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MiniResizer, a simple video crop and resize tool

MiniResizer is a simple graphical utility that helps you to calculate crop and resize parameters when doing video editing.

Its goal is to show you a preview of how a picture will look after being resized so that you can visually check if your choices actually remove all the black borders or if the aspect ratio is correct. It also gives you an idea of the distorion introduced when resizing, mainly caused by the need to keep the video width and/or height multiples of a certain value imposed by the compressor.

It posseses no editing or encoding capabilities: it cannot be used to transcode movies from one format to another. There are already great tools for that, such as FFmpeg or Avidemux. Instead, this tool focuses on a single task, and is meant to be used together with a video editor/encoder.

Supported OSes

MiniResizer is written in C++11 and uses cross-platform libraries to do its job, so it can be easily ported to different systems.

Currently, it has been tested under some Linux distributions, namely Ubuntu and Arch Linux.

It is possible to compile it for Microsoft Windows, but since it is not my system of choice, I only test cross-builds produced under Linux with a GCC cross-toolchain targeting Windows, and the app is tested under Wine.

It has not been tested under any BSD system or OS X.


This program is distributed under the MIT license.

User guide

The following section gives some brief info about MiniResizer. I have used freely available footage to make screenshots. Free Stock footage by Videezy!.

Full credits for libraries, icons and other material requiring attribution can be found in CREDITS.txt

Terms and acronyms

Before explaining the user interface, some terms need to be defined.

  • The SAR (Sample Aspect Ratio) is simply the ratio between the width and the height of a frame as produced by the decoder. For example, if an image has a size of 720x576 pixel, its SAR is 720 / 576 or 1.25.

  • The DAR (Display Aspect Ratio) is the aspect ratio that should be used when rendering the image on screen. For most modern videos, the DAR will be equal to the SAR, meaning that the image is displayed with the same width/height ratio as the decoded frame. Some material (i.e. DVD's) do not follow this rule and use a different DAR, which means that the image must be implicitly resized before rendering. This was common in pre-FHD material and DVB MPEG2 material. Typical DAR's are 4:3 or 16:9. Back with our example, if we have an image with a SAR of 1.25 but a DAR of 16:9, which is around 1.78, the renderer must correct the ratio before displaying it, for example by making it larger.

  • The PAR (Pixel Apsect Ratio) is the ratio between the DAR and the SAR. It tells us how much we must correct each pixel (by making it larger or taller) for the image to actually make the SAR equal to the DAR. When the DAR and the SAR are equal, the PAR is 1, which means the image has a "square pixel": we expect each pixel to occupy the same space on the display in both directions, so the displayed image has the same aspect ratio as the decoded picture. For our example, the PAR is 1.78 / 1.25 or 1.42. This effectively means that the rendered image is larger than what the decoder produced).


When you launch MiniResizer, there is no main window to be shown, instead, a dialog box prompts you to select a multimedia file to open. All container and compression formats supported by FFmpeg are supported, the only requirements is for the file to contain a video stream.

Open Dialog

If no file is selected, the application simply closes. Otherwise, the main UI comes up, which is composed of two windows: the resize window and the preview window.

The resize window contains all controls and information that guide how the crop and resize are done.

Resize Window

The results of the transformation are shown in the preview window: it shows the results of crop and resize in real time, as the preview window is used to tweak values. The slider on the bottom side can be used to seek through the file and change the frame used in the preview.

Preview Window

The resize window

All decisions about how to crop and resize are made using the resize window. Controls are grouped into sections by purpouse.

Input info

Describes the width and height of the video stream as read from the file, as well as the DAR and the SAR.

The fields in this section are dynamic: they will update when the preview dialog slider is moved. At the moment, only changes in the DAR are handled: these are uncommon, but may happen in DVB streams if an older 4:3 movie is inserted between more common 16:9 material.

Crop control

This section controls cropping: it is possible to specify how many pixels to remove from each side independently.

It is possible to specify the increment or decrement to apply each time a spinner control is used via the Crop Align widget. The default is 2 pixels. If a value is typed instead of using the spinner buttons, it will be replaced with the nearest smaller integer that is a multiple of the increment. With an 8-pixel step, a 10 would become an 8.

Cropping is applied before resizing, so the specified amounts of pixels are subtracted from the original image size as reported by the Input info section. The After crop boxes report the size of the image after cropping. This is what enters the resize stage.

Resize Control

This group contains controls which pertain to resizing. It works on the cropped image by doing the following:

  1. first, the PAR for the original (pre-crop) image is computed;
  2. then, the image aspect ratio is corrected by applying the PAR to the output of the crop stage. Since the PAR is independent of cropping (we divided for the SAR, so the PAR is independent of actual width or height of the image it is applied to), this produces a resized and cropped image with the correct aspect ratio;
  3. last, the image is scaled to ensure that its width matches the Target width. The height follows, since it can be computed from the PAR and the width.

It's possible to customize this process with some controls. First of all, the DAR used to compute the PAR can be changed using the DAR combo box. By default, the DAR from the input file is used, but this can be overridden with a common value from the list, or it can be set manually by choosing Custom and then filling the control on the right.

From this DAR, and the SAR computed on the original image, the PAR is computed and shown in the PAR box. Target width selects the desired final width of the resized image. The final width and height are reported in the Resize to fields.

The final width and height can both be forced to be a multiple of some value. These are set using the W Snap and H Snap widgets. A typical use is to ensure that the final sizes are acceptable by compressors that have specific requirements (for example, being a multiple of the macroblock size).

Relative error and Pixel delta report the difference between the final picture height before and after the snapping according to H Snap. For example, if we want the height to be a multiple of 16 pixels, but the exact resizing requires a height that is not an exact multiple of 16, for example 1020, this introduces an error of 4 pixels because the nearest multiple is 1024. 4 is the value reported in Pixel Delta, while Relative error is calculated as the pixel delta divided by the exact resized height. In our case, this would be 4 / 1020.

Visual aids

It can be difficult to work with a very large picture on a small display, as well as resizing a small picture if one cannot see the details on the edges. This section controls image zooming and borders.

If a border color is selected, a black or white thick solid border is placed all around the image in the preview window. The idea is to provide an area with a strong contrast with respect to the image, to make it easier to spot black borders to be cropped and also to place some space between the picture and the preview window's chrome.

Preview with border

In the image above, the white border makes its easy to spot a thin black border on the left side.

The zoom slider applies a zoom/shrink factor to the image. By default the image is shrinked by the specified amount, but if the Enlarge check is selected, the image will be zoomed instead. This resizing is applied only for comfort reasons and is not included in any calculations on the final image size. Useful when working with FHD videos on a sub-FHD screen, as the original image will not fit the display.

Filtergraph expansion

The filtergraph section is used to automatically replace values computed by the resize calculations, such as the final width and heigth or the crop values, into a template. Such customized template will later be passed to a video tool in order to perform the actual resize. An example are FFmpeg filtergraphs, which actually gave the name to this feature.

This is an optional feature, whose availability can be controlled at build time. It can be disabled, so that this section is effectively hidden.

When enabled, two different implementations are available:

  • the wordexp implementation is based on the standard wordexp(3) call. The template is processed as if it were a piece of shell code, so that it is possible to use all common substitution sequences: variable expansion, subprocess invocation and arithmetic evaluation using $((...)). The template is treated as if it were wrapped inside double quotes, so that blanks are preserved: this means that double quotes must be \-escaped. This implementation depends on the underlying system providing wordexp(3) and is usually not available under Windows;
  • the builtin implementation work much like workexp, but does all expansion within the program. It only supports variable expansion in the forms $VARNAME or ${VARNAME}.

The Source box contains the template, which is expanded and then placed into the Filter box. If the expansion fails because the template is malformed (for example, it contains unbalanced quotes) the Filter box turns red.

Malformed template

The complete program environment is available for expansion. On top of that, there are additional variables that specify crop and resize parameters:

  • MRCL: the left crop value
  • MRCR: the right crop value
  • MRCT: the top crop value
  • MRCB: the bottom crop value
  • MRCW: the after-crop width
  • MRCH: the after-crop height
  • MRTW: the final width of the resized image
  • MRTH: the final height of the resized image

The Make default button will save the current filtergraph source so that it will be automatically loaded when the program starts. All program settings go into FLTK preferences, which, on *NIX systems, are typically stored under $HOME/.fltk/.

The preview window

This window shows the final result of the resizing. It is updated in real time as the resize window is used to change parameters.

The slider on the bottom side can be used to seek through the input file to select a frame to preview. The seeking is not frame accurate and you cannot preview every single picture of a movie: instead, the program simply selects up to 1000 evenly spaced frames from the input file.

The resize is done using FFmpeg's fast bilinear algorithm.


This project is built using CMake and requires at least CMake 3.3. In addition to the usual CMake configuration variables, like CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, there are some project-specific tweaks:

  • OPTION_ENABLE_FILTERGRAPH controls if filtergraph expansion should be enabled and, if so, which implementation is used. It can take the following values:

    • wordexp selects the wordexp implementation. This is the default if this variable is not specified. If the wordexp(3) call is not available on the system, it automatically falls back on builtin;
    • builtin selects the builtin implementation;
    • none disables filtegraph expansion. Controls related to this feature will be hidden from the UI.

The default build type is Release.

For example, this invocation prepares the build system to compile for release using builtin filtegraph expansion and sets the install prefix:


You will need a C++11 compiler, as well as the following dependencies:

  • FLTK 1.3.x
  • FFmpeg >= 2.8

If the build system cannot find headers and libraries under the common paths on your system, use the CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH and CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH environment variables to specify additional directories to search. For FFmpeg, the environment variables FFMPEG_LIBRARY_PATH and FFMPEG_INCLUDE_PATH can also be used to specify directories that will only be searched for FFmpeg.