Helm 2 relies on a server-side component called Tiller to manage releases on Kubernetes clusters. Tiller had elevated privileges, which posed security risks. Helm 3 removes the need for Tiller entirely, shifting to a client-only architecture. This simplifies installation, reduces security concerns, and makes Helm easier to use in air-gapped or restrictive environments.
When upgrading, helm2 compares diff b/w proposed chart and previous chart manifest. If there are any changes it is applied on k8s cluster
Any changes applied on cluster using say kubectl scale, kubectl edit etc those changes were not considered. This caused manifest not able to rollback as when using these commands no changes are made to charts
Example -
helm install very_important_app ./very_important_app
kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/very_important_app -----> Performed by Employee A
helm rollback very_important_app -----> Performed by Employee B thinking something went wrong with new deployment
Now rollback should take it back to the previous state? But there is no change in charts as the change has been brought using kubectl command.
In helm3 it considers previous state of helm charts, present state of helm charts and kubernetes present state.
- name: server image: nginx:2.0.0
Someone updates the deployment manually:
- name: server image: nginx:2.0.0
- name: my-inject-sidecar image: my-cool-mesh:1.0.0
A devops engineer updates the version for nginx:2.1.0
- name: server image: nginx:2.1.0
what is the output in the end?
- name: server image: nginx:2.1.0
- name: my-inject-sidecar image: my-cool-mesh:1.0.0
Whenever you do helm install, helm upgrade, helm lint, helm template the values are tested against json template
Next is now you can use charts.yaml only for the things you place in requirements.yaml
- helm delete -> helm uninstall
- helm inspect -> helm show
- helm fetch -> helm pull
If namespace is not there in helm 3 it will through an error