (contains application installation files):
[2] Data directory (contains all Bisq data including wallet):
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Bisq\btc_mainnet\tor (you can delete everything except the hiddenservice directory)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/bisq/bin/Bisq
If your Linux distro does not support .deb files please follow this instruction:
cd ~/Downloads
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ar x ../Bisq-64bit-1.9.16.deb
sudo tar Jxvf data.tar.xz
sudo cp -rp opt/Bisq /opt/
That instruction is not tested on many different distros. If you encounter problems please report it in a Github issue so we can improve it.
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
A special thanks to our first time contributor:
As well as to everyone that helped with translations on Transifex.
Release notes
Major Changes:
- Bisq tells you the reason why an offer was disabled
- We added more currencies to Wise and a holder name is required for new accounts
- Pix accounts requires a holder name for new accounts
- MoneyBeam accounts requires a holder name for new accounts
- Failed and closed trades can be mediated now
- New BSQ market cap chart
See for more details.
- seednode: Install openjdk-11-jdk from OS repository
- Refactor & simplify fee service
- Change burning man capping algorithm
- Rename TransferWise to Wise, add more currencies, and add holder name (required for new accounts)
- Add holder name to Pix payment accounts
- Display the reason for auto-disabling an open offer
- Create GetBlocksRequestHandler's reply list once
- Show unconfirmed transaction popup 24h after trade start and add resync button
- Add holder name to MoneyBeam payment accounts
- Allow mediation of failed and closed trades
- Update 'reason for payment' warning instructions (use account name or non-descriptive, e.g., '-'
- Add BSQ market cap chart
Bug fixes
- Fix inconsistent deviation in portfolio offers & history
- Fix initial data request handling
- Detect and handle corrupted SPV state allowing user-initiated resync
- Fix potential NPE in persistence of Contract
- core: Don't add old filter to invalid filters if new signer banned
- Bugfix: avoid standby mode should adhere to the user preference setting
- Fix fee check crash on invalid JSON response [1], [2], [3]
Development & Documentation
- Remove price node and seed nodes from wiz
- Remove outdated commands from finalize script
- gradle-plugins: Use embedded Kotlin compiler
- Remove JDK Enforcements [1], [2]
- Remove 2 of wiz's Bitcoin nodes
- Fix resource path URL decoding in tx validator tests and clean similar tests
For a detailed description on how to verify your Bisq installer please have a look at our wiki:
Url of the signing key (Alejandro García):
Full fingerprint: B493 3191 06CC 3D1F 252E 19CB F806 F422 E222 AA02
Import the key:
curl | gpg --import
GPG prints a confusion warning: "This key is not certified with a trusted signature!" - See for background information what it means.
How to verify signatures?
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-1.9.15.dmg)
Verify jar file inside binary:
You can verify on OSX the jar file with:
shasum -a256 [PATH TO BISQ APP]/
The output need to match the value from the Bisq-1.9.15.jar.txt file.
There are three hashes within the Bisq-1.9.15.jar.txt file (macOS, Windows, Linux).
If you want to reproduce and verify the hash of the jar file locally, you need to do so on Windows or Linux using Java 15.0.9 and the v1.9.15 release tag. Because of the signing and notarization process that requires the developer certificate used for the build on macOS it is not possible to create the same jar on macOS.
Starting with v1.9.0 you can use pre-built versions of the Bisq cli ( and Bisq daemon ( to use Bisq without touching the user interface.
Just download the archives and extract them locally. You have to run the daemon to access the local Bisq daemon API endpoints.
To run daemon.jar on Mainnet:
$ java -jar daemon.jar --apiPassword=becareful
If you just want to control your headless daemon within your terminal you have to run the Bisq cli as well.
Again just download the bisq-cli archive and extract it locally.
To call getversion from cli.jar
$ java -jar cli.jar --password=becareful getversion
You can use the Bisq API to access local Bisq daemon API endpoints, which provide a subset of the Bisq Desktop application's feature set: check balances, transfer BTC and BSQ, create payment accounts, view offers, create and take offers, and execute trades.
The Bisq API is based on the gRPC framework, and any supported gRPC language binding can be used to call Bisq API endpoints.
You'll find in-depth documentation and examples under following link:
Bisq gRPC API reference documentation example source code is hosted on GitHub at Java and Python developers interested in bot development may find this Intellij project useful for running the existing examples, and writing their own bots.
For additional developer support please join Development - Bisq v1 on Matrix.
Known issues with installation
We removed notarization from our build pipeline because of of the risk of Apple certification revocation (see #6341). Unfortunately this will require extra steps when installing Bisq on macOS.
Please follow the guide at in the section If you want to open an app that hasn’t been notarized or is from an unidentified developer
If you are running already macOS Ventura (13.0+) you need to do following to be able to start Bisq:
enter following command in Apple Terminal sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
hit enter and you will be prompted to enter your password to be able to execute the command as super user
After running this successfully you should be able to start Bisq as always.
We removed the developer code signing because of the same reason as with Apple.
For Windows you just have to ignore the warning after you have verified the installation file yourself and proceed with the installation.
There is a known issue with Anti Virus software. We got several reports from users running into different problems. Either the AV software blocks Bisq or Tor, delete files in the data directory [2] or app directory [1]) or cause such a long delay at startup that Tor gets terminated and a file remains locked which can cause that Bisq cannot be started afterwards. To resolve that you need to restart Windows then the lock get released. We are working on solutions to fix those issues.
If you use Crypto currencies on your Windows system be aware that Windows is much more vulnerable to malware than Linux or OSX. Consider to use a dedicated non-Windows system when dealing with cryptocurrencies.
[1] Application directory (contains application installation files):
[2] Data directory (contains all Bisq data including wallet):
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Bisq\btc_mainnet\tor (you can delete everything except the hiddenservice directory)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/bisq/bin/Bisq
If your Linux distro does not support .deb files please follow this instruction:
cd ~/Downloads
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ar x ../Bisq-64bit-1.9.15.deb
sudo tar Jxvf data.tar.xz
sudo cp -rp opt/Bisq /opt/
That instruction is not tested on many different distros. If you encounter problems please report it in a Github issue so we can improve it.
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
- @alejandrogarcia83
- @alvasw
- @gabernard
- @HenrikJannsen
- @jmacxx
- @stejbac
- @wiz
- @yonson2023
A special thanks to our first time contributor:
As well as to everyone that helped with translations on Transifex.
Note: We re-uploaded the binary for macOS on the 26th of October. The new binary fixes several issues that caused crashes on macOS.
Release notes
In this release, we add MercadoPago as a new payment method for our Argentinian users. Moreover, the Bisq Price Index uses the blue dollar (free market rate) rate for the Argentine Pesos market. Other changes include an updated Java runtime, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
See for more details.
- Improve flow in create/take offer process
- Add MercadoPago payment method
- Add info popup about Argentinian Peso (blue) market prices
- Update to latest Java 11 LTS runtime (1, 2, 3, 4)
- Show Amazon gift card country in offer book
- Randomly select dispute agent
- Update mediators onion addresses
- Add Bisq 2 bond roles names
- Broadcast Arbitration DPT and dispute message in parallel
- Allow arbitration tickets to be manually reopened
Bug fixes
- Validate transactions after DAO state is ready
- Fix: BTC maker/taker fee validation
- Edit button/pen symbol stops working for altcoin offers
- Fix cutoff UTXOs in Send Funds screen
- Remove unused dependency on Pricenode metadata strings
For a detailed description on how to verify your Bisq installer please have a look at our wiki:
Url of the signing key (Alejandro García):
Full fingerprint: B493 3191 06CC 3D1F 252E 19CB F806 F422 E222 AA02
Import the key:
curl | gpg --import
GPG prints a confusion warning: "This key is not certified with a trusted signature!" - See for background information what it means.
How to verify signatures?
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-1.9.14.dmg)
Verify jar file inside binary:
You can verify on OSX the jar file with:
shasum -a256 [PATH TO BISQ APP]/
The output need to match the value from the Bisq-1.9.14.jar.txt file.
There are three hashes within the Bisq-1.9.14.jar.txt file (macOS, Windows, Linux).
If you want to reproduce and verify the hash of the jar file locally, you need to do so on Windows or Linux using Java 15.0.9 and the v1.9.14 release tag. Because of the signing and notarization process that requires the developer certificate used for the build on macOS it is not possible to create the same jar on macOS.
Starting with v1.9.0 you can use pre-built versions of the Bisq cli ( and Bisq daemon ( to use Bisq without touching the user interface.
Just download the archives and extract them locally. You have to run the daemon to access the local Bisq daemon API endpoints.
To run daemon.jar on Mainnet:
$ java -jar daemon.jar --apiPassword=becareful
If you just want to control your headless daemon within your terminal you have to run the Bisq cli as well.
Again just download the bisq-cli archive and extract it locally.
To call getversion from cli.jar
$ java -jar cli.jar --password=becareful getversion
You can use the Bisq API to access local Bisq daemon API endpoints, which provide a subset of the Bisq Desktop application's feature set: check balances, transfer BTC and BSQ, create payment accounts, view offers, create and take offers, and execute trades.
The Bisq API is based on the gRPC framework, and any supported gRPC language binding can be used to call Bisq API endpoints.
You'll find in-depth documentation and examples under following link:
Bisq gRPC API reference documentation example source code is hosted on GitHub at Java and Python developers interested in bot development may find this Intellij project useful for running the existing examples, and writing their own bots.
For additional developer support please join Development - Bisq v1 on Matrix.
Known issues with installation
We removed notarization from our build pipeline because of of the risk of Apple certification revocation (see #6341). Unfortunately this will require extra steps when installing Bisq on macOS.
Please follow the guide at in the section If you want to open an app that hasn’t been notarized or is from an unidentified developer
If you are running already macOS Ventura (13.0+) you need to do following to be able to start Bisq:
enter following command in Apple Terminal sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
hit enter and you will be prompted to enter your password to be able to execute the command as super user
After running this successfully you should be able to start Bisq as always.
We removed the developer code signing because of the same reason as with Apple.
For Windows you just have to ignore the warning after you have verified the installation file yourself and proceed with the installation.
There is a known issue with Anti Virus software. We got several reports from users running into different problems. Either the AV software blocks Bisq or Tor, delete files in the data directory [2] or app directory [1]) or cause such a long delay at startup that Tor gets terminated and a file remains locked which can cause that Bisq cannot be started afterwards. To resolve that you need to restart Windows then the lock get released. We are working on solutions to fix those issues.
If you use Crypto currencies on your Windows system be aware that Windows is much more vulnerable to malware than Linux or OSX. Consider to use a dedicated non-Windows system when dealing with cryptocurrencies.
[1] Application directory (contains application installation files):
[2] Data directory (contains all Bisq data including wallet):
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Bisq\btc_mainnet\tor (you can delete everything except the hiddenservice directory)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/bisq/bin/Bisq
If your Linux distro does not support .deb files please follow this instruction:
cd ~/Downloads
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ar x ../Bisq-64bit-1.9.14.deb
sudo tar Jxvf data.tar.xz
sudo cp -rp opt/Bisq /opt/
That instruction is not tested on many different distros. If you encounter problems please report it in a Github issue so we can improve it.
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
A special thanks to our first time contributor:
As well as to everyone that helped with translations on Transifex.
A newer version is already available! Please don’t use this version anymore.
Release notes
In this release, we add MercadoPago as a new payment method for our Argentinian users. Moreover, the Bisq Price Index uses the blue dollar (free market rate) rate for the Argentine Pesos market. Other changes include an updated Java runtime, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
See for more details.
- Improve flow in create/take offer process
- Add MercadoPago payment method
- Add info popup about Argentinian Peso (blue) market prices
- Update to latest Java 11 LTS runtime (1, 2, 3, 4)
- Show Amazon gift card country in offer book
- Randomly select dispute agent
- Update mediators onion addresses
- Add Bisq 2 bond roles names
- Broadcast Arbitration DPT and dispute message in parallel
- Allow arbitration tickets to be manually reopened
Bug fixes
- Validate transactions after DAO state is ready
- Fix: BTC maker/taker fee validation
- Edit button/pen symbol stops working for altcoin offers
- Fix cutoff UTXOs in Send Funds screen
- Remove unused dependency on Pricenode metadata strings
For a detailed description on how to verify your Bisq installer please have a look at our wiki:
Url of the signing key (Alejandro García):
Full fingerprint: B493 3191 06CC 3D1F 252E 19CB F806 F422 E222 AA02
Import the key:
curl | gpg --import
GPG prints a confusion warning: "This key is not certified with a trusted signature!" - See for background information what it means.
How to verify signatures?
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-1.9.13.dmg)
Verify jar file inside binary:
You can verify on OSX the jar file with:
shasum -a256 [PATH TO BISQ APP]/
The output need to match the value from the Bisq-1.9.13.jar.txt file.
There are three hashes within the Bisq-1.9.13.jar.txt file (macOS, Windows, Linux).
If you want to reproduce and verify the hash of the jar file locally, you need to do so on Windows or Linux using Java 15.0.9 and the v1.9.13 release tag. Because of the signing and notarization process that requires the developer certificate used for the build on macOS it is not possible to create the same jar on macOS.
Starting with v1.9.0 you can use pre-built versions of the Bisq cli ( and Bisq daemon ( to use Bisq without touching the user interface.
Just download the archives and extract them locally. You have to run the daemon to access the local Bisq daemon API endpoints.
To run daemon.jar on Mainnet:
$ java -jar daemon.jar --apiPassword=becareful
If you just want to control your headless daemon within your terminal you have to run the Bisq cli as well.
Again just download the bisq-cli archive and extract it locally.
To call getversion from cli.jar
$ java -jar cli.jar --password=becareful getversion
You can use the Bisq API to access local Bisq daemon API endpoints, which provide a subset of the Bisq Desktop application's feature set: check balances, transfer BTC and BSQ, create payment accounts, view offers, create and take offers, and execute trades.
The Bisq API is based on the gRPC framework, and any supported gRPC language binding can be used to call Bisq API endpoints.
You'll find in-depth documentation and examples under following link:
Bisq gRPC API reference documentation example source code is hosted on GitHub at Java and Python developers interested in bot development may find this Intellij project useful for running the existing examples, and writing their own bots.
For additional developer support please join Development - Bisq v1 on Matrix.
Known issues with installation
We removed notarization from our build pipeline because of of the risk of Apple certification revocation (see #6341). Unfortunately this will require extra steps when installing Bisq on macOS.
Please follow the guide at in the section If you want to open an app that hasn’t been notarized or is from an unidentified developer
If you are running already macOS Ventura (13.0+) you need to do following to be able to start Bisq:
enter following command in Apple Terminal sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
hit enter and you will be prompted to enter your password to be able to execute the command as super user
After running this successfully you should be able to start Bisq as always.
We removed the developer code signing because of the same reason as with Apple.
For Windows you just have to ignore the warning after you have verified the installation file yourself and proceed with the installation.
There is a known issue with Anti Virus software. We got several reports from users running into different problems. Either the AV software blocks Bisq or Tor, delete files in the data directory [2] or app directory [1]) or cause such a long delay at startup that Tor gets terminated and a file remains locked which can cause that Bisq cannot be started afterwards. To resolve that you need to restart Windows then the lock get released. We are working on solutions to fix those issues.
If you use Crypto currencies on your Windows system be aware that Windows is much more vulnerable to malware than Linux or OSX. Consider to use a dedicated non-Windows system when dealing with cryptocurrencies.
[1] Application directory (contains application installation files):
[2] Data directory (contains all Bisq data including wallet):
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Bisq\btc_mainnet\tor (you can delete everything except the hiddenservice directory)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/bisq/bin/Bisq
If your Linux distro does not support .deb files please follow this instruction:
cd ~/Downloads
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ar x ../Bisq-64bit-1.9.13.deb
sudo tar Jxvf data.tar.xz
sudo cp -rp opt/Bisq /opt/
That instruction is not tested on many different distros. If you encounter problems please report it in a Github issue so we can improve it.
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
A special thanks to our first time contributor:
As well as to everyone that helped with translations on Transifex.
A newer version is already available! Please don’t use this version anymore.
This is a follow-up release that fixes two issues in v1.9.11 with the included BurningMan accounting data store.
See for more details.
Here are the release notes from v1.9.11:
Release notes
Now, you can clone existing offers while sharing its maker fee and security deposit. The cloned offer can have a different price, payment method, currency, and trigger price. In this new release, Bisq starts quicker because light nodes don't process Burningman accounting statistics anymore. Further, dispute agents can resend PeerOpenedDisputeMessages to non-resposive peers.
See for more details.
- Allow cloning offers (with different price, payment method, currency, and trigger price) while sharing its maker fees and security deposits
- Don't process burningman accounting data by default
- Speed up burningman and statistics view loads
- Allow dispute agent to resend PeerOpenedDisputeMessage to non-resposive peer
- Prefer Burningmen's custom receiver address
- Burningman Accounting: Show total fees and total DPT
- Remove Burningman activation code (1, 2)
- Add gettransactions method to API
- getoffers (API): Return all offers instead of the only ones with a matching accounts
Bug fixes
- Add SEPA Payment Account country: GI (Gibraltar)
- Allow leniency of 50% when validating trade fees.
- Increase fee limit for accounting data filter.
- Remove "Your computer was asleep" popup
- Remove one seednode from Wiz
- Update wiz's Bitcoin nodes clearnet IP
- Move to portfolio when clicked close in popup
- Fix NullPointerException when sorting columns with blank entries
- Use new burningman accounting file recreated from scratch.
Development & Documentation
- Gradle version catalog: Fix broken gson version enforcement
- GitHub Actions: Enable Gradle Build Scans
- GitHub Actions: Run on all branches
- Update GitHub Actions: checkout (1, 2), gradle-build
- Add bisq2 Gradle Tor Plugin
- Migrate to JUnit 5 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11)
New Assets
No new assets added.
For a detailed description on how to verify your Bisq installer please have a look at our wiki:
Url of the signing key (Alejandro García):
Full fingerprint: B493 3191 06CC 3D1F 252E 19CB F806 F422 E222 AA02
Import the key:
curl | gpg --import
GPG prints a confusion warning: "This key is not certified with a trusted signature!" - See for background information what it means.
How to verify signatures?
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-1.9.11.dmg)
Verify jar file inside binary:
You can verify on OSX the jar file with:
shasum -a256 [PATH TO BISQ APP]/
The output need to match the value from the Bisq-1.9.11.jar.txt file.
There are three hashes within the Bisq-1.9.11.jar.txt file (macOS, Windows, Linux).
If you want to reproduce and verify the hash of the jar file locally, you need to do so on Windows or Linux using Java 15.0.9 and the v1.9.11 release tag. Because of the signing and notarization process that requires the developer certificate used for the build on macOS it is not possible to create the same jar on macOS.
Starting with v1.9.0 you can use pre-built versions of the Bisq cli ( and Bisq daemon ( to use Bisq without touching the user interface.
Just download the archives and extract them locally. You have to run the daemon to access the local Bisq daemon API endpoints.
To run daemon.jar on Mainnet:
$ java -jar daemon.jar --apiPassword=becareful
If you just want to control your headless daemon within your terminal you have to run the Bisq cli as well.
Again just download the bisq-cli archive and extract it locally.
To call getversion from cli.jar
$ java -jar cli.jar --password=becareful getversion
You can use the Bisq API to access local Bisq daemon API endpoints, which provide a subset of the Bisq Desktop application's feature set: check balances, transfer BTC and BSQ, create payment accounts, view offers, create and take offers, and execute trades.
The Bisq API is based on the gRPC framework, and any supported gRPC language binding can be used to call Bisq API endpoints.
You'll find in-depth documentation and examples under following link:
Bisq gRPC API reference documentation example source code is hosted on GitHub at Java and Python developers interested in bot development may find this Intellij project useful for running the existing examples, and writing their own bots.
For additional developer support please join Development - Bisq v1 on Matrix.
Known issues with installation
We removed notarization from our build pipeline because of of the risk of Apple certification revocation (see #6341). Unfortunately this will require extra steps when installing Bisq on macOS.
Please follow the guide at in the section If you want to open an app that hasn’t been notarized or is from an unidentified developer
If you are running already macOS Ventura (13.0+) you need to do following to be able to start Bisq:
enter following command in Apple Terminal sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
hit enter and you will be prompted to enter your password to be able to execute the command as super user
After running this successfully you should be able to start Bisq as always.
We removed the developer code signing because of the same reason as with Apple.
For Windows you just have to ignore the warning after you have verified the installation file yourself and proceed with the installation.
There is a known issue with Anti Virus software. We got several reports from users running into different problems. Either the AV software blocks Bisq or Tor, delete files in the data directory [2] or app directory [1]) or cause such a long delay at startup that Tor gets terminated and a file remains locked which can cause that Bisq cannot be started afterwards. To resolve that you need to restart Windows then the lock get released. We are working on solutions to fix those issues.
If you use Crypto currencies on your Windows system be aware that Windows is much more vulnerable to malware than Linux or OSX. Consider to use a dedicated non-Windows system when dealing with cryptocurrencies.
[1] Application directory (contains application installation files):
[2] Data directory (contains all Bisq data including wallet):
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Bisq\btc_mainnet\tor (you can delete everything except the hiddenservice directory)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/bisq/bin/Bisq
If your Linux distro does not support .deb files please follow this instruction:
cd ~/Downloads
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ar x ../Bisq-64bit-1.9.11.deb
sudo tar Jxvf data.tar.xz
sudo cp -rp opt/Bisq /opt/
That instruction is not tested on many different distros. If you encounter problems please report it in a Github issue so we can improve it.
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
A newer version is already available! Please don’t use this version anymore.
Release notes
Now, you can clone existing offers while sharing its maker fee and security deposit. The cloned offer can have a different price, payment method, currency, and trigger price. In this new release, Bisq starts quicker because light nodes don't process Burningman accounting statistics anymore. Further, dispute agents can resend PeerOpenedDisputeMessages to non-resposive peers.
See for more details.
- Allow cloning offers (with different price, payment method, currency, and trigger price) while sharing its maker fees and security deposits
- Don't process burningman accounting data by default
- Speed up burningman and statistics view loads
- Allow dispute agent to resend PeerOpenedDisputeMessage to non-resposive peer
- Prefer Burningmen's custom receiver address
- Burningman Accounting: Show total fees and total DPT
- Remove Burningman activation code (1, 2)
- Add gettransactions method to API
- getoffers (API): Return all offers instead of the only ones with a matching accounts
Bug fixes
- Add SEPA Payment Account country: GI (Gibraltar)
- Allow leniency of 50% when validating trade fees.
- Increase fee limit for accounting data filter.
- Remove "Your computer was asleep" popup
- Remove one seednode from Wiz
- Update wiz's Bitcoin nodes clearnet IP
- Move to portfolio when clicked close in popup
- Fix NullPointerException when sorting columns with blank entries
- Use new burningman accounting file recreated from scratch.
Development & Documentation
- Gradle version catalog: Fix broken gson version enforcement
- GitHub Actions: Enable Gradle Build Scans
- GitHub Actions: Run on all branches
- Update GitHub Actions: checkout (1, 2), gradle-build
- Add bisq2 Gradle Tor Plugin
- Migrate to JUnit 5 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
New Assets
No new assets added.
For a detailed description on how to verify your Bisq installer please have a look at our wiki:
Url of the signing key (Alejandro García):
Full fingerprint: B493 3191 06CC 3D1F 252E 19CB F806 F422 E222 AA02
Import the key:
curl | gpg --import
GPG prints a confusion warning: "This key is not certified with a trusted signature!" - See for background information what it means.
How to verify signatures?
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-1.9.11.dmg)
Verify jar file inside binary:
You can verify on OSX the jar file with:
shasum -a256 [PATH TO BISQ APP]/
The output need to match the value from the Bisq-1.9.11.jar.txt file.
There are three hashes within the Bisq-1.9.11.jar.txt file (macOS, Windows, Linux).
If you want to reproduce and verify the hash of the jar file locally, you need to do so on Windows or Linux using Java 15.0.9 and the v1.9.11 release tag. Because of the signing and notarization process that requires the developer certificate used for the build on macOS it is not possible to create the same jar on macOS.
Starting with v1.9.0 you can use pre-built versions of the Bisq cli ( and Bisq daemon ( to use Bisq without touching the user interface.
Just download the archives and extract them locally. You have to run the daemon to access the local Bisq daemon API endpoints.
To run daemon.jar on Mainnet:
$ java -jar daemon.jar --apiPassword=becareful
If you just want to control your headless daemon within your terminal you have to run the Bisq cli as well.
Again just download the bisq-cli archive and extract it locally.
To call getversion from cli.jar
$ java -jar cli.jar --password=becareful getversion
You can use the Bisq API to access local Bisq daemon API endpoints, which provide a subset of the Bisq Desktop application's feature set: check balances, transfer BTC and BSQ, create payment accounts, view offers, create and take offers, and execute trades.
The Bisq API is based on the gRPC framework, and any supported gRPC language binding can be used to call Bisq API endpoints.
You'll find in-depth documentation and examples under following link:
Bisq gRPC API reference documentation example source code is hosted on GitHub at Java and Python developers interested in bot development may find this Intellij project useful for running the existing examples, and writing their own bots.
For additional developer support please join Development - Bisq v1 on Matrix.
Known issues with installation
We removed notarization from our build pipeline because of of the risk of Apple certification revocation (see #6341). Unfortunately this will require extra steps when installing Bisq on macOS.
Please follow the guide at in the section If you want to open an app that hasn’t been notarized or is from an unidentified developer
If you are running already macOS Ventura (13.0+) you need to do following to be able to start Bisq:
enter following command in Apple Terminal sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
hit enter and you will be prompted to enter your password to be able to execute the command as super user
After running this successfully you should be able to start Bisq as always.
We removed the developer code signing because of the same reason as with Apple.
For Windows you just have to ignore the warning after you have verified the installation file yourself and proceed with the installation.
There is a known issue with Anti Virus software. We got several reports from users running into different problems. Either the AV software blocks Bisq or Tor, delete files in the data directory [2] or app directory [1]) or cause such a long delay at startup that Tor gets terminated and a file remains locked which can cause that Bisq cannot be started afterwards. To resolve that you need to restart Windows then the lock get released. We are working on solutions to fix those issues.
If you use Crypto currencies on your Windows system be aware that Windows is much more vulnerable to malware than Linux or OSX. Consider to use a dedicated non-Windows system when dealing with cryptocurrencies.
[1] Application directory (contains application installation files):
[2] Data directory (contains all Bisq data including wallet):
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Bisq\btc_mainnet\tor (you can delete everything except the hiddenservice directory)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/bisq/bin/Bisq
If your Linux distro does not support .deb files please follow this instruction:
cd ~/Downloads
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ar x ../Bisq-64bit-1.9.11.deb
sudo tar Jxvf data.tar.xz
sudo cp -rp opt/Bisq /opt/
That instruction is not tested on many different distros. If you encounter problems please report it in a Github issue so we can improve it.
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
- @alejandrogarcia83
- @alvasw
- @Emzy
- @gabernard
- @helixx87
- @HenrikJannsen
- @jmacxx
- @napoly
- @ripcurlx
- @sqrrm
- @stejbac
- @wiz
- @yonson2023
A special thanks to our first time contributor:
As well as to everyone that helped with translations on [Transifex](https://tr...
A newer version is already available! Please don’t use this version anymore.
Release notes
This release is packed with improvements under the hood to improve the overall performance of Bisq. Of course we have fixed lots of bugs across the board as well.
See for more details.
- Always include high prio payload in get data response
- Seednode improvements for monitoring
- Distribute seednode restart times evenly
- Reduce log level of two messages which frequently fill user's log.
- Warn user when free disk space is too low.
- Do not start new retry with new provider timer if one is still running.
- Maker check DAO health when handling OfferAvailabilityRequest.
- Speed up loading and scrolling of trade history
- Limit offer min/max amount deviation to 50%.
Bug fixes
- Reset pending trade protocol of same offer
- Fix problem causing multiple offers with same ID.
- Increase capacity for thread pool queue at ExportJsonFilesService
- Validate BSQ fee payment using DAO tx info.
- Fix trade fee validation with new BM
- Fix row count number filtering in trade lists
- Remove clearnet address for BTC node "devinbtcyk"
- Fix: RA - Payout is done before Tx validation.
- Fix: Available funds cannot be used for trading until prior trade moved to closed.
- Differenciate offer removal pop-ups for BSQ swaps and regular trades.
- Connection: Close protoOutputStream before closing socket
- Fix withdrawal fee calculation & the min relay fee problem.
- National bank transfer (BSB code not copying)
- Several threading improvements and fixes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Fix: Wallet Date input field marches across the screen
- Fix: Offers with invalid maker fees are shown live on the Bisq offer book resulting in failed trades and lost fees for the taker
- Add missing segwit BSQ keychain path to wallet info
- Whonix only: Bind/listen on instead of
Development & Documentation
New Assets
No new assets added.
For a detailed description on how to verify your Bisq installer please have a look at our wiki:
Url of the signing key (Alejandro García):
Full fingerprint: B493 3191 06CC 3D1F 252E 19CB F806 F422 E222 AA02
Import the key:
curl | gpg --import
GPG prints a confusion warning: "This key is not certified with a trusted signature!" - See for background information what it means.
How to verify signatures?
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-1.9.10.dmg)
Verify jar file inside binary:
You can verify on OSX the jar file with:
shasum -a256 [PATH TO BISQ APP]/
The output need to match the value from the Bisq-1.9.10.jar.txt file.
There are three hashes within the Bisq-1.9.10.jar.txt file (macOS, Windows, Linux).
If you want to reproduce and verify the hash of the jar file locally, you need to do so on Windows or Linux using Java 15.0.9 and the v1.9.10 release tag. Because of the signing and notarization process that requires the developer certificate used for the build on macOS it is not possible to create the same jar on macOS.
Starting with v1.9.0 you can use pre-built versions of the Bisq cli ( and Bisq daemon ( to use Bisq without touching the user interface.
Just download the archives and extract them locally. You have to run the daemon to access the local Bisq daemon API endpoints.
To run daemon.jar on Mainnet:
$ java -jar daemon.jar --apiPassword=becareful
If you just want to control your headless daemon within your terminal you have to run the Bisq cli as well.
Again just download the bisq-cli archive and extract it locally.
To call getversion from cli.jar
$ java -jar cli.jar --password=becareful getversion
You can use the Bisq API to access local Bisq daemon API endpoints, which provide a subset of the Bisq Desktop application's feature set: check balances, transfer BTC and BSQ, create payment accounts, view offers, create and take offers, and execute trades.
The Bisq API is based on the gRPC framework, and any supported gRPC language binding can be used to call Bisq API endpoints.
You'll find in-depth documentation and examples under following link:
Bisq gRPC API reference documentation example source code is hosted on GitHub at Java and Python developers interested in bot development may find this Intellij project useful for running the existing examples, and writing their own bots.
For additional developer support please join Development - Bisq v1 on Matrix.
Known issues with installation
We removed notarization from our build pipeline because of of the risk of Apple certification revocation (see #6341). Unfortunately this will require extra steps when installing Bisq on macOS.
Please follow the guide at in the section If you want to open an app that hasn’t been notarized or is from an unidentified developer
If you are running already macOS Ventura (13.0+) you need to do following to be able to start Bisq:
enter following command in Apple Terminal sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
hit enter and you will be prompted to enter your password to be able to execute the command as super user
After running this successfully you should be able to start Bisq as always.
We removed the developer code signing because of the same reason as with Apple.
For Windows you just have to ignore the warning after you have verified the installation file yourself and proceed with the installation.
There is a known issue with Anti Virus software. We got several reports from users running into different problems. Either the AV software blocks Bisq or Tor, delete files in the data directory [2] or app directory [1]) or cause such a long delay at startup that Tor gets terminated and a file remains locked which can cause that Bisq cannot be started afterwards. To resolve that you need to restart Windows then the lock get released. We are working on solutions to fix those issues.
If you use Crypto currencies on your Windows system be aware that Windows is much more vulnerable to malware than Linux or OSX. Consider to use a dedicated non-Windows system when dealing with cryptocurrencies.
[1] Application directory (contains application installation files):
[2] Data directory (contains all Bisq data including wallet):
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Bisq\btc_mainnet\tor (you can delete everything except the hiddenservice directory)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/bisq/bin/Bisq
If your Linux distro does not support .deb files please follow this instruction:
cd ~/Downloads
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ar x ../Bisq-64bit-1.9.10.deb
sudo tar Jxvf data.tar.xz
sudo cp -rp opt/Bisq /opt/
That instruction is not tested on many different distros. If you encounter problems please report it in a Github issue so we can improve it.
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
- @alejandrogarcia83
- @alvasw
- @devinbileck
- @gabernard
- @ghubstan
- @HenrikJannsen
- @jmacxx
- @ripcurlx
- @sqrrm
- @stejbac
- @yonson2023
A special thanks to our first time contributor:
- @yonson2023
As well as to everyone that helped with translations on Transifex.