With the advent of deep learning and neural approaches to both natural language processing and information retrieval, there is frequently the need to perform approximate nearest-neighbor search on arbitrary dense vectors. However, Lucene is built around inverted indexes of a document collection's (sparse) term–document matrix, which is incompatible with the lower-dimensional dense vectors that are common in deep learning applications.
To address this gap, we propose techniques that repurpose Lucene's indexing and search pipeline for this task. That is, we show how to perform approximate nearest-neighbor search on arbitrary dense vectors directly in Lucene. Admittedly, our solutions lack elegance (i.e., they're a bit janky), but they get the job done. We demonstrate finding similar word embedding vectors (specifically, GloVe) as a sample application.
Anserini provides implementations of two different techniques: "fake words" or "lexical LSH" encodings. For additional details, please consult:
- Tommaso Teofili and Jimmy Lin. Lucene for Approximate Nearest-Neighbors Search on Arbitrary Dense Vectors arXiv:1910.10208, October 2019.
Our paper actually describes a third technique using Lucene's built-in k-d trees, but the results are so terrible that the implementation is not worth including. Also, check our Colab demo.
- Split an input vector v into separate tokens fi, one for each feature.
- Quantize the value ri of each feature token fi by a (configurable) integer factor q, (int) ti = ri × q.
- Create ti fake word tokens with the same text value fi.
- Split an input vector v into separate tokens fi, one for each feature.
- Truncate the value ri of each feature token fi up to the first decimal place.
- Add a feature index prefix to each value ri (e.g., token 0.1 of feature at column 2 becomes
). - Optionally aggregate feature tokens to form n-grams.
- Pass the feature or n-gram tokens to Lucene's LSH filter (
$ target/appassembler/bin/IndexVectors -input glove.6B.300d.txt -path glove300-fw -encoding fw -fw.q 60
Loading model glove.6B.300d.txt
Creating index at glove300-fw...
100000 words added
200000 words added
300000 words added
400000 words added
400000 words indexed
Index size: 204MB
Total time: 00:02:11
$ target/appassembler/bin/ApproximateNearestNeighborSearch -input glove.6B.300d.txt \
-path glove300-fw -encoding fw -fw.q 60 -word italy
Loading model glove.6B.300d.txt
Reading index at glove300-fw
10 nearest neighbors of 'italy':
1. italy (75.577)
2. italian (53.660)
3. romania (51.432)
4. portugal (51.312)
5. rome (51.158)
6. greece (50.518)
7. spain (49.978)
8. bulgaria (48.710)
9. europe (47.823)
10. belgium (47.761)
Search time: 417ms
Evaluate recall at retrieval depth=100:
$ target/appassembler/bin/ApproximateNearestNeighborEval -input glove.6B.300d.txt -path glove300-fw/ \
-encoding fw -fw.q 60 -topics tools/topics-and-qrels/topics.robust04.txt -samples 100 -depth 100
Loading model glove.6B.300d.txt
Reading index at glove300-fw
Evaluating at retrieval depth: 100
R@100: 0.9660
avg query time: 344.67 ms
$ target/appassembler/bin/IndexVectors -input glove.6B.300d.txt -path glove300-ll -encoding lexlsh
Loading model glove.6B.300d.txt
Creating index at glove300-ll...
100000 words added
200000 words added
300000 words added
400000 words added
400000 words indexed
Index size: 166MB
Total time: 00:03:16
$ target/appassembler/bin/ApproximateNearestNeighborSearch -input glove.6B.300d.txt \
-path glove300-ll -encoding lexlsh -word italy
Loading model glove.6B.300d.txt
Reading index at glove300-ll
10 nearest neighbors of 'italy':
1. italy (544.117)
2. italian (203.952)
3. rome (158.511)
4. sicily (143.956)
5. venice (142.096)
6. padua (141.168)
7. switzerland (136.167)
8. portugal (133.959)
9. bologna (133.929)
10. milan (133.882)
Search time: 525ms
Evaluate recall at retrieval depth=100:
$ target/appassembler/bin/ApproximateNearestNeighborEval -input glove.6B.300d.txt -path glove300-ll/ \
-encoding lexlsh -topics tools/topics-and-qrels/topics.robust04.txt -samples 100 -depth 100
Loading model glove.6B.300d.txt
Reading index at glove300-ll
Evaluating at retrieval depth: 100
R@100: 0.8750
avg query time: 418.83 ms
Reproduction Log*
- Results reproduced by @rootofallevii on 2021-09-09 (commit 387405a)