- FEATURE - Added support for latest MelonLoader and BepInEx bleeding edge builds (only for IL2CPP, use stable release for Mono), also dropped support for earlier versions!
- FEATURE - IL2CPP support through BepInEx 6 and MelonLoader
- MISC - Prioritize HarmonyX hooks over MonoMod hooks
- MISC - Changed BepInEx setting names
- MISC - Renamed BepInEx plugin package from BepIn-5x to BepInEx. If updating remember to remove the old BepIn-5x DLL
- BUG FIX - Fixed bug that caused some rarely used methods to be short-circuited incorrectly
- MISC - Improved logging statements for redirection subscriptions allowing for less spam
- FEATURE - Support callbacks for asset bundles loaded from streams
- BUG FIX - Fixed bug that caused the GetBuiltinResource to not be found on later versions of the Unity Engine. Thanks to aqie13 on GitHub
- MISC - Internal API changes - some code moved to XUnity.Common
- BUG FIX - Development-time fix to the nuget package
- BUG FIX - Fixed bug in method 'LoadFromFileWithRandomizedCabIfRequired' where offset was ignored if the initial load attempt failed
- FEATURE - Added method to load an asset from a file, with fallback to loading it from an in-memory stream with randomized CAB
- FEATURE - Added support for postfix hooks on AssetBundle loads
- FEATURE - Added hook for 'LoadFromMemory' and 'LoadFromMemoryAsync' when loading asset bundles
- MISC - Support for UnityEngine version 2018.2 and lower
- Initial release