clj -J-Dclojure.server.repl="{:port 5555 :accept clojure.core.server/repl}"
Then connect with inf-clojure-connect
lein with-profile +test-web,+cljs-repl repl
M-x cider-connect
(require 'cljs.repl.node)
(cider.piggieback/cljs-repl (cljs.repl.node/repl-env))
lein with-profile test-web cljsbuild auto test
ls ./resources/public/test-web/test.js | entr -s 'sleep 1; bin/tests'
lein with-profile +test-common test
lein with-profile +test-common test-refresh :changes-only
or (if you want to save a second or two)
clj -Atest:test-deps
bin/kaocha --watch --plugin profiling
bin/kaocha --plugin cloverage --cov-exclude-call expound.alpha/def
You must have lein-ancient
installed in your ~/.lein/profiles.clj
e.g. lein ancient :all
(or in my setup, lein with-profile +tools ancient :all
shows namespace aliases that are different across the codebase.
lints the code with joker
lein hiera
generates a graph of namespace dependencies
- Update version in
- Update
(including section for release and links at bottom) - Update version in
- Update version in
- Update version in
npm install
- Commit
git tag -a v0.9.0 -m "version 0.9.0"
git push --tags
Double check version is changed in project.clj
and lein deploy clojars
(use deploy token instead of password)
Double check version is changed in package.json
and npm publish --access=public