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Running Locally

biosopher edited this page Nov 4, 2015 · 17 revisions

Running locally

  1. Configure the code to connect to your service: i. Copy the credentials from your natural-language-classifier-service service in Bluemix. Run the following command:
$ cf env <application-name>

Example output:

    "natural_language_classifier": [
        "credentials": {
          "password": "<password>",
          "url": "<url>",
          "username": "<username>"
        "label": "natural-language-classifier",
        "name": "natural-language-classifier-service",
        "plan": "free",
        "tags": [

ii. Copy username, password, and url from the credentials.

  1. Enter these credentials into app.js.
    The section below shows where you need to do this. Replace <username> and <password> for both NLC & Dialog services with appropriate username and password from each service that you obtained in the prior step.
var dialogCredentials =  extend({
    url: "",
    username: "<username>",
    password: "<password>"
}, bluemix.getServiceCreds('dialog')); // VCAP_SERVICES

// if bluemix credentials exists, then override local
var nlcCredentials =  extend({
    "url": "",
    username: "<username>",
    password: "<password>"
}, bluemix.getServiceCreds('nlc')); // VCAP_SERVICES
  1. Download and install Node.js and npm.

  2. Install all packages required by Node.JS

i. Change to the new directory that contains the project.

ii. Run the following command:node

$ npm install
  1. Run the following command to start the application:
node app.js
  1. Point your browser to http://localhost:3000.

Invalid Credentials?

If you see this error, you likely did not enter your service credentials properly.